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<h2>Mailbox JPA Responsibility<a name="Mailbox_JPA_Responsibility"></a></h2>
<p> This mailbox implementation stores messages in a Java Persistence API store
(think data bases, but not limited to that).
Default JPA provider is
<a class="externalLink" href="">Apache OpenJPA</a>,
but you can roll your own by extending JPAMailboxManager and JPAMessageManager in the same way
as OpenJPAMailboxManager and OpenJPAMessageManager do.
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<h2>Overview<a name="Overview"></a></h2>
<p>The JPA implementation uses Java Persistenca API Annotations to map Java objects to data base tables.
The current implementation also supports features such as storing messages in an encrypted database and provide
on the fly encryption/decryption.
<!-- <section name="Installation">
<section name="Mailbox JPA Classes">
<subsection name="Managers">
Image is no more in line with trunk
<p><img src="images/uml/org-apache-james-mailbox-jpa-managers.png"/></p>
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