blob: 232dd64bba9d52da9e931c40d22b8625bc8489fe [file] [log] [blame]
=== ToSenderDomainRepository
Stores incoming Mail in a repository defined by the sender's domain.<br>
Supported configuration parameters:
* "urlPrefix" mandatory: defines the prefix for the per sender's domain repository. For example for the value
'cassandra://var/mail/sendersRepositories/', a mail sent by '' will be stored
in 'cassandra://var/mail/sendersRepositories/'.
* "passThrough" optional, defaults to false. If true, the processing of the mail continues. If false it stops.
* "allowRepositoryCreation" optional, defaults to true. If true, non existing repository will be created. In case of
misconfiguration, this might lead to arbitrary repository creation. If false, the incoming mails will be stored only
in already existing repository. If not existing, the email will be dropped with an appropriate log warning (leading
to potential data loss). In case, you want to create a repository manually, make a http PUT request to
/mailRepositories/encodedUrlOfTheRepository from web admin api.
For example http://ip:port/mailRepositories/file%3A%2F%2FmailRepo
<mailet match="All" class="ToSenderDomainRepository">