blob: dbc91e564faa0a2d80bda0d39cb2b881b16aab70 [file] [log] [blame]
Welcome to Jackrabbit WebDAV Library
This is the WebDAV Library component of the Apache Jackrabbit project.
This component provides interfaces and common utility classes used for
building a WebDAV server or client. The following RFC have been integrated:
* RFC 2518 (WebDAV - HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring)
* RFC 3253 (DeltaV - Versioning Extensions to WebDAV)
* RFC 3648 (Ordered Collections Protocol)
* RFC 3744 (Access Control Protocol)
* DAV Searching and Locating (DASL)
* Binding Extensions to Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) (experimental)
In addition this library defines (unspecified)
* Observation
* Bundling multiple request with extensions to locking
Common Questions
Q: Which WebDAV features are supported?
A: DAV 1, 2, DeltaV, Ordering, Access Control, Search, Bind
Q: This this WebDAV library provide a full dav server?
A: This library only defines interfaces, utilities and common
classes used for a dav server/client.
A JCR specific implementation can be found in the 'jcr-server'
and the 'webapp' project.
Q: How do a get a deployable Jackrabbit installation with WebDAV and
optional RMI support?
A: The 'webdav' project only serves as library. In order to access
a Jackrabbit repository please follow the instructions present
with the 'webapp' project.
Q: Does the WebDAV library has dependency to JSR170
A: No, the library can be used as generic webdav library in any
other project. There exists a dependency to the jackrabbit-commons
library for utility classes only.
Things to do
todo webdav/version
- review: compliance to deltaV
- reconsider feature-sets (see also JCR-394)
- CHECKOUT may contain request body (working-resource, activity, checkout-in-place)
- CHECKIN may contain request body (working-resource, checkout-in-place)
- VERSION-CONTROL may contain request body (workspace f.)
- BASELINE: creation of Baseline resources is not yet supported
(TODO within AbstractWebDAVServlet)
todo webdav/ordering
- respect Position header with creation of new collection members by
PUT, COPY, MKCOL requests
todo webdav/search
- SearchResource should extend DavResource
- Library misses support for the DAV:basicsearch
todo webdav/transaction
- review naming of the lock scopes. 'global','local' are not correct in
this context.
- j2ee explicitely requires any usertransaction to be completed
upon the end of the servletes service method.
general review necessary.