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<div class="section"><h2>What Is Apache James Protocols IMAP4?<a name="What_Is_Apache_James_Protocols_IMAP4"></a></h2>
<p>A library providing a flexible codec for IMAP4, command processors
and a sample data access layer.</p>
<p>In combination with a socket layer, and a mailbox persistence,
this library can be used to create an IMAP server.</p>
<p><a class="externalLink" href="">RFC 2060 IMAP4rev1</a>
is functionally complete, tested and usable. The data access layer is still
under optimization on performance perspectives. API is susceptible to change.</p>
<p>You can <a class="externalLink" href="">download</a> current 0.3 release.
The <a href="apidocs/">API</a> are susceptible to evolve.</p>
<p>There are many extensions defined for IMAP (see a list <a class="externalLink" href="">here</a>)</p>
<p>Apache James IMAP implements the following:</p>
<li>IMAP4rev1 (RFC 3501</li>
<li>NAMESPACE (in release 0.2) (RFC 2342</li>
<li>IDLE (in release 0.2) (RFC 2177</li>
<li>LITERAL+ (in release 0.2)</li>
<li>CHILDREN (in release 0.2)</li>
<li>WITHIN (in release 0.2)</li>
<li>UIDPLUS (in release 0.2)</li>
<li>UNSELECT (in release 0.2)</li>
<li>I18NLEVEL=1 (in release 0.2.1)</li>
<li>ESEARCH (in release 0.2.1)</li>
<li>SEARCHRES (in release 0.2.1)</li>
<li>AUTH=PLAIN (in release 0.2.1)</li>
<li>SASL-IR (in release 0.2.1)</li>
<li>ENABLE (in release 0.2.1)</li>
<li>CONDSTORE (RFC 4551 in release 0.3)</li>
<li>RESYNCH (RFC 5162 in trunk)</li>
<p>We follow RFC2683 recommandations for our implementations:</p>
<li>IMAP4 Implementation Recommandations (RFC 2683</li>
<p>Interesting features:</p>
<li>Users FLAGS</li>
<p>Other RFCs of interest we are looking at:</p>
<li>IMAP4 SORT and THREAD Extensions (RFC 5256</li>
<p>We have <a class="externalLink" href="">integration tests</a> for IMAP.</p>
<p>Our implementation is also tested against external tools such as <a class="externalLink" href=""></a>.</p>
<div class="section"><h2>Apache James IMAP in Server and as component<a name="Apache_James_IMAP_in_Server_and_as_component"></a></h2>
<p><a class="externalLink" href="">Apache James Server 3</a> supports IMAP
(using this library).</p>
<p>The <a href="source-code.html">source code</a> page contains information on how
to develop on James IMAP.</p>
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