blob: 76bdb352ee0f9639a0a10ec978e716c41cb17415 [file] [log] [blame]
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Tag order follows model description at
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<relativePath />
<name>Apache James Project</name>
<description>The Apache Java Enterprise Mail Server (a.k.a. Apache James) is a 100% pure Java SMTP, IMAP, JMAP and POP3 Mail
We have designed James to be a complete and portable enterprise mail engine solution based on currently
available open protocols. James is also a mail application platform. We have developed a Java API to let
you write Java code to process emails that we call the mailet API. A mailet can generate an automatic reply,
update a database, prevent spam, build a message archive, or whatever you can imagine. A matcher determines
whether your mailet should process an email in the server. The James project hosts the Mailet API, and James
provides an implementation of this mail application platform API.</description>
Roles to use:
<role>PMC member</role>
<role>PMC chair</role>
<name>Stefano Bagnara</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<name>Norman Maurer</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<name>Serge Knystautas</name>
<timezone />
<Donator>Serge was the original donator of the James code, which has since been massively
improved by people smarter than him. He tries to answer questions on the listserv and make
contributions when he does get a rare bit of free time.</Donator>
<name>Bernd Fondermann</name>
<timezone />
<name>Steve Brewin</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<timezone />
<name>Søren Hilmer</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<timezone />
<name>Noel J. Bergman</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<timezone />
<name>Danny Angus</name>
<organization>Student Loans Company ltd</organization>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<timezone />
<Description>Danny is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and married father
of two by night, and by day works as lead technical consultant for the Student Loans
Company ltd.</Description>
<name>Alan D. Cabrera</name>
<name>Harmeet Bedi</name>
<name>Jason Webb</name>
<name>Vincenzo Gianferrari Pini</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<timezone />
<name>Robert Burrell Donkin</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<timezone />
<name>Niklas Therning</name>
<organization>Trillian AB</organization>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<name>Joe Cheng</name>
<Description>Former author to the mime4j product</Description>
<name>Markus Wiederkehr</name>
<timezone />
<name>Oleg Kalnichevski</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<timezone />
<name>Manuel Carrasco Monino</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<timezone />
<name>Eric Charles</name>
<role>PMC Chair</role>
<timezone />
<name>Felix Knecht</name>
<name>Ioan Eugen Stan</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<timezone />
<name>Matthieu Baechler</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<timezone />
<name>Benoit Tellier</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<timezone />
<name>Antoine Duprat</name>
<role>PMC Member</role>
<timezone />
<name>Raphael Ouazana</name>
<timezone />
<name>Rob Oxspring</name>
<Contribution>Contributed to the mime4j product</Contribution>
<name>Roger Fullerton</name>
<Contribution>Wrote spfjava, the first spf implementation in java</Contribution>
<name>Alan D. Cabrera [ADC]</name>
<name>Darrell DeBoer (DD)</name>
<name>Stephen J. McConnell (SJM)</name>
<name>Peter M. Goldstein (PG)</name>
<name>Pete Donald (PD)</name>
<name>Charles Benett (CB)</name>
<name>Federico Barbieri (FB)</name>
<name>Stuart Roebuck (SR)</name>
<name>Ivan Seskar (IS)</name>
<name>Prasanna Uppaladadium (PU)</name>
<name>Gabriel Bucher (GB)</name>
<name>Matthew Pangaro (MP)</name>
<name>Jason Borden (JB)</name>
<name>Randy Stanard (RS)</name>
<Contribution>Contributed the James logo</Contribution>
<name>Samuel Sadek (SS)</name>
<name>Stephan Schiessling (SS2)</name>
<name>Eung-ju Park (EP)</name>
<name>Paul Hammant (PH)</name>
<name>Jeff Keyser (JK)</name>
<name>Andrei Ivanov (AI)</name>
<name>Brad Walker (BW)</name>
<name>Christian Buchegger (CB2)</name>
<name>Shilpa Dalmia (SD)</name>
<name>Steve Short (SS3)</name>
<name>Aaron Knauf (AK)</name>
<name>Serge "Sergei" Sozonoff (SS4)</name>
<name>Kai Londenberg [KL]</name>
<name>Mark Imel [MI]</name>
<name>Kevin Schmidt [KS]</name>
<name>Hontvari Jozsef [HJ]</name>
<name>Cesar Bonadio [CB3]</name>
<name>Marco Tedone [MT]</name>
<name>Tim Stephenson [TS]</name>
<name>Richard O. Hammer [ROH]</name>
<name>Luc Duzan</name>
<name>Quynh Nguyen</name>
<name>Server Development (including components)</name>
<name>Server User</name>
<name>Website Development</name>
Add postfix to build deploy url to avoid accidently overriding the common module's
website when using "-Psite-reports" by chance
Following properties can be overridden in inheriting pom.xml if needed,
otherwise the set values are used by default.
This property contains the directory where to deploy when running using "-Psite-reports" profile
to avoid accidently overriding the common modules website. Empty by default.
<deployTechnicalSiteDirectory />
<!-- maven-mailetdocs-plugin artifacts -->
<!-- exlude this, its only used in the authentication plugin which we don't use -->
<!-- exclude this, we don't use osgi yet -->
<!-- only used for the asynchronous executors -->
<!-- Order by groupId / artifactId / scope -->
<columnNames>Type,Key,Summary,Status,Resolution,Fix Version</columnNames>
<!-- See -->
<!-- -->
<category>mail, network-server</category>
<!-- Default values -->
<shortdesc>The Apache James Project</shortdesc>
<!-- Default values -->
<!-- If this Apache project implements a standard -->
<title>Extensible Stylesheet Language - Formatting Objects (XSL-FO 1.1)</title>
<id>XSL 1.1</id>
<argLine>-Xms512m -Xmx1024m</argLine>
<!-- Fail tests longer than 2 hours, prevent form random locking tests -->
<!-- site resources -->
<!-- Generated by Maven -->
<!-- Eclipse -->
<!-- Schemas for offline use -->
Whether to remove GPL licensed files from the generated report. This is required to distribute
the report as part of a distribution, which is licensed under the ASL, or a similar license,
which is incompatible with the GPL
<!-- required by dashboard plugin and jenkins -->
<ignore />
<ignore />
<ignore />
<ignore />
<ignore />
<!-- Adding a Protocol to Deploy the Site (support for ssh/scp) -->
Switches between generating the documentation site (without using this profile) and
generating the technical reports site (using this profile)
This property contains the directory where to deploy when running using "-Psite-reports" profile
to avoid accidently overriding the common modules website
<message>When using 'partial-build' profile, you need to define the 'JAMES_PARTIAL_BUILD_BASE_BRANCH'
environment variable defining which branch should be taken as a reference to detect changes.</message>
<!-- Order matters. First project-info-reports, second jxr. -->
See JAMES-2511 basicRuleSet.xml do not exist so when re-enabled this plugin failed.
<columnNames>Type,Key,Summary,Status,Resolution,Fix Version</columnNames>