blob: f4a970f5899022e317dadae4c7b5f249435d8bfe [file] [log] [blame]
=== AtMost
Checks that a mail did at most X executions on a specific operation.
If no executions have been performed previously for Y attribute, it will be set up.
In the mail, every time the check succeeds, its counter will be incremented by one.
The check fails when the defined X limit is reached.
* X - count of how many times a specific operation is performed
* Y - name of attribute represented for specific operation executions, default value is: *AT_MOST_EXECUTIONS*
The example below will match a mail with at most 3 executions on the mailet
with attribute name *AT_MOST_EXECUTIONS*
<mailet match="AtMost=AT_MOST_EXECUTIONS:3" class="<any-class>">