blob: 15d4e73735bbb9cc0389468704927f57153619f2 [file] [log] [blame]
layout: post
title: "Apache James Server 3.6.1"
date: 2021-12-02 01:16:30 +0200
categories: james update
The Apache James developers are pleased to announce James server 3.6.1 release.
Early adopters can [download it][download], any issue can be reported on our issue [tracker][tracker].
## Announcements
This release fixes the following vulnerability issues, that are present prior to 3.6.1:
- *CVE-2021-38542*: Apache James vulnerable to STARTTLS command injection (IMAP and POP3)
- *CVE-2021-40110*: Apache James IMAP vulnerable to a ReDoS
- *CVE-2021-40111*: Apache James IMAP parsing Denial Of Service
- *CVE-2021-40525*: Apache James: Sieve file storage vulnerable to path traversal attacks
We recommend users to upgrade to this version.
## Release changelog
Here are some points we worked on:
### Fixed
- JAMES-3676 Avoid S3 connection leaks
- JAMES-3477 Mail::duplicate did lead to file leak in various places
- JAMES-3646 Sanitize some File based components
- Prevent directory traversal on top of maildir mailbox (#659)
- FileMailRepository shoud reject URL outside of James root
- SieveFileRepository should validate underlying files belong to its root
- JAMES-1862 Generalize STARTTLS sanitizing fix
- JAMES-1862 Prevent Session fixation via STARTTLS
- JAMES-3634 + JAMES-3635 Apply fuzzing to Apache James
- Upgrade PrefixedRegex to RE2J
- Fuzzed input throws String out of bound exception for FETCH
- Prevent String OutOfBoundException for IMAP APPEND
- Prevent infinite loop for IMAP STATUS command parser
- Prevent infinite loop for IMAP APPEND command parser
- JAMES-3571 MimeMessageWrapper getSize was incorrect for empty messages
- JAMES-3525 verifyIdentity should not fail on null sender
- JAMES-3556 Fix JMAP eventUrl s/closeAfter/closeafter/
- JAMES-3432 JMAP Uploads could alter the underlying byte source
- JAMES-3537 (Email/set create should allow to attach mails)
- JAMES-3558 JMAP Email/changes: When created + updated return both
- JAMES-3558 JMAP Email/changes: moves should be considered as updates
- JAMES-3557 Changes collectors should be ordered
- JAMES-3277 Distinct uids before calling toRanges
- JAMES-3434 Refactoring: EmailSubmissionSetMethod should not rely on nested clases
- JAMES-3557 JMAP */changes: Increase default maxChanges 5 -> 256
- JAMES-3557 */changes: Fail explicitly when too much entries on a single change
### Improvements
- JAMES-3261 ZIP packaging for Guice Apps