blob: 25fd69b79e31363497394a1642198d4154ac3e3f [file] [log] [blame]
todo webdav/version
- review: compliance to deltaV
- reflecting feature-sets
- baseline/activity: missing support in library
todo webdav/ordering
- respect Position header with creation of new collection members by
PUT, COPY, MKCOL requests
todo webdav/search
- SearchResource should extend DavResource
- library misses support for the basic query
todo webdav/transaction
- review naming of the lock scopes. 'global','local' are not correct in
this context.
- repository transactions ('global') are only possible with jackrabbit, where
the session represents the XAResource itself.
since j2ee explicitely requires any usertransaction to be completed
upon the end of the servletes service method.
general review necessary....
todo jcr-server implementation
- undo incomplete changes in case of exception
- multistatus fuer lock, copy, move, delete wherever required.
- DAV:supported-live-property-set
- timeout: remove expired locks/subscriptions
- improve definition methods/compliance-class
- OPTIONS to *-request-uri (according to RFC 2616)
- implement session-scoped locks. this includes:
> uncommenting supported-locks entry
> build caching mechanism for session in case of session-scoped locks.
> retrieval of cached sessions (currently not possible from IfHeader).
> open issue in JCR: scope of lock cannot be retrieved.
- JCR lock-token currently not checked for compliance with RFC2518. If the
token is modified accordingly, setting the lock-token to the subsequent
session (currently in the WebdavRequestImpl) must be aware of that change....
- transaction locks
- lock returned upon lock-discovery
- remove after timeout (>> releasing cached sessions)
- define reasonable timeout or make timeout configurable
- createLock must respect existing locks in the subtree, for lock is always deep.
- make sure all expired subscriptions are removed.
- subscription: reasonable default/max timeout make it configurable...
- Additional VERSION-CONTROL Semantics with workspace not implemented.
- BaseLine/Activity not respected yet (see jsr283)