blob: a274f363f3a83dcc50f4d3378a78899352e89da8 [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes -- Apache Jackrabbit Oak -- Version 1.7.11
Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content
repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class
web sites and other demanding content applications.
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.7.11 is an unstable release cut directly from
Jackrabbit Oak trunk, with a focus on new features and other
improvements. For production use we recommend the latest stable 1.6.x
The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project.
Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.
Changes in Oak 1.7.11
[OAK-2382] - Move NodeStore implementations to separate modules
Technical task
[OAK-5650] - RDBDocumentStore on Oracle:
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Oracle JDBC driver
[OAK-6813] - DocumentStore conditional remove: reduce set of
supported conditions to what the Version GC needs
[OAK-6857] - Lucene unique index should check path validity for
uniqueness constraint
[OAK-6863] - RDB*Store: update Oracle JDBC dependency to
[OAK-6903] - RDB*Store: update Tomcat JDBC pool dependency to
[OAK-6906] - RDB*Store: update Tomcat JDBC pool dependency to
8.5.23 (for branches compatible with Java 7)
[OAK-6907] - RDB*Store: require ojdbc because of known
issues in earlier versions
[OAK-5521] - CommunicationObserver and its MBeans need proper
[OAK-6740] - Test failure: StandbyTestIT.testSyncLoop()
[OAK-6748] - Test failure:
[OAK-6796] - DataStoreTestBase.testSyncBigBlob failures
[OAK-6829] -
[OAK-6861] - Warn messages when building oak-query-spi
[OAK-6864] - IndexUpdate should disable superseded indexes only
during an async cycle run
[OAK-6866] - Force compaction timeout logs wrong number of seconds
[OAK-6869] - oak-http and oak-remote use potentially vulnerable
versions of com.fasterxml.jackson
[OAK-6871] - Composite roles are not compatible with Windows
[OAK-6874] - Segment-Tar-Cold fixture doesn't correctly set up
standby blob store
[OAK-6875] - Lucene index: the query read limit is ignored
[OAK-6876] - IndexDisabler should not use NodeBuilder#isReplaced
[OAK-6877] - NodeBuilder#isReplaced behaves incorrectly for
[OAK-6885] - Add missing id field setting in CloudSolrServer
[OAK-6888] - Flushing the FileStore might return before data is
[OAK-6889] - Followup on OAK-6755: fix OSGi component descriptors
[OAK-6890] - Background threads might not be automatically
[OAK-6894] -
[OAK-6895] - Suggest directory lookup (query) isn't closed
[OAK-6901] - Unknown channel option 'TCP_NODELAY' for channel
warning in cold standby
[OAK-6902] - Cost estimation for path tranformable queries is
[OAK-6909] - FileStore.compact does not persist compacted head to
[OAK-5424] - Add documentation about revision garbage collection
[OAK-2621] - Too many reads for child nodes
[OAK-3878] - Avoid caching of NodeDocument while iterating in
[OAK-6626] - Replace standby blob chunk size configuration with
feature flag
[OAK-6735] - Lucene Index: improved cost estimation by using
document count per field
[OAK-6775] - Suggest directory should utilize CopyOnRead if
[OAK-6807] - Query Recorder
[OAK-6859] - Schedule Revision GC in DocumentNodeStoreService
[OAK-6868] - Simplify setup of access tracking of the file store
[OAK-6878] - Populate S3DataStore fields with the passed
properties in oak-upgrade
[OAK-6883] - The compaction estimator should take the compaction
type (tail vs. full) into consideration
[OAK-6887] - Change default value for autoCompact
[OAK-6896] - Log SegmentStore size at startup
[OAK-6908] - Change RDB default scheduling on RDB
[OAK-2046] - Cleaning-up double test artifacts between oak-core
and oak-jcr
[OAK-6893] - Add BasicWriteTest benchmark
[OAK-1327] - Cleanup NodeStore and MK implementations
In addition to the above-mentioned changes, this release contains
all changes included up to the Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.7.x release.
For more detailed information about all the changes in this and other
Oak releases, please see the Oak issue tracker at
Release Contents
This release consists of a single source archive packaged as a zip file.
The archive can be unpacked with the jar tool from your JDK installation.
See the file for instructions on how to build this release.
The source archive is accompanied by SHA1 and MD5 checksums and a PGP
signature that you can use to verify the authenticity of your download.
The public key used for the PGP signature can be found at
About Apache Jackrabbit Oak
Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content
repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class
web sites and other demanding content applications.
The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project.
Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.
For more information, visit
About The Apache Software Foundation
Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational,
legal, and financial support for more than 140 freely-available,
collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The pragmatic Apache License
enables individual and commercial users to easily deploy Apache software;
the Foundation's intellectual property framework limits the legal exposure
of its 3,800+ contributors.
For more information, visit