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= Distributed James Server — Configuration
:navtitle: Configuration
This section presents how to configure the Distributed server.
The Distributed Server relies on separated files for configuring various components. Some files follow an *xml* format
and some others follow a *property* format. Some files can be ommited, in which case the functionality can be disabled,
or rely on reasonable defaults.
The following configuration files are exposed:
== For protocols
By omitting these files, the underlying protocols will be disabled.
** xref:distributed/configure/imap.adoc[*imapserver.xml*] allows configuration for the IMAP protocol link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/jmap.adoc[**] allows to configure the JMAP protocol link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/jmx.adoc[**] allows configuration of JMX being used by the Command Line Interface link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/smtp.adoc#_lmtp_configuration[*lmtpserver.xml*] allows configuring the LMTP protocol link:[example]
** *managesieveserver.xml* allows configuration for ManagedSieve (unsupported) link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/pop3.adoc[*pop3server.xml*] allows configuration for the POP3 protocol (experimental) link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/smtp.adoc[*smtpserver.xml*] allows configuration for the SMTP protocol link:[example]
*** xref:distributed/configure/smtp-hooks.adoc[This page] list SMTP hooks that can be used out of the box with the Distributed Server.
** xref:distributed/configure/webadmin.adoc[**] enables configuration for the WebAdmin protocol link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/ssl.adoc[This page] details SSL & TLS configuration.
== For storage dependencies
Except specific documented cases, these files are required, at least to establish a connection with the storage components.
** xref:distributed/configure/blobstore.adoc[**] allows to configure the BlobStore link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/cassandra.adoc[**] allows to configure the Cassandra driver link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/elasticsearch.adoc[**] allows to configure ElasticSearch driver link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/rabbitmq.adoc[**] allows configuration for the RabbitMQ driver link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/tika.adoc[**] allows configuring Tika as a backend for text extraction link:[example]
== For core components
By omitting these files, sane default values are used.
** xref:distributed/configure/batchsizes.adoc[**] allows to configure mailbox read batch sizes link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/dns.adoc[*dnsservice.xml*] allows to configure DNS resolution link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/domainlist.adoc[*domainlist.xml*] allows to configure Domain storage link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/healthcheck.adoc[**] allows to configure periodical healthchecks link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/mailetcontainer.adoc[*mailetcontainer.xml*] allows configuring mail processing link:[example]
*** xref:distributed/configure/mailets.adoc[This page] list matchers that can be used out of the box with the Distributed Server.
*** xref:distributed/configure/matchers.adoc[This page] list matchers that can be used out of the box with the Distributed Server.
** xref:distributed/configure/mailrepositorystore.adoc[*mailrepositorystore.xml*] enables registration of allowed MailRepository protcols and link them to MailRepository implementations link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/recipientrewritetable.adoc[*recipientrewritetable.xml*] enables advanced configuration for the Recipient Rewrite Table component link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/usersrepository.adoc[*usersrepository.xml*] allows configuration of user storage link:[example]
== For extensions
By omitting these files, no extra behaviour is added.
** xref:distributed/configure/vault.adoc[**] allows to configure the DeletedMessageVault link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/listeners.adoc[*listeners.xml*] enables configuration of Mailbox Listeners link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/extensions.adoc[**] allows to extend James behaviour by loading your extensions in it link:[example]
** xref:distributed/configure/spam.adoc[This page] documents Anti-Spam setup with SpamAssassin.
** xref:distributed/configure/remote-delivery-error-handling.adoc[This page] proposes a simple strategy for RemoteDelivery error handling.
** xref:distributed/configure/collecting-contacts.adoc[This page] documents contact collection
** xref:distributed/configure/collecting-events.adoc[This page] documents event collection
** xref:distributed/configure/dsn.adoc[this page] specified how to support SMTP Delivery Submission Notification (link:[RFC-3461])