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<h2>Configuration<a name="Configuration"></a></h2>
<!-- <p>
To use cryptography mailets, the required
<a href=''>Bouncy Castle</a>
libraries must be installed in
. It is recommended that the correct versions for the JVM are
To use the mailets, the package
<code>org.apache.james.mailet.crypto.mailet</code> must be available.
To use the matchers, <code>org.apache.james.mailet.crypto.matcher</code> must be.
For example:
<p>Example SMIME mailet configurations:</p>
&lt;mailet match="IsSMIMEEncrypted" class="SMIMEDecrypt"&gt;
&lt;mailet match="IsSMIMESigned" class="SMIMECheckSignature"&gt;
&lt;keyStorePassword&gt; myKeyStorePass
&lt;/keyStorePassword&gt; &lt;strip&gt;false&lt;/strip&gt;
Matcher example: messages signed by trusted users never are spam
Messages with valid signatures will never be considered spam. This
can be a valid policy *if* SMIMECheckSignature was invoked with
<p>Signing example: Add a server-side signature to all mail.</p>
&lt;mailet match="All" class="SMIMESign" onMailetException="ignore"&gt;
&lt;signerName&gt;XXX Trusted Server&lt;/signerName&gt;
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