blob: 87fe91a9e617e4ad0aaa5d7f3ea272f6632bfe1f [file] [log] [blame]
=== DLP
Enable evaluation of incoming emails against DLP rules (Data Leak Prevention) attached to the sender domains.
<mailet match="DLP" class="ToRepository">
Rules can be administered via xref:operate/webadmin.adoc#_administrating_dlp_configuration[webAdmin].
Only available on top of Memory and Cassandra storages.
Additionally a cache can be added to reduce queries done to the underlying database.
<mailet match="DLP=cache:60s" class="ToRepository">
Will query the DLP rules for a given domain only every 60 seconds.
Please note that querying DLP rules on top of Cassandra relies on Event sourcing, involves reading a potentially
large event stream and involves some SERIAL reads (LightWeight transactions) for each processed emails.
Efficiency of the cache can be tracked with the following metrics:
- `dlp.cache.hitRate`
- `dlp.cache.missCount`
- `dlp.cache.hitCount`
- `dlp.cache.size`