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<h1>Deleted Messages Vault</h1>
The goal of this document is to help you to understand better about this feature and to present you the following topics:
<li>What is Deleted Messages Vault ?</li>
<li>How to setup James with Deleted Messages Vault</li>
<li>Deleted Messages Vault administration</li>
<li>Example: Starting James with enabled Deleted Messages Vault by docker compose</li>
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<h2>What is Deleted Messages Vault ?</h2>
<p>Deleted Messages Vault is a feature in James allowing you to:</p>
<li>retain users deleted messages for some time</li>
<li>restore & export deleted messages by various criteria</li>
<li>permanently delete some retained messages</li>
If the Deleted Messages Vault is enabled, when users delete their mails, and by that we mean when he tries
to definitely delete them by emptying the trash, James will retain these mails into the Deleted Messages Vault.
And only administrators can interact with this component via WebAdmin REST APIs.
One useful use of that feature is to allow an administrator to restore some mails an user may have deleted by accident.
However, mails are not retained forever as you have to configure a retention period before using it (with a one year retention by default if not defined).
It's also possible to permanently delete a mail if needed.
Deleted mails for exporting & restoring can be filtered via several criteria based on mail properties.
At the moment, these are supported mail properties for filtering:
<li>deletion date (ISO-8601 Date String)
<li>supports before or equals operator</li>
<li>supports after or equals operator</li>
<li>delivery date (ISO-8601 Date String)
<li>supports before or equals operator</li>
<li>supports after or equals operator</li>
<li>recipients (List of strings)
<li>supports contains operator</li>
<li>sender (String)
<li>supports equal matching operator</li>
<li>has attachment (Boolean)
<li>supports equal matching operator</li>
<li>origin mailboxes (List of strings)
<li>supports contains matching operator</li>
<li>subject (String)
<li>supports equal matching operator</li>
<li>supports equal ignore case matching operator</li>
<li>supports contains matching operator</li>
<li>supports contains ignore case matching operator (with US locale)</li>
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<h2>How to setup James with Deleted Messages Vault</h2>
In this section, we will guide you to setup James with Deleted Messages Vault by following the steps below:
<li>Enable Deleted Messages Vault by configuring Pre Deletion Hooks</li>
<li>Configuring your BlobStore</li>
<li>Configuring the retention time for the Deleted Messages Vault</li>
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<h4>Enable Deleted Messages Vault by configuring Pre Deletion Hooks</h4>
By default, you need to configure a Pre Deletion Hook to let James use it.
Before deleting a mail in James, PreDeletionHooks will be triggered to execute all declared hooks. If all hook executions success, then James will process to delete that mail.
There is already a DeletedMessageVaultHook in James, its job is to store deleted mails into Deleted Messages Vault. Thus, you need to configure this hook in listeners.xml configuration file.
<p><b>NOTE:</b> From James 3.8.1 onward the DeletedMessageVaultHook should no longer be specified for Cassandra based products.</p>
Sample DeletedMessageVaultHook configuration:
More details about configuration & example is at <a href="/server/config-listeners.html">Pre Deletion Hook Configuration</a>
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<h4>Configuring your BlobStore</h4>
The Deleted Messages Vault is using a BlobStore to store and manage the deleted messages. A BlobStore is a dedicated
component to store blobs, non-indexable content. There is different implementations available for the BlobStore on top
of Cassandra or file object storage services like Openstack Swift and AWS S3.
Let's consider that we want to store those deleted messages into an Openstack Swift object storage. So the configuration
in the file should look similar to this:
If you want to dig deeper into the subject, or use an other implementation, you can find more details about this at the
<a href="/server/config-blobstore.html">BlobStore Configuration</a> page.
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<h4>Configuring the retention time for the Deleted Messages Vault</h4>
To do this, you have to create a configuration file <b></b>, then put it into the <b>conf</b> directory of James.
There is only one available property you may want to configure at the moment:
<b>retentionPeriod</b>: represent for the period deleted messages allowed to be stored in Deleted Messages Vault (default of one year).
More details about configuration & example can be found at
<a href="/server/config-vault.html">Deleted Messages Vault Configuration</a>
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<h2>Deleted Messages Vault administration</h2>
These are supported WebAdmin features on top of Deleted Messages Vault.
You can have a look at the WebAdmin Deleted Messages Vault documentation <a href="/server/manage-webadmin.html#Deleted_Messages_Vault">here</a>
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<h4>WebAdmin Deleted Messages Vault exporting</h4>
When the administrator needs to export some user's deleted messages, you are able to choose which exporting mechanism should be used.
At the moment there are two available exporting mechanisms:
<b>localFile</b>: This is a simple exporting mechanism. Through an export request, it retrieves deleted mails from Deleted Messages Vault,
then store them as a zip file in James Server local file system. Then it sends a mail with the absolute path of exported file to the targeted mail address.
<b>linshare</b>: Instead of exporting blobs to the local file system, using
<a href="">LinShare</a> helps you upload your blobs and people
you have been sharing to can access those blobs by accessing the LinShare server and download them.
You can configure which kind of export mechanism you want to use in James by specifying <b>blob.export.implementation</b> property in configuration file.
You can find more details about configuration & example at <a href="/server/config-blob-export.html">Blob Export Configuration</a> page
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<h2>Example: Starting James with enabled Deleted Messages Vault by docker compose</h2>
And now to sum up everything we have seen until now and put it into practice, we will take
James cassandra-rabbitmq product for the example
<p>First, get the template cassandra-rabbitmq product configuration:</p>
$ git clone
$ cp -rf james-project/server/apps/distributed-app/sample-configuration conf
<p>Then create the keystore file in the conf/ directory with the default password <code>james72laBalle</code>
$ keytool -genkey -alias james -keyalg RSA -keystore conf/keystore
<p>Second, modify <code></code> configuration file like in the previous example</p>
<p>Third, modify <code>listeners.xml</code> to configure DeletedMessageVaultHook by adding preDeletionHook section at previous paragraph</p>
Fourth, modify <code></code> file to configure the BlobStore that will be used and the file exporting mechanism, like
we saw previously as well.
<p>Fifth, we will create a local folder for holding data out of the container:</p>
$ mkdir var
<p>Finally, starting a James Server by docker compose</p>
<p>Getting James docker-compose.yml</p>
$ wget
<p>Add the following volumes for james service:</p>
- $PWD/conf:/root/conf/
- $PWD/var:/root/var/
Then you can run it and you should have a James server with an enabled Deleted Messages Vault. You can then
refer to <a href="/server/manage-webadmin.html">WebAdmin documentation</a> to create a few users, domains,
mailboxes, and then connecting to it your favorite mail client to start sending messages between
those users and deleting them.
And finally you can check more specifically the <a href="/server/manage-webadmin.html#Deleted_Messages_Vault">WebAdmin Deleted Messages Vault documentation</a> to explore all the possibilities of the vault.
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