blob: 547b1bddd2ea3c82fed6785242870bf78651a0a7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.jcr.Credentials;
import javax.jcr.SimpleCredentials;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
public class TestIdentityProvider implements ExternalIdentityProvider {
public static final String ID_TEST_USER = "testUser";
public static final String ID_SECOND_USER = "secondUser";
public static final String ID_WILDCARD_USER = "wildcardUser";
public static final String ID_EXCEPTION = "throw!";
public static final String DEFAULT_IDP_NAME = "test";
private final Map<String, ExternalGroup> externalGroups = new HashMap<String, ExternalGroup>();
private final Map<String, ExternalUser> externalUsers = new HashMap<String, ExternalUser>();
private final String idpName;
public TestIdentityProvider() {
public TestIdentityProvider(@NotNull String idpName) {
this.idpName = idpName;
addGroup(new TestGroup("aa", getName()));
addGroup(new TestGroup("aaa", getName()));
addGroup(new TestGroup("a", getName()).withGroups("aa", "aaa"));
addGroup(new TestGroup("b", getName()).withGroups("a"));
addGroup(new TestGroup("c", getName()));
addGroup(new TestGroup("secondGroup", getName()));
addGroup(new TestGroup("_gr_u_", getName()));
addGroup(new TestGroup("g%r%", getName()));
addUser(new TestUser(ID_TEST_USER, getName())
.withProperty("name", "Test User")
.withProperty("profile/name", "Public Name")
.withProperty("profile/age", 72)
.withProperty("email", "")
.withGroups("a", "b", "c")
addUser(new TestUser(ID_SECOND_USER, getName())
.withProperty("profile/name", "Second User")
.withProperty("age", 24)
.withProperty("col", ImmutableList.of("v1", "v2", "v3"))
.withProperty("boolArr", new Boolean[]{true, false})
.withProperty("charArr", new char[]{'t', 'o', 'b'})
.withProperty("byteArr", new byte[0])
addUser(new TestUser(ID_WILDCARD_USER, getName())
.withGroups("_gr_u_", "g%r%"));
public void addUser(TestIdentity user) {
externalUsers.put(user.getId().toLowerCase(), (ExternalUser) user);
private void addGroup(TestIdentity group) {
externalGroups.put(group.getId().toLowerCase(), (ExternalGroup) group);
public String getName() {
return idpName;
public ExternalIdentity getIdentity(@NotNull ExternalIdentityRef ref) throws ExternalIdentityException {
if (ID_EXCEPTION.equals(ref.getId())) {
throw new ExternalIdentityException(ID_EXCEPTION);
ExternalIdentity id = externalUsers.get(ref.getId().toLowerCase());
if (id != null) {
return id;
return externalGroups.get(ref.getId().toLowerCase());
public ExternalUser getUser(@NotNull String userId) throws ExternalIdentityException {
if (ID_EXCEPTION.equals(userId)) {
throw new ExternalIdentityException(ID_EXCEPTION);
return externalUsers.get(userId.toLowerCase());
public ExternalUser authenticate(@NotNull Credentials credentials) throws ExternalIdentityException, LoginException {
if (!(credentials instanceof SimpleCredentials)) {
return null;
SimpleCredentials creds = (SimpleCredentials) credentials;
TestUser user = (TestUser) getUser(creds.getUserID());
if (user != null) {
if (!new String(creds.getPassword()).equals(user.getPassword())) {
throw new LoginException("Invalid User/Password");
return user;
public ExternalGroup getGroup(@NotNull String name) throws ExternalIdentityException {
if (ID_EXCEPTION.equals(name)) {
throw new ExternalIdentityException(ID_EXCEPTION);
return externalGroups.get(name.toLowerCase());
public Iterator<ExternalUser> listUsers() throws ExternalIdentityException {
return externalUsers.values().iterator();
public Iterator<ExternalGroup> listGroups() throws ExternalIdentityException {
return externalGroups.values().iterator();
public static class TestIdentity implements ExternalIdentity {
private final String userId;
private final String principalName;
private final ExternalIdentityRef id;
private final Set<ExternalIdentityRef> groups = new HashSet<ExternalIdentityRef>();
private final Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>();
public TestIdentity() {
this("externalId", "principalName", DEFAULT_IDP_NAME);
public TestIdentity(@NotNull String userId) {
this(userId, userId, DEFAULT_IDP_NAME);
public TestIdentity(@NotNull String userId, @NotNull String principalName, @NotNull String idpName) {
this.userId = userId;
this.principalName = principalName;
id = new ExternalIdentityRef(userId, idpName);
public TestIdentity(@NotNull ExternalIdentity base) {
userId = base.getId();
principalName = base.getPrincipalName();
id = base.getExternalId();
public String getId() {
return userId;
public String getPrincipalName() {
return principalName;
public ExternalIdentityRef getExternalId() {
return id;
public String getIntermediatePath() {
return null;
public Iterable<ExternalIdentityRef> getDeclaredGroups() {
return groups;
public Map<String, ?> getProperties() {
return props;
protected TestIdentity withProperty(String name, Object value) {
props.put(name, value);
return this;
protected TestIdentity withGroups(String ... grps) {
for (String grp: grps) {
groups.add(new ExternalIdentityRef(grp, id.getProviderName()));
return this;
public static class TestUser extends TestIdentity implements ExternalUser {
public TestUser(String userId, @NotNull String idpName) {
super(userId, userId, idpName);
public String getPassword() {
return "";
public static class TestGroup extends TestIdentity implements ExternalGroup {
public TestGroup(@NotNull String userId, @NotNull String idpName) {
super(userId, userId, idpName);
public Iterable<ExternalIdentityRef> getDeclaredMembers() throws ExternalIdentityException {
return null;
public static final class ForeignExternalUser extends TestIdentityProvider.TestIdentity implements ExternalUser {
public ForeignExternalUser() {
super("externalId", "principalName", "AnotherExternalIDP");
public static final class ForeignExternalGroup extends TestIdentityProvider.TestIdentity implements ExternalGroup {
public ForeignExternalGroup() {
super("externalId", "principalName", "AnotherExternalIDP");
public Iterable<ExternalIdentityRef> getDeclaredMembers() {
return ImmutableList.of();