blob: b933e098dbe386a6b391d5dfcd337fe537bfc412 [file] [log] [blame]
= Guice-JPA-SMTP installation guide
== Building
=== Requirements
* Java 11 SDK
* Docker
* Maven (optional)
=== Download the artifacts
Download from[the download page] and deflate it.
=== (alternative) Building the artifacts
An usual compilation using maven of this[Git repository content] will produce two artifacts into server/container/guice/jpa-smtp/target directory :
* james-server-jpa-smtp-$\{version}.jar
* james-server-jpa-smtp-$\{version}.lib
To run james, you have to create a directory containing required configuration files names *conf*.
A[sample directory] is provided with some default value you may need to replace.
== Running
=== James Launch
Edit the configuration to match your needs.
You also need to generate a keystore with the following command :
$ keytool -genkey -alias james -keyalg RSA -keystore conf/keystore
Once everything is set up, you just have to run the jar with :
$ java -classpath 'james-server-jpa-smtp-guice.jar:james-server-jpa-smtp-guice.lib/*' \
-javaagent:james-server-jpa-smtp-guice.lib/openjpa-2.4.2.jar \
-Dlogback.configurationFile=conf/logback.xml \ \