blob: 18c3a5796fd6637d09d874191b6a67460ae22881 [file] [log] [blame]
=== RemoteDelivery
The RemoteDelivery mailet delivers messages to a remote SMTP server able to deliver or forward messages to their final
The remote SMTP server through which each mail is delivered is resolved using MX lookup for each message destination
unless the *<gateway/>* parameter is set. The *<gateway/>* parameter enables the
definition of one or more gateway servers through which all messages are sent.
If an attempt to deliver a message fails, a redelivery attempt is scheduled according to the scheme defined
by the *<delayTime/>* parameter, retrying up to the limit defined
by the *<maxRetries/>* parameter. When the retry limit is exceeded, delivery failure is processed
according to the setting of the *<bounceProcessor/>* parameter.
These are the parameters that control the operation of the RemoteDelivery mailet:
* *outgoing* (required) - a String containing the name of the queue that will hold messages being processed by this mailet.
* *bind* (optional) - a String describing the local IP address to which the mailet should be bound while delivering
emails. This tag is useful for multihomed machines. Default is to bind to the default local address of the machine.<br>
Note: The same IP address must be used for all of those RemoteDelivery instances where you explicitly supply a bind address.
* *delayTime* (optional) a String containing a comma separated list of patterns defining the number of and delays between delivery
attempts. The pattern is *[attempts\*]delay [unit]* where:
** *attempts* (optional) - an Integer for the number of delivery attempts. Default is 1.
** *delay* (required) - a Long for the delay between attempts.
** *unit* (optional) - a String with the value of one of 'msec', 'sec', 'minute', 'hour', or 'day'. Default is msec.
Default is one attempt after 6 hours, which if explicitly declared would be written as *<delayTime>1 6 hour</delayTime>*
* *maxRetries* (optional) an Integer for the number of times an attempt is made to deliver a particular mail.
Default is the greater of five and the sum of the attempts for each *<delayTime/>* specified.
* *maxDnsProblemRetries* (optional) - an Integer for the number of times to retry if DNS problems for a domain occur.
Default is 0.
* *timeout* (optional) - an Integer for the Socket I/O timeout in milliseconds. Default is 180000
* *connectionTimeout* (optional) - an Integer for the Socket connection timeout in milliseconds. Default is 60000
* *bounceProcessor* (optional) - a String containing the name of the mailet processor to pass messages that cannot
be delivered to for DSN bounce processing. Default is to send a traditional message containing the bounce details.
* *onSuccess* (optional) - if specified, this processor is called for each email successfully sent to remote third parties.
When using bounceProcessor or onSuccess processors, take special care of error handling (see onMailetException and onMatcherException)
to avoid confusing situations. Also remember that on partial delivery, both processors will be used: *onSuccess* with successfull recipients,
and *bounceProcessor* with failed recipients.
* *startTLS* (optional) - a Boolean (true/false) indicating whether the STARTTLS command (if supported by the server)
to switch the connection to a TLS-protected connection before issuing any login commands. Default is false.
* *sslEnable* (optional) - a Boolean (true/false) indicating whether to use SSL to connect and use the SSL port unless
explicitly overridden. Default is false. Setting up to true will result in delivery attempts in SMTPS on port 465 with a fallback
to SMTP on port 25. The trust-store if needed can be customized by **.
* *gateway* (optional) - a String containing a comma separated list of patterns defining the gateway servers to be used to
deliver mail regardless of the recipient address. If multiple gateway servers are defined, each will be tried in definition order
until delivery is successful. If none are successful, the mail is bounced. The pattern is *host[:port]* where:
* *host* (required) - the FQN of the gateway server.
* *port* (optional) - the port of the gateway server. Default is the value defined in the *<gatewayPort/>*
parameter if set, else the default port for the specified connection type.
Default is to resolve the destination SMTP server for each mail using MX lookup.
* *gatewayPort* (optional) - an Integer for the gateway port to be used for each defined gateway server for which a
port is not explicitly defined in the *<gateway/>* parameter. Default is the default port for the specified connection type.
* *gatewayUsername* (optional) - a String containing the user name to be used to authenticate the user using the
AUTH command. Default is not to issue the AUTH command.
* *gatewayPassword* (required if *gatewayUsername*) is set - a String representing the password to be used
to authenticate the user using the AUTH command.
* *heloName* (optional) - a String containing the name used in the SMTP HELO and EHLO commands. Default is the default domain,
which is typically *localhost*.
* *mail.** (optional) - Any property beginning with *mail.* described in the Javadoc for package
<a href="">*com.sun.mail.smtp*</a>
can be set with a parameter of the corresponding name. For example the parameter
*<mail.smtp.ssl.enable>true</mail.smtp.ssl.enable>* is equivalent to the Java code
*props.put("mail.smtp.ssl.enable", "true");*. Properties set by this facility override settings made
within the mailet code.<br>
Note: This facility should be used with extreme care by expert users with a thorough knowledge of the relevant RFCs and
the ability to perform their own problem resolutions.
* *debug* (optional) - a Boolean (true/false) indicating whether debugging is on. Default is false.
==== Security
You can use the *mail.smtp.ssl.enable* javax property described above to force SMTP outgoing delivery to default to SSL
encrypted traffic.
When enabling SSL, you might need to specify *mail.smtp.ssl.checkserveridentity* and **
properties. You can also control ciphersuites and protocols via *mail.smtp.ssl.ciphersuites* and
*mail.smtp.ssl.protocols* properties.
*startTls* can alternatively be enabled upon sending a mail. For this, use the *startTls* configuration property, serving as a shortcut for
javax *mail.smtp.starttls.enable* property. Depending on how strict your security policy is, you might consider
*mail.smtp.starttls.required* as well. Be aware that configuring trust will then be required.
for full information.