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<div class="section"><h2>What is the Apache Mailet API?<a name="What_is_the_Apache_Mailet_API"></a></h2>
The Apache Mailet API is a Java API which allows the rapid development and flexible deployment of email
processing functionality.
The Mailet API is a subproject of<a class="externalLink" href="">Apache James</a>.
All who are interested in developing the Mailet API and James will be warmly
welcomed on the<a href="/mail-lists.html">mailing lists</a>.
<div class="section"><h2>Quick Start<a name="Quick_Start"></a></h2>
<div class="section"><h3>What Is A Mailet?<a name="What_Is_A_Mailet"></a></h3>
A mailet is a mail processing component. Though there are some differences, a servlet as a HTTP
processing component is a useful analogy.
Mailets implement<a href="/apidocs/org/apache/mailet/Mailet.html">Mailet</a>.
Mailets execute within a mailet container.
<a class="externalLink" href="">James server</a>
is a well known mailet container. Assembly and configuration of mailets and mail processors is the
responsibility of the particular container.
</div><div class="section"><h3>Mailet Basic Lifecycle<a name="Mailet_Basic_Lifecycle"></a></h3>
Mailets have a simple lifecycle managed by the mailet container:
<ol style="list-style-type: decimal">
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/mailet/MailetConfig.html">MailetConfig</a>
passes environmental information. Any setup necessary should be performed now.
<li>During processing,
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/mailet/Mail.html">Mail</a>
is called repeatedly. Note that this method may be called concurrently.
is called when the mailet is taken out of service.
<div class="section"><h3>Configuration<a name="Configuration"></a></h3>
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/mailet/MailetConfig.html">MailetConfig</a>
gives access to simple parametrization.
allows configuration parameters to be passed from the mailet container.
How these parameters are set by the user of the mailet is the responsibility of the container.
More sophisticated configuration and assembly (for example, allowing access to services) is also
the responsibility of the container.
<div class="section"><h3>Communication With The Container<a name="Communication_With_The_Container"></a></h3>
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/mailet/MailetConfig.html">MailetConfig</a>
allows communication with the container
by calling getMailetContext(). See
<a href="apidocs/org/apache/mailet/MailetContext.html">MailetContext</a>
for more details.
<div class="section"><h3>Basic Toolkit<a name="Basic_Toolkit"></a></h3>
<a class="externalLink" href="">Basic Mailet Toolkit</a>
collects lightweight frameworks and utilities likely to be useful for general mailet developers.
<div class="section"><h3>Examples<a name="Examples"></a></h3>
See<a class="externalLink" href="">Standard mailets</a>.
<div class="section"><h3>Building the Mailet API<a name="Building_the_Mailet_API"></a></h3>
The build uses<a class="externalLink" href="">Ant</a>.
<tt>ant -projecthelp</tt>
describes appropriate targets.
runs the default target.
<div class="section"><h2>Comments, Questions and Issues<a name="Comments_Questions_and_Issues"></a></h2>
<p>Please direct your feedback to the<a href="mail-lists.html">mailet-api mailing list</a>.
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