blob: c11ee5da7cac7bbfba3d778de399b437dc1647e2 [file] [log] [blame]
=== Expires
Sanitizes or adds an expiration date to a message, in the form of an `Expires`
header (RFC 4021).
The mailet can force an existing expiration date to be within the bounds
given by `minAge`, `maxAge`, or both. `minAge` specifies the minimum time
the date must lie in the future, while `maxAge` specifies a maximum.
If a message has no expiration date, the mailet can add one according to
the optional `defaultAge` parameter.
All parameter values should be expressed in the following format: `Nunit`.
`N` should be positive. `unit` could be either in the short form
(`h`, `d`, `w`, `y` etc.), or in the long form (`hours`, days`, `weeks`,
`months`, `years`). The default unit is `days`.
Sample configuration:
<mailet match="All" class="Expires">
By itself the `Expires` header is informational only. But some variants of James
will let you delete expired messages through the
xref:operate/webadmin.adoc#_administrating_messages[WebAdmin] interface:
curl -XDELETE http://ip:port/messages?byExpiresHeader