blob: ba258b8b26655619380608947cbd3257a2b44c80 [file] [log] [blame]
layout: post
title: "Apache James Server 3.2.0"
date: 2018-11-14 12:13:22 +0700
categories: james update
The Apache James developers are pleased to announce James server 3.2.0 release.
Here are some points we worked on:
### Added
- Mail filtering configured via the JMAP protocol
- WebAdmin exposed mail re-indexing tasks
- WebAdmin exposed health checks. This includes:
- Possibility to perform a single healthcheck, thanks to [mschnitzler](
- Cassandra health checks thanks to [matzepan](
- IMAP MOVE commend (RFC-6851) On top of JPA. Thanks to [mschnitzler](
- JPA support for Sieve script storage thanks to [Sebast26](
- Sieve script upload via the CLI thanks to [matzepan](
- Mailet DOC: Exclude from documentation annotation thanks to [mschnitzler](
- **cassandra.pooling.max.queue.size** configuration option Thanks to [matzepan](
- **RecipentDomainI** and **SenderDomainIs** matchers by [athulyaraj](
### Changed
- Multiple libraries updates
- Migration from Cassandra 2 to Cassandra 3
- Mail::getSender was deprecated. Mail::getMaybeSender offers better Null Sender support. Java 8 default API method was used to not break compatibility.
### Deprecated
- HBase and JCR components (mailbox and server/data). This will be removed as part of 3.3.0. If you have development skills, and are willing to maintain these components, please reach us.
### Removed
- Drop partially implemented Kafka distributed events
### Third party softwares
- SpamAssassin prior 3.4.2 is subject to multiple CVEs. We recommend the upg
Early adopters can [download it][download], any issue can be reported on our issue [tracker][tracker].