blob: 54e446ae22bb3ed61a8687c2c5631fc7b2037827 [file] [log] [blame]
== Values for Helm James template
Helm James has many visible values to configure before being able to use
it correctly. Values are injected into the deployment template as
environment variables. An example with default values can be found in
the `+values.yaml+` file.
This document presents a quick description of each value field.
=== DNS values
|Field |Default value |Description
|emailDomain | |The domain name for your tenants email
|jmapUrl | |The url for the ingress jmap endpoint
|adminUrl | |The url for the ingress admin endpoint
|smtpHostname | |The SMTP Ehlo hostname
=== James values
|Field |Default value |Description
|replicaJmapInstanceCount |1 |The number of pods we deploy for James
JMAP instance in the cluster
|replicaImapSmtpInstanceCount |1 |The number of pods we deploy for James
IMAP/SMTP instance in the cluster
|image |apache/james:distributed-3.8.0 |The James image used for
deployment (Cassandra - RabbitMQ - LDAP distributed James flavor)
=== James environment values
|Field |Default value |Description
|jamesCassandraKeyspace |sandbox_james |The keyspace used for Cassandra
James data
|jamesCassandraCacheKeyspace |sandbox_james_cache |The keyspace used for
the Cassandra cache
|jamesEsMailboxIndex |mailbox_v1 |The index used for mailbox in
OpenSearch. The default value should be enough, but in case you had
issues and needed to create a new index, this will allow you to point
James to it
|jamesEsClusterName |change-me |Name of the cluster
|jamesEsHostScheme |http |Only http or https are accepted
|jamesEsSslValidationStrategy |ignore |Choosing the SSL check strategy
when using https scheme: `+default+` (use the default SSL TrustStore of
the system), `+ignore+` (Ignore SSL Validation check (not recommended)),
`+override+` (override the SSL Context to use a custom TrustStore
containing ES servers certificate)
|jamesEsHostNameVerifier |default |Configure OpenSearch rest client
to use host name verifier during SSL handshake: `+default+` (using the
default hostname verifier provided by apache http client),
`+accept_any_hostname+` (accept any host (not recommended))
|jamesRabbitHost |change-me |The host url for RabbitMQ used by James for
mail processing
|jamesMessageSize |25M |The default maximum size for each email is 25MB,
Must be a positive integer, optionally with a unit: B, K, M, G.
|jamesDkimSignSmtp |dkimselector |SMTP signature for DKIM, also called
DKIM Selector
|jamesDkimSignDomain | |Domain signature for DKIM
|cassandraReplicationFactor |3 |The replication factor for Cassandra
|jamesHELOMessage |change-me |The SMTP Ehlo message
|jvmOpts |-Xms4g -Xmx4g |Add the JVM_OPTIONS flag for the JVM resource
allocation when starting James
|jamesResources.limits.cpu |2000m |Limit of cpu allowed to James pod
|jamesResources.limits.memory |6Gi |Limit of memory allowed to James pod
|jamesResources.requests.cpu |1000m |Request of cpu allowed to James pod
|jamesResources.requests.memory |3Gi |Request of memory allowed to James
|glowroot.enabled |true |Enabling or disabling Glowroot usage with
James. Its better to disable it for prod environments
|ingress.enabled |false |Enabling or disabling Nginx Ingress. We are
using it to expose JMAP and attach our SSL certificates for
SMTP/IMAP/JMAP. Default is false
|james.tls.secretName |the-name-of-a-secret |The name of the secret
created separately contenting the SSL certificate for JMAP, IMAPS and
=== Cassandra values
There is two ways to deploy Cassandra in our Helm packages, defined by
the `+deploy+` field.
==== as-pod
Cassandra can be deployed as pods in the cluster. Parameters for this
mode are:
|Field |Default value |Description
|replicaCount |1 |The number of Cassandra pods
|namespace |change-me | Namespace of Cassandra deployment
NOTE: Pod name must match template format: `cassandra-01.namespace:9042,cassandra-02.namespace:9042`
==== as-ref
Cassandra has been deployed in VMs and the nodes can be accessed through
their IP addresses. Parameters for this mode are:
|Field |Default value |Description
|ips |,, |The list of Cassandra IP nodes.
=== OpenSearch values
There is two ways to deploy OpenSearch in our Helm packages, defined
by the `+deploy+` field.
==== as-pod
OpenSearch has been deployed as pods in the cluster. Parameters for
this mode are:
|Field |Default value |Description
|replicaCount |1 |The number of OpenSearch pods
|namespace | change-me | Namespace of OpenSearch deployment
NOTE: Pod name must match template format: `opensearch-01.namespace:9200,opensearch-02.namespace:9200`
==== as-ref
OpenSearch has been deployed in VMs and the nodes can be accessed
through their IP addresses. Parameters for this mode are:
|Field |Default value |Description
|ips |,, |The list of OpenSearch IP nodes.