blob: 36be5f43ce6e344814d9c7beb251257c24517300 [file] [log] [blame]
= Guice-Memory Module How-to
== Building
=== Requirements
* Java 8 SDK
* Docker
* Maven 3
=== Building the artifacts
An usual compilation using maven will produce two artifacts into target directory:
* james-server-memory-guice-${version}.jar
* james-server-memory-guice-${version}.lib
You can for example run in the base of this git repository:
mvn clean install
== Running
=== James Launch
To run james, you have to create a directory containing required configuration files.
James requires the configuration to be in a subfolder of working directory that is called **conf**. A sample directory
(appropriately named sample-directory) is provided with some default values you may need to replace. You will need to
rename it into **conf** if you intend to use it.
You also need to generate a keystore with the following command:
$ keytool -genkey -alias james -keyalg RSA -keystore conf/keystore
Once everything is set up, you just have to run the jar with:
$ java -jar target/james-server-memory-guice-${version}.jar