blob: 9b85efe568896c88b049a3db6a0f765c2e0c45a7 [file] [log] [blame]
Howto release via maven release plugin:
1 One time setup steps:
1 Create and install a SSH key
1 Install PuTTY
2 Use PuttyGen to create a SSH key and export the key as openssh key
3 Use PuTTY to ssh to
4 Create a ~/.ssh folder
5 Use pscp your SSH public key to ~/authorized_keys
6 Configure putty to use your private key and save the session
7 Check you can login with your key
2 Install cygwin
1 Install CygWin
2 Use ssh to login to . This is needed to get the correct entry in your known_hosts file
3 Copy the known_hosts file to your $(homedir)/.ssh/
Linux / Unix:
1 Create and install a SSH key
1 Install ssh ( this should be installed by default on must linux / unix systems)
2 Use "ssh-keygen -t dsa" to generate a new private/public key
3 Use ssh to login and add the content of "~/.ssh/" (local) to "~/.ssh/authorized_keys" (
4 Check you can login via your private key
2 Some linux version (e.g: kubuntu 7) uses an hashed version of the known_hosts file.
This file is not understood by maven. So the easiest thing is to run an interactive maven command
using the ssh access to
mvn deploy:deploy-file
\ -Durl=scp://$(YOURHOME)/public_html/a-random-repository
\ -Dfile=path_to_a_local_file.jar
\ -DartifactId=your-artifact
\ -Dversion=1.0
\ -Dpackaging=jar
This will try connecting via ssh to and interactively will ask you to accept the new
host key.
Run this a second time and it HAVE TO work without asking anything. If it keep asking to accept
the key for an unknown host you will not be able to make the release.
1 Install Apache Maven 2.0.6+ and make its binary 'mvn' available on your PATH.
2 Create a settings.xml in your .m2 directory with the following content:
<settings xmlns=""
Replace $(USERNAME) with the username you use to login, $(PRIVATE_KEY) with the path to your private openssh key and $(PASSPHRASE) with your passphrase.
Just remove the passphrase config option if your private key is not encrypted with one.
2 Do the release with maven:
This steps will build, sign and upload the releases
1 Login to minotaur ( via ssh.
2 Clean up your staging-repository via: 'rm -r ~/staging-repository/org/apache/james/*'
If this fails, you have probally not the needed directory structure in place. Create it via: 'mkdir -p ~/staging-repository/org/apache/james/'
3 Copy the "old" published builds to staging-repository (this is needed to get the right meta data) via:
'cp -r /www/* ~/staging-repository/org/apache/james/'
1 Move to the root folder of the project:
2 Use ' mvn -Plocal,release release:prepare -Dgpg.keyname=$(YOURKEYNAME) -Dgpg.passphrase=$(YOURPASSPHRASE) -Darguments="-Dgpg.keyname=$(YOURKEYNAME) -Dgpg.passphrase=$(YOURPASSPHRASE)" ' to prepare the release
3 Use ' mvn -Plocal,release release:perform -Dgoals=deploy -Darguments="-Dgoals=deploy" ' to finally perfom all needed steps to finish the release stuff
4 If the step 3 does not work try this more verbose
' mvn -Plocal,release release:perform -Dgoals=deploy -Dgpg.keyname=$(YOURKEYNAME) -Dgpg.passphrase=$(YOURPASSPHRASE) -Darguments="-Dgoals=deploy -Dgpg.keyname=$(YOURKEYNAME) -Dgpg.passphrase=$(YOURPASSPHRASE)" '
Now all should be done the next time with only this two maven commands
3 Publish the release as maven artifact
This steps will make the artifact's aviable in maven repositories. Get sure the VOTE has passed and the release should get official
1 Copy the artifact's the maven repo via: 'cp -r ~/staging-repository/org/apache/james/* /www/'
2 Get some coffee and wait till the artifact's get synced across the mirrors (this can take some time).