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<div class="section"><h2>DNS Service Configuration<a name="DNS_Service_Configuration"></a></h2>
<div class="section"><h3>dnsservice.xml<a name="dnsservice.xml"></a></h3>
<p>Consult <a class="externalLink" href="">dnsservice-template.xml</a> in SVN to get some examples and hints.</p>
<p>Specifies DNS Server information for use by various components inside Apache James Server.</p>
<p>DNS Transport services are controlled by a configuration block in
the dnsservice.xml. This block affects SMTP remote delivery.</p>
<p>The dnsservice tag defines the boundaries of the configuration
block. It encloses all the relevant configuration for the DNS server.
The behavior of the DNS service is controlled by the attributes and
children of this tag.</p>
<dd>Information includes a list of DNS Servers to be used by James. These are
specified by the server elements, each of which is a child element of the
servers element. Each server element is the IP address of a single DNS server.
The servers element can have multiple server children. Enter ip address of your DNS server, one IP address per server
element. If no DNS servers are found and you have not specified any below, will be used </dd>
<dd>true or false - If you use autodiscover and add DNS servers manually a combination of all the DNS servers will be used
If autodiscover is true, James will attempt to autodiscover the DNS servers configured on your underlying system.
Currently, this works if the OS has a unix-like /etc/resolv.xml,
or the system is Windows based with ipconfig or winipcfg. Change autodiscover to false if you would like to turn off autodiscovery
and set the DNS servers manually in the servers section </dd>
<dd><b>true/false</b> - This tag specifies whether or not
to require authoritative (non-cached) DNS records; to only accept DNS responses that are
authoritative for the domain. It is primarily useful in an intranet/extranet environment.
This should always be <b>false</b> unless you understand the implications.</dd>
<dd>Maximum number of entries to maintain in the DNS cache (typically 50000)</dd>
<dd>true or false (default) - Sepcifies if Apache James Server must try a single server for each multihomed mx host</dd>
<!-- Commented because no more applicable? (we are running now on JDK 1.5)
<section name="Sun JVM DNS Lookup Configuration.">
<p>Sun's JVM Internet address lookup uses a cache which is unbounded and doesn't time out.<br/>
This is obviously not great for a long running process like a mail server so we have introduced a system property <strong>networkaddress.cache.ttl</strong>
that is used by the distributed phoenix start-up scripts, at startup, to override the java 1.4 <strong>Security.setProperty("networkaddress.cache.ttl")</strong>.<br/>
By default this is set to <strong>300</strong> seconds.</p>
<p>This workaround will only be present if you use James as distributed. If you use James in any other container, including different versions of Spring,
you will need to ensure that you make a similar configuration change to allow the internet address cache to perform acceptably.</p>
<p>Apache James Server 3.0 has this workaround and it requires it to operate acceptably. Future versions of James will continue to have the workaround in place
but will *not* require it. This will provide continued support for any mailets which you may deploy from other sources which might continue to use Sun's InetAddress class for DNS resolution.</p>
<p>We are not currently aware of the behaviour of this cache in other JVM implementations, nor of the effect, if any, which this change might have on them</p>
<p>For more on this read defect report <a href="">JAMES-592</a> and related defects.</p>
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