blob: 06424d58d2b9a7222672c239aeb75b35cd495749 [file] [log] [blame]
= 8. Distributed Task await
Date: 2019-10-02
== Status
Accepted (lazy consensus)
== Context
By switching the task manager to a distributed implementation, we need to be able to `await` a `Task` running on any node of the cluster.
== Decision
* Broadcast ``Event``s in `RabbitMQ`
== Consequences
* {blank}
| `RabbitMQTaskManager` should broadcast termination ``Event``s (`Completed`
| `Failed`
| `Canceled`)
* `RabbitMQTaskManager.await` should: first, check the ``Task``'s state;
and if it's not terminated, listen to RabbitMQ
* The await should have a timeout limit