Use header5 for the title of doc.
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-###### Introduction ######
+##### Introduction #####
 Hupa is a Rich IMAP-based Webmail application written in GWT.
 Hupa has been entirely written in java to be coherent with the language used in the James project.
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 It is ready for reading, sending,  and managing messages and folders, but it still lacks of many features email clients nowadays have.
-###### Bulding ######
+##### Bulding #####
 Hupa use maven as building tool. To build hupa download maven (, unpack maven and install it.
 After that change to hupa directory and execute the following cmd:
 $ mvn clean package
-###### Configuring server side  ########
+##### Configuring server side  #####
 Hupa uses a properties file to know the IMAP and SMTP servers configuration.
 There is an example configuration file in 'hupa/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/conf/'
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 If you prefer to use any other servlet container you can deploy the provided .war file in it.
-###### Hupa and IMAP/SMTP servers  #################
+##### Hupa and IMAP/SMTP servers  #####
 Hupa is able to discover most of the imap/smtp configuration based on the email domain part.
 When you are prompted to login, type your email address and wait few seconds, if you click on the
 gear button you can see the configuration discovered by Hupa, you can modify it if it does not match
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 Hupa is compatible with most email providers, gmail, yahoo, hotmail, outlook, exchange, james, etc.
-###### Eclipse GWT Plugin notes ################
+##### Eclipse GWT Plugin notes #####
 - Hupa uses maven to be built, before inporting the project, you shoul install m2eclipse
 and google plugins, then go to Import -> New maven project and select the modules:
 shared, mock, server, widgets, client and hupa.