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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one *
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package org.apache.james.transport.mailets
import java.time.Duration
import java.util
import jakarta.inject.Inject
import org.apache.james.core.MailAddress
import org.apache.james.rate.limiter.api.{AcceptableRate, RateExceeded, RateLimiter, RateLimiterFactory, RateLimitingKey, RateLimitingResult}
import org.apache.james.transport.mailets.ConfigurationOps.DurationOps
import org.apache.mailet.base.GenericMailet
import org.apache.mailet.{Mail, ProcessingState}
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher
import reactor.core.scala.publisher.{SFlux, SMono}
import scala.jdk.DurationConverters._
case class PerSenderRateLimiter(rateLimiter: Option[RateLimiter], keyPrefix: Option[KeyPrefix], entityType: EntityType) {
def rateLimit(sender: MailAddress, mail: Mail): Publisher[RateLimitingResult] = {
val rateLimitingKey = SenderKey(keyPrefix, entityType, sender) =>
EntityType.extractQuantity(entityType, mail)
.map(increment => limiter.rateLimit(rateLimitingKey, increment))
case class SenderKey(keyPrefix: Option[KeyPrefix], entityType: EntityType, mailAddress: MailAddress) extends RateLimitingKey {
override def asString(): String = => s"${prefix.value}_${entityType.asString}_${mailAddress.asString()}")
* <p><b>PerSenderRateLimit</b> allows defining and enforcing rate limits for the sender of matching emails.</p>
* <ul>This allows writing rules like:
* <li>A sender can send 10 emails per hour</li>
* <li>A sender can send email to a total of 20 recipients per hour</li>
* <li>A sender can send 100 MB of emails (total computed taking only the email size into account) per hour</li>
* <li>A sender can send 200 MB of emails (total computed taking each recipient copies into account) per hour</li>
* </ul>
* <p>Depending on its position and the matcher it is being combined with, those rate limiting rules could be applied to
* submitted emails, received emails or emitted email being relayed to third parties.</p>
* <ul>Here are supported configuration parameters:
* <li><b>keyPrefix</b>: An optional key prefix to apply to rate limiting. Choose distinct values if you specify
* this mailet twice within your <code>mailetcontainer.xml</code> file. Defaults to none.</li>
* <li><b>exceededProcessor</b>: Processor to which emails whose rate is exceeded should be redirected to. Defaults to error.
* Use this to customize the behaviour upon exceeded rate.</li>
* <li><b>duration</b>: Duration during which the rate limiting shall be applied. Compulsory, must be a valid duration of at least one second. Supported units includes s (second), m (minute), h (hour), d (day).</li>
* <li><b>precision</b>: Defines the time precision that will be used to approximate the sliding window. A lower duration increases precision but requests more computing power. The precision must be greater than 1 second. Optional, default to duration means fixed window counters. Supported units includes s (second), m (minute), h (hour), d (day).</li>
* <li><b>count</b>: Count of emails allowed for a given sender during duration. Optional, if unspecified this rate limit is not applied.</li>
* <li><b>recipients</b>: Count of recipients allowed for a given sender during duration. Optional, if unspecified this rate limit is not applied.</li>
* <li><b>size</b>: Size of emails allowed for a given sender during duration (each email count one time, regardless of recipient count). Optional, if unspecified this rate limit is not applied. Supported units : B ( 2^0 ), K ( 2^10 ), M ( 2^20 ), G ( 2^30 ), defaults to B.</li>
* <li><b>totalSize</b>: Size of emails allowed for a given sender during duration (each recipient of the email email count one time). Optional, if unspecified this rate limit is not applied. Supported units : B ( 2^0 ), K ( 2^10 ), M ( 2^20 ), G ( 2^30 ), defaults to B. Note that
* totalSize is limited in increments of 2exp(31) - ~2 billions: sending a 10MB file to more than 205 recipients will be rejected if this parameter is enabled.</li>
* <li><b>rateLimiterTimeout</b>: [Optional, default to None]. Specifies the timeout exception for rate limiter checking. Supported time unit: seconds (s)</li>
* </ul>
* <p>For instance, to apply all the examples given above:</p>
* <pre><code>
* &lt;mailet matcher=&quot;All&quot; class=&quot;PerSenderRateLimit&quot;&gt;
* &lt;keyPrefix&gt;myPrefix&lt;/keyPrefix&gt;
* &lt;duration&gt;1h&lt;/duration&gt;
* &lt;precision&gt;1h&lt;/precision&gt;
* &lt;count&gt;10&lt;/count&gt;
* &lt;recipients&gt;20&lt;/recipients&gt;
* &lt;size&gt;100M&lt;/size&gt;
* &lt;totalSize&gt;200M&lt;/totalSize&gt;
* &lt;rateLimiterTimeout&gt;10s&lt;/rateLimiterTimeout&gt;
* &lt;exceededProcessor&gt;tooMuchMails&lt;/exceededProcessor&gt;
* &lt;/mailet&gt;
* </code></pre>
* <p>Note that to use this extension you need to place the rate-limiter JAR in the <code>extensions-jars</code> folder
* and need to configure a viable option to invoke <code>RateLimiterFactory</code> which can be done by
* loading <code>org.apache.james.rate.limiter.memory.MemoryRateLimiterModule</code> Guice module within the
* <code>guice.extension.module</code> in <code></code> configuration file. Note that other Rate
* limiter implementation might require extra configuration parameters within your mailet.</p>
* @param rateLimiterFactory Allows instantiations of the underlying rate limiters.
class PerSenderRateLimit @Inject()(rateLimiterFactory: RateLimiterFactory) extends GenericMailet {
private var countRateLimiter: PerSenderRateLimiter = _
private var recipientsRateLimiter: PerSenderRateLimiter = _
private var sizeRateLimiter: PerSenderRateLimiter = _
private var totalSizeRateLimiter: PerSenderRateLimiter = _
private var exceededProcessor: String = _
private var keyPrefix: Option[KeyPrefix] = _
private var rateLimiterTimeout: Option[Duration] = _
override def init(): Unit = {
val duration: Duration = parseDuration()
val precision: Option[Duration] = getMailetConfig.getDuration("precision")
keyPrefix = Option(getInitParameter("keyPrefix")).map(KeyPrefix)
exceededProcessor = getInitParameter("exceededProcessor", Mail.ERROR)
rateLimiterTimeout = getMailetConfig.getDuration("rateLimiterTimeout")
Preconditions.checkArgument(rateLimiterTimeout.isEmpty || rateLimiterTimeout.get.isPositive, "rateLimiterTimeout can not be negative".asInstanceOf[Object])
def perSenderRateLimiter(entityType: EntityType): PerSenderRateLimiter = createRateLimiter(rateLimiterFactory, entityType, keyPrefix, duration, precision)
countRateLimiter = perSenderRateLimiter(Count)
recipientsRateLimiter = perSenderRateLimiter(Recipients)
sizeRateLimiter = perSenderRateLimiter(Size)
totalSizeRateLimiter = perSenderRateLimiter(TotalSize)
def parseDuration(): Duration = getMailetConfig.getDuration("duration")
.getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException("'duration' is compulsory"))
override def service(mail: Mail): Unit = mail.getMaybeSender
.ifPresent(sender => {
applyRateLimiter(mail, sender)
private def applyRateLimiter(mail: Mail, sender: MailAddress): Unit = {
val pivot: RateLimitingResult = AcceptableRate
val applyRateLimiterPublisher = SFlux.merge(Seq(
countRateLimiter.rateLimit(sender, mail),
recipientsRateLimiter.rateLimit(sender, mail),
sizeRateLimiter.rateLimit(sender, mail),
totalSizeRateLimiter.rateLimit(sender, mail)))
.fold(pivot)((a, b) => a.merge(b))
val result = rateLimiterTimeout
.map(timeout => applyRateLimiterPublisher.block(timeout.toScala))
if (result.equals(RateExceeded)) {
private def createRateLimiter(rateLimiterFactory: RateLimiterFactory, entityType: EntityType, keyPrefix: Option[KeyPrefix],
duration: Duration, precision: Option[Duration]): PerSenderRateLimiter =
PerSenderRateLimiter(rateLimiter = EntityType.extractRules(entityType, duration, getMailetConfig)
.map(rateLimiterFactory.withSpecification(_, precision)),
keyPrefix = keyPrefix,
entityType = entityType)
override def requiredProcessingState(): util.Collection[ProcessingState] = ImmutableList.of(new ProcessingState(exceededProcessor))