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<h1><b>Configure Custom WebAdmin routes</b></h1>
The current project demonstrates how to write custom webadmin routes for Apache James. This enables writing new
administrative features exposed over a REST API. This can allow you to write some additional features, make James
interact with third party systems, do advance reporting...
Find this example on <a href="">GitHub</a>.
Start by importing the dependencies:
<p>You can then write your first route using the <a href="">Spark Java</a> framework:</p>
<pre><code>public class RouteA implements Routes {
public String getBasePath() {
return &quot;/hello/a&quot;;
public void define(Service service) {
service.get(getBasePath(), (req, res) -&gt; &quot;RouteA\n&quot;);
<ul>Knowing that:
<li>entending <b>Routes</b>: will ensure that authentication is requested if configured.</li>
<li>entending <b>PublicRoutes</b>: will not request authentication.</li>
<p>You can compile this example project:</p>
<pre><code>mvn clean install</code></pre>
<p>Then embed your route into a James server. First configure your route into <code></code>:</p>
# List of fully qualified class names that should be exposed over webadmin
# in addition to your product default routes. Routes needs to be located
# within the classpath or in the ./extensions-jars folder.
<p>Then start a James server with your JAR and the configuration:</p>
<pre><code>docker run -d \
-v $PWD/ \
-v $PWD/exts:/root/extensions-jars \
-p 25:25 \
apache/james:memory-latest --generate-keystore</code></pre>
<p>You can play with <code>curl</code> utility with the resulting server:</p>
<pre><code>$ curl -XGET
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