blob: b885e079fd8ade2a2b2b7e7c8d017656aa90f8d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one *
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package org.apache.james.jmap.mail
import java.time.ZoneId
import cats.implicits._
import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.NonNegative
import eu.timepit.refined.refineV
import org.apache.james.jmap.api.model.Size
import org.apache.james.jmap.api.model.Size.Size
import org.apache.james.jmap.core.Properties
import org.apache.james.jmap.mail.EmailBodyPart.{FILENAME_PREFIX, MDN_TYPE, MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE, TEXT_HTML, TEXT_PLAIN, of}
import org.apache.james.jmap.mail.PartId.PartIdValue
import org.apache.james.jmap.mime4j. SizeUtils
import org.apache.james.mailbox.model.{Cid, MessageAttachmentMetadata}
import org.apache.james.mime4j.Charsets.ISO_8859_1
import org.apache.james.mime4j.codec.{DecodeMonitor, DecoderUtil}
import org.apache.james.mime4j.dom.field.{ContentDispositionField, ContentLanguageField, ContentTypeField, FieldName}
import org.apache.james.mime4j.dom.{Entity, Message, Multipart, TextBody => Mime4JTextBody}
import{Field, RawField}
import org.apache.james.util.html.HtmlTextExtractor
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.jdk.OptionConverters._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
object PartId {
type PartIdValue = Int Refined NonNegative
def parse(string: String): Try[PartId] = Try(string.toInt)
.flatMap(i => refineV[NonNegative](i) match {
case Left(e) => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException(e))
case scala.Right(id) => Success(PartId(id))
case class PartId(value: PartIdValue) {
def serialize: String = value.toString
def next: PartId = refineV[NonNegative](value + 1) match {
case scala.Right(incrementedValue) => PartId(incrementedValue)
case Left(e) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(e)
object EmailBodyPart {
val TEXT_PLAIN: Type = Type("text/plain")
val TEXT_HTML: Type = Type("text/html")
val MDN_TYPE: Type = Type("message/disposition-notification")
val MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE: Type = Type("multipart/alternative")
val FILENAME_PREFIX = "name"
val defaultProperties: Properties = Properties("partId", "blobId", "size", "name", "type", "charset", "disposition", "cid", "language", "location")
val allowedProperties: Properties = defaultProperties ++ Properties("subParts", "headers")
def fromAttachment(properties: Option[Properties], zoneId: ZoneId, attachment: MessageAttachmentMetadata, entity: Message): EmailBodyPart = {
def parseDisposition(attachment: MessageAttachmentMetadata): Option[Disposition] =
if (attachment.isInline) {
} else {
def parsePartIdFromBlobId(blobId: String): PartId =
PartId(blobId.substring(blobId.lastIndexOf("_") + 1).asInstanceOf[PartIdValue])
EmailBodyPart(partId = parsePartIdFromBlobId(attachment.getAttachmentId.getId),
blobId = BlobId.of(attachment.getAttachmentId.getId).toOption,
headers =,
size = Size.sanitizeSize(attachment.getAttachment.getSize),
name =,
`type` = Type(attachment.getAttachment.getType.mimeType().asString()),
charset = attachment.getAttachment.getType.charset().map(charset => Charset(,
disposition = parseDisposition(attachment),
cid = attachment.getCid.toScala,
language = Option.empty,
location = Option.empty,
subParts = Option.empty,
entity = entity,
specificHeaders = EmailHeaders.extractSpecificHeaders(properties)(zoneId, entity.getHeader))
def of(properties: Option[Properties], zoneId: ZoneId, blobId: BlobId, message: Message): Try[EmailBodyPart] =
of(properties, zoneId, blobId, PartId(1), message).map(_._1)
private def of(properties: Option[Properties], zoneId: ZoneId, blobId: BlobId, partId: PartId, entity: Entity): Try[(EmailBodyPart, PartId)] =
entity.getBody match {
case multipart: Multipart =>
val scanResults: Try[List[(Option[EmailBodyPart], PartId)]] = multipart.getBodyParts
.scanLeft[Try[(Option[EmailBodyPart], PartId)]](Success((None, partId)))(traverse(properties, zoneId, blobId))
val highestPartIdValidation: Try[PartId] = =>
val childrenValidation: Try[List[EmailBodyPart]] = => list.flatMap(_._1))
zip(childrenValidation, highestPartIdValidation)
.flatMap {
case (children, highestPartId) => of(properties, zoneId, None, partId, entity, Some(children))
.map(part => (part, highestPartId))
case _ => BlobId.of(blobId, partId)
.flatMap(blobId => of(properties, zoneId, Some(blobId), partId, entity, None))
.map(part => (part, partId))
private def traverse(properties: Option[Properties], zoneId: ZoneId, blobId: BlobId)(acc: Try[(Option[EmailBodyPart], PartId)], entity: Entity): Try[(Option[EmailBodyPart], PartId)] = {
acc.flatMap {
case (_, previousPartId) =>
val partId =
of(properties, zoneId, blobId, partId, entity)
case (part, partId) => (Some(part), partId)
private def of(properties: Option[Properties],
zoneId: ZoneId,
blobId: Option[BlobId],
partId: PartId,
entity: Entity,
subParts: Option[List[EmailBodyPart]]): Try[EmailBodyPart] =
.map(size => EmailBodyPart(
partId = partId,
blobId = blobId,
headers =,
size = size,
name = Name.of(entity),
`type` = Type(entity.getMimeType),
charset = Option(entity.getCharset).map(Charset),
disposition = Option(entity.getDispositionType).map(Disposition(_)),
cid = ClientCid.of(entity),
language = Languages.of(entity),
location = headerValue(entity, "Content-Location")
subParts = subParts,
entity = entity,
specificHeaders = EmailHeaders.extractSpecificHeaders(properties)(zoneId, entity.getHeader)))
private def headerValue(entity: Entity, headerName: String): Option[String] = entity.getHeader
private def size(entity: Entity): Try[Size] = refineSize(SizeUtils.sizeOf(entity))
private def refineSize(l: Long): Try[Size] = refineV[NonNegative](l) match {
case scala.Right(size) => Success(size)
case Left(e) => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException(e))
private def zip[A, B](a: Try[A], b: Try[B]): Try[(A, B)] = for {
aValue <- a
bValue <- b
} yield (aValue, bValue)
object Name {
def of(entity: Entity): Option[Name] = Option(entity.getHeader.getField(FieldName.CONTENT_TYPE))
.flatMap {
case contentTypeField: ContentTypeField => Option(contentTypeField.getParameter(FILENAME_PREFIX))
.map(DecoderUtil.decodeEncodedWords(_, DecodeMonitor.SILENT))
case _ => None
.flatMap {
case contentDispositionField: ContentDispositionField => Option(contentDispositionField.getFilename)
.map(DecoderUtil.decodeEncodedWords(_, DecodeMonitor.SILENT))
case _ => None
case class Name(value: String) extends AnyVal
case class Type(value: String) extends AnyVal
case class Charset(value: String) extends AnyVal
object Disposition {
val ATTACHMENT = Disposition("attachment")
val INLINE = Disposition("inline")
case class Disposition(value: String) extends AnyVal
object Languages {
def of(entity: Entity): Option[Languages] =
.flatMap {
case contentLanguageField: ContentLanguageField => Some(Languages(
case _ => None
case class Languages(value: List[Language]) {
def asField: Field = new RawField("Content-Language",", "))
case class Language(value: String) extends AnyVal
case class Location(value: String) extends AnyVal {
def asField: Field = new RawField("Content-Location", value)
object Context {
def of(`type`: Type): Context = `type` match {
case MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE => AlternativeContext
case _ => NoContext
def of(`type`: Type, previousContext: Context): Context = (`type`, previousContext) match {
case (_, AlternativeContext) => AlternativeContext
case (MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE, _) => AlternativeContext
case _ => NoContext
sealed trait Context
case object NoContext extends Context
case object AlternativeContext extends Context
case class EmailBodyPart(partId: PartId,
blobId: Option[BlobId],
headers: List[EmailHeader],
size: Size,
name: Option[Name],
`type`: Type,
charset: Option[Charset],
disposition: Option[Disposition],
cid: Option[Cid],
language: Option[Languages],
location: Option[Location],
subParts: Option[List[EmailBodyPart]],
entity: Entity,
specificHeaders: Map[String, Option[EmailHeaderValue]]) {
def partWithBlobId(blobId: BlobId): Option[EmailBodyPart] = flatten.find(_.blobId.contains(blobId))
def nested(zoneId: ZoneId): Option[EmailBodyPart] = entity.getBody match {
case message: Message => of(None, zoneId, blobId.get, message).toOption
case _ => None
def bodyContent: Try[Option[EmailBodyValue]] = entity.getBody match {
case textBody: Mime4JTextBody =>
for {
value <- Try(IOUtils.toString(textBody.getInputStream, Option(textBody.getCharset).getOrElse(ISO_8859_1)))
} yield {
Some(EmailBodyValue(value = value,
isEncodingProblem = IsEncodingProblem(false),
isTruncated = IsTruncated(false)))
case _ => Success(None)
def textBodyContent(htmlTextExtractor: HtmlTextExtractor): Try[Option[EmailBodyValue]] = `type` match {
case TEXT_HTML => =>
content => EmailBodyValue(htmlTextExtractor.toPlainText(content.value),
case _ => bodyContent
def textBody: List[EmailBodyPart] = selfBody ++ textBodyOfMultipart
def htmlBody: List[EmailBodyPart] = selfBody ++ htmlBodyOfMultipart
def attachments: List[EmailBodyPart] = selfAttachment ++ attachmentsOfMultipart
def flatten: List[EmailBodyPart] = subParts.getOrElse(Nil).flatMap(part => part.flatten) ++ List(this)
private def selfBody: List[EmailBodyPart] = if (shouldBeDisplayedAsBody) {
} else {
private def selfAttachment: List[EmailBodyPart] = if (shouldBeDisplayedAsAttachment) {
} else {
private val hasTextMediaType: Boolean = `type`.equals(TEXT_PLAIN) || `type`.equals(TEXT_HTML) || `type`.equals(MDN_TYPE)
private val shouldBeDisplayedAsBody: Boolean = hasTextMediaType && !disposition.contains(Disposition.ATTACHMENT )
private val shouldBeDisplayedAsBodyStrict: Boolean = hasTextMediaType && disposition.isEmpty && cid.isEmpty
private val shouldBeDisplayedAsAttachment: Boolean = !shouldBeDisplayedAsBodyStrict && subParts.isEmpty
private def textBodyOfMultipart: List[EmailBodyPart] = `type` match {
case MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE => getBodyParts(subParts.getOrElse(Nil), TEXT_PLAIN)
case _ => subParts.getOrElse(Nil)
.flatMap(subPart => subPart.textBody)
private def htmlBodyOfMultipart: List[EmailBodyPart] = `type` match {
case MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE => Some(getBodyParts(subParts.getOrElse(Nil), TEXT_HTML)
.flatMap(subPart => subPart.htmlBody))
case _ => subParts.getOrElse(Nil)
.flatMap(subPart => subPart.htmlBody)
private def attachmentsOfMultipart: List[EmailBodyPart] = subParts.getOrElse(Nil)
private def getBodyParts(bodyParts: List[EmailBodyPart], `type`: Type): List[EmailBodyPart] =
if (bodyParts.isEmpty) {
} else {
bodyParts.filter(subPart => subPart.`type`.equals(`type`)) ++
.filter(subPart => !subPart.`type`.equals(`type`))
.flatMap(subPart => subPart.subParts.getOrElse(Nil)), `type`)