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<h1 class="hidden">James Enterprise Mail Server</h1>
<h2>Emails at the heart of your business logic</h2>
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<li><a href="#roadmap">Roadmap</a></li>
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<!-- Introduction -->
<section id="intro" class="main special">
<div class="">
<div class="content">
<header class="major">
<p class="align-left">James stands for <b>Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server!</b><br/>
It has a modular architecture based on a rich set of <b>modern</b> and <b>efficient</b> components which provides at the end <b>complete, stable, secure and extendable Mail Servers running on the JVM</b>.
<p class="align-left">Create your <b>own personal solution</b> of emails treatment by assembling the components you need thanks to the Inversion of Control mail platform offered and go further customizing filtering and routing rules using <b>James Mailet Container</b>.</p>
<div class="about-table">
<h3 class="tb-h3">James from a technical point of view</h3>
<b>Complete portability</b> (100% pure JVM: Java &amp; Scala)<br/>
<b>Built with Java 11</b> and running on the <b>Java RE 11</b>.<br/><br/>
<b>James Components:</b><br/>
- <b>Emailing protocols:</b> SMTP, LMTP, POP3, IMAP, ManageSieve, JMAP<br/>
- <b>Mailet container:</b> independent, extensible and pluggable email processing agents<br/>
- <b>Storage API:</b> Mailbox API / Search API / User API<br/>
- <b>Storage Implementations:</b> Cassandra / PostgreSQL / HSQLDB / MySQL / OpenSearch...<br/>
- <b>Administration:</b> JMX / REST / Command Line<br/>
- <b>James Core</b>
<p class="align-left"><br/><br/>Your James server <b>can also be used as Mail Transfer Agent</b>, by enabling only <b>SMTP</b> or as a <b>IMAP</b> Mail Delivery Agent.</p>
<a href="images/james-general-architecture.png" data-lightbox="james-schema" data-title="James General architecture" alt="James General architecture" class="james-schema" ><span class="fa fa-sitemap"></span>james general architecture<span class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></span></a>
<a href="images/james-smtp-relay.png" data-lightbox="james-schema" data-title="James SMTP relay" alt="James SMTP relay" class="james-schema"><span class="fa fa-sitemap"></span>using james as smtp relay<span class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></span></a>
<a href="images/james-imap-server.png" data-lightbox="james-schema" data-title="James IMAP server" alt="James IMAP server" class="james-schema"><span class="fa fa-sitemap"></span>using james as an imap server<span class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></span></a><br/><br/>
<a href="howTo/index.html" data-title="How To" alt="How To" class="james-schema">
<span class="fa fa-sitemap"></span>Click here to see how-tos for some James features<span class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></span>
<h2 class="big-h2"><span class="fa fa-wrench"></span> <span>James is a <b>living Open Source project</b> (all developments and implementations are based on open technical standards), any function which is not already available from <b>can be developed!</b></span></h2>
<!-- First Section -->
<section id="first" class="main">
<header class="major">
<h2>Get Started With James</h2>
<h3>Get Started With the official binaries </h3>
<ul class="james-ul no-padding">
<li class="post-template"><span class="long-arrow-right">&#8594;</span><span><b>DOWNLOADS:</b><br>
The Apache James project wires together the different libraries composing James to provide a running services,
ready to download on the Apache mirrors. See
<a href="download.cgi">our download page</a>.<br/><br/>
Follow <a href="server/install.html">our installation guide</a>.
<section id="first_docker" class="main">
<header class="major">
<h3>Get Started With James And Docker</h3>
<ul class="james-ul no-padding">
<li class="post-template"><span class="long-arrow-right">&#8594;</span><span><b>
<span>Here you will try James server v 3.7.3 thanks to an image. This James image has a default configuration
using JPA (hsqldb) and Lucene. It also includes a default domain named james.local and three default users:
user01@james.local, user02@james.local, user03@james.local, with their default password being <i>1234</i>.<br>
<i>Note: this James server will respond to IMAPS port 993 and SMTPS port 465.</i></span></span>
<li class="post-template"><span class="long-arrow-right">&#8594;</span><span><b>STEPS YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW:</b><br>
Pull and run the James image with the following single command:<br><br>
<code class="highlighter-rouge">docker run -p "465:465" -p "993:993" apache/james:demo-3.7.3</code>
Then, connect this image with for instance, Thunderbird. This <a href="howTo/imap-server.html">tutorial</a> covers more in depth user and domain creation,
as well as thunderbird setup.<br></span>
<li class="post-template"><span class="long-arrow-right">&#8594;</span><span><b>ALTERNATIVES:</b><br>
Instructions that do not imply docker are also available <a href="/server/install.html">here</a>.
<li class="post-template"><span class="long-arrow-right">&#8594;</span><span><b>BETA:</b> Distributed James server<br>
Recent work of the Apache James project did lead to a James product that leverages a distributed mail server,
using storage technologies like <a href="">Cassandra</a>,
<a href="">OpenSearch</a>, <a href="">RabbitMQ</a>, and
<a href="">objectStorage (S3/Swift)</a>.<br/><br/>
Feedback on this product, announced as a beta since 3.5.0 is welcome.<br/><br/>
This product can be executed via <a href="">
docker-compose</a> or you can follow its<a href="/server/install/guice-cassandra-rabbitmq-swift.html"> standard
installation guide</a>
<!-- Roadmap -->
<section id="roadmap" class="main">
<header class="major">
<ul class="james-ul">
<li class="post-template"><span><b>MAIN GOALS</b><br>
<li><span class="long-arrow-right">&#8594;</span>Providing a <b>distributed mail server</b>,
fully horizontally scalable.</li>
<li><span class="long-arrow-right">&#8594;</span><span>Maintaining a <b>standalone version</b>
suitable for a single server, based on <b>JPA</b>.</span></li>
<li class="post-template"><span><b>INCOMING WORK</b><br>
<li><span class="long-arrow-right">&#8594;</span><span>Rework our documentation with <a href="">Antora</a>,
specify it on a per-server basis for ease of use. <a href="">Preview</a>...<br/>
We will furthermore target servers to identified use cases, formulated in non technical terms: Basic Server, Advanced Server and Distributed Server.<br/></span></li>
<li><span class="long-arrow-right">&#8594;</span><span>Promote guice based applications.<br/>
Spring server will be deprecated. A summary of community call describing this item can be found
<a href="">here</a>.<br/><br/>
Guice adoption schedule:
<li>Promote Guice artifacts on the download page as part of <code>3.7.0</code></li>
<li>Deprecate Spring artifact as part of <code>3.8.0</code></li>
<li>Remove Spring artifact as part of <code>4.0.0</code></li>
<li><span class="long-arrow-right">&#8594;</span><span>Continue improving <b>JMAP
<a href="">RFC-8621</a></b> support. See this
<a href="">JIRA</a> for some further possible
<li><span class="long-arrow-right">&#8594;</span><span>Feel free to add your own items here:
see <a href="#third">Contribute</a>.</span></li>
<!-- Last Posts -->
<section id="posts" class="main">
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<h2>Last Posts</h2>
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{% for post in site.posts limit:2 %}
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{% endfor %}
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<h2>Community </h2>
<p class="align-left">
Apache James Project is an Open Source all-volunteer project obtaining its strength from its Community made of developers and users. All are welcome to the Community!<br>
That way, we recommend that Users, Developers, Curious and Fans join the James Community.</p>
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<b>Mailing list:</b>
<br/>Subscribe to the appropriate <a href="" class="comm" alt="mailing lists">Mailing Lists</a> according to your interests and your profile.<br/> <a href="" class="comm" alt="mail guideline">Mail guidelines</a> explain you more precisely how it works.
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<b>Gitter chat room:</b>
<br/>Chat in live with the community on <a href="" class="comm" alt="Gitter chat room">Gitter chat room</a>.
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<br/>Express yourself and follow us <a href="" class="comm" alt="twitter account">@ApacheJames</a>.
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<a href="" alt="Downloads"><span class="icon fa-cloud-download "></span></a>
<span class="details">
<b>Download Apache James releases:</b>
<br/>Our <a href="">download page</a> allows you to download artifacts and sources for the James Server and James libraries.
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<a href="" alt="Professional support"><span class="icon fa-briefcase"></span></a>
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<b>Professional support:</b>
<br/>Find a list of companies which can provide you some <a href="" class="comm" alt="Professional support">
support on James</a>.
<section id="third" class="main">
<header class="major">
<h2>Contribute </h2>
<p class="align-left">
James is a project that lives from the contributions of its community.<br/>
<b>Anyone can contribute!</b> That's right, we always want to hear from people with contributions to the code, the documentation, the website, and bug reports.
We more than welcome non-coding contributions.<br>
Here are different ways to contribute:
<ul class="no-padding no-margin">
<li class="post-template center-icon">
<a href=""><span class="icon fa-copyright "></span></a>
<span class="details">
<br/>All contributions to the James project are made under the <a class="comm" alt="License" href="">Apache license 2.0</a>
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<span class="details">
<b>Join the community:</b>
<br/>We more than welcome <b>articles</b> and <b>blog posts</b> about James.<br/>
Contact us by <a href="" class="comm" alt="mailing lists">email</a> or
on <a href="" class="comm" alt="Gitter chat room">Gitter</a> to share your experiences.
<br/>Don't hesitate to promote the Apache James project on your preferred medias.
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<a href=""><span class="icon fa-bug"></span></a>
<span class="details">
<b>Report bugs:</b>
<br/>You can here enter bug encountered, share your point of view about a specific feature or anything else... <br/>
Each subproject has its own bug tracker.
<a href="" class="comm" alt="James Server bugtracker">Go to James Server project bugtracker</a>.<br/>
For other projects click on the appropriate links mentioned in the concerned subproject. Finally, create your issue.
<li class="post-template center-icon">
<a href=""><span class="icon fa-book "></span></a>
<span class="details">
Documentation is an easy way to get on board! <br/>
Check out the <a class="comm" alt="Documentation" href="">~documentation</a> label on JIRA to get some ideas.<br/>
Report on JIRA the typo you spots, the information you miss, and any improvement you can think to.<br/>
The next step is to contribute the documentation changes via <a class="comm" alt="The website on github" href="">Git</a>.
<li class="post-template center-icon">
<a href=""><span class="icon fa-git"></span></a>
<span class="details">
<b>How to contribute code changes:</b>
<br/>Read our sources from the <a href="git://" class="comm" alt="James Git sources">Apache Git</a>.<br/>
You can also come and interact with us on <a href="" class="comm" alt="James on GitHub">GitHub</a> and share your work by creating a pull request.<br/>
Alternatively, you can attach a <a class="comm" alt="Patch" href="">patch</a> to the JIRA issue.<br/>
After a review, and exchanges with you, an Apache James developer will integrate the changes once it matches our policies.
<li class="post-template center-icon">
<a href="" alt="contribute to the code"><span class="icon fa-cogs"></span></a>
<span class="details">
<b>What contributions can you do:</b>
<br/>We reference some easy tasks to start with :
<a class="comm" alt="Newbie tasks" href="">~newbie</a>
<br/> We have a collection of minor fixes awaiting contributions:
<a class="comm" alt="Easy fixes" href="">~easyfix</a>
<br/> Challenge yourself with some cool features we thought to:
<a class="comm" alt="Cool features" href="">~feature</a>
<br/>Additional ideas are more than welcome. Don't hesitate to discuss that with us!
<li class="post-template center-icon">
<a href="" alt="Report security vulnerabilities"><span class="icon fa-shield "></span></a>
<span class="details">
<b>Reporting security vulnerabilities:</b><br/>
<a class="comm" alt="Security" href="">Security</a>: Vulnerabilities should be announced to the Apache Security team.<br/>
PMCs will be notified about them, and will work hard to propose fixes as fast as possible.
<li class="post-template center-icon">
<a href="" alt="Additional information"><span class="icon fa-info-circle "></span></a>
<span class="details">
<span class="details">
<b>Additional information:</b><br/>
The <a class="comm" alt="More details about contributing" href="">contribute</a> page contains more details about the various details exposed above.<br/>
To match the quality expectations of our community, we enforce <a class="comm" alt="Coding Standards" href="">coding standards</a>.
We rely on <a class="comm" alt="checkstyle" href="">checkstyle</a> for style checking.
<section id="use-cases" class="main">
<header class="major">
<h2>James use-cases</h2>
<div class="content">
<a href="#openpaas" data-lity class="james-use-case-link">
<span class="fa fa-server"></span><br/>
<span class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></span></a>
<div id="openpaas" style="background:#fff" class="lity-hide">
<div class="padding about-table james-use-case-content">
<header class="major">
<h2><a href=""><img src="/images/openpaas.png"></a></h2>
<p class="post-template">
At&nbsp;<a href="" class="comm">LINAGORA</a>, we chose JAMES as the Mail Delivery Agent of our&nbsp;
<a href="" class="comm">OpenPaaS</a>&nbsp;product:</p>
<ul class="james-ul">
<li class="james-use-case-li center-icon"><span class="icon fa-arrow-right"></span>For easy administration of email load balancing and high availability</li>
<li class="james-use-case-li center-icon"><span class="icon fa-arrow-right"></span>To allow email interactions with the platform</li>
<li class="james-use-case-li center-icon"><span class="icon fa-arrow-right"></span>To use the&nbsp;<a href="" class="comm">JMAP</a>&nbsp;protocol (the browser interacts directly with the mail server)</li>
<p>Our deployment currently allows serving a hundred users over JMAP, SMTP and IMAP.</p>
<section id="stats" class="main">
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<h2>Some statistics...</h2>
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