blob: 04ad791399ffd1f7c12e62ef5a3390071f10a5ec [file] [log] [blame]
James Mock SMTP server
This is our custom made Mock SMTP server that we use for some of our tests in James.
== Dockerized Mock SMTP server
Compile and build the image into a tarball with maven:
$ mvn package
*Note* : You can add the option '-DskipTests' if you want to skip tests
After Jib created the image, you can load it into Docker with:
$ docker load --input target/jib-mock-smtp-server.tar
Then run it with:
$ docker run --rm -p 25:25 -p 8000:8000 linagora/mock-smtp-server
Where ports:
* 25 : SMTP
* 8000 : HTTP interface for setting mock SMTP server behavior