blob: 4ef1a2df299cce7dd142519579c19cac076a1098 [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes -- Apache Jackrabbit Oak -- Version 1.14.0
Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content
repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class
web sites and other demanding content applications.
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.14.0 is an incremental feature release based
on and compatible with earlier stable Jackrabbit Oak 1.x
releases. This release is considered stable and targeted for
production use.
The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project.
Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.
Changes in Oak 1.14.0
Technical task
[OAK-8201] - RDBDocumentStore in ReadOnly mode should never modify
[OAK-8251] - RDBBlobStore instantiated from ReadOnly
DocumentNodeStore should never modify persistence
[OAK-8257] - RDBDocumentStore: improve trace logging of batch
[OAK-8273] - RDBDocumentStore: createOrUpdate with less than 3 ops
[OAK-8281] - Improve coverage for
[OAK-8307] - RDBDocumentStore: add DEBUG logging when fetching
index metadata fails
[OAK-8311] - RDBDocumentStore: allow to turn off RDB-specific
[OAK-8332] - update Tomcat JDBC dependency to 8.5.41
[OAK-8337] - RDBDocumentStore: refactor index dumping code
[OAK-8338] - RDBDocumentStoreJDBC: fix theoretically possible NPE
in perflogging code
[OAK-8340] - Document use of oak-run for RDB
[OAK-8346] - RDBDocumentStore*: fix several potential but
improbable NPEs
[OAK-8349] - RDBDocumentStore*: "reset clusterId tool" in oak-run
[OAK-8368] - RDBDocumentNodeStoreBuilder: refactor
setRDBConnection for consistency
[OAK-8371] - Stop using deprecated DocumentMK.Builder in RDB tests
[OAK-8375] - DocumentNodeStoreBuilder should not instantiate
BlobStore instance before "build()"
[OAK-8378] - rdb/oak-run: update usage and documentation for
garbage command
[OAK-8139] - DocumentDiscoveryLiteService hasBacklog silencing
must support maven version format
[OAK-8149] - java 12 javadoc fails with "unknown tag" for OSGi
version annotations in package-info
[OAK-8166] - Index definition with orderable property definitions
with and without functions breaks index
[OAK-8187] - Respect service ranking with AuthorizableNodeName,
AuthorizableActionProvider and RestrictionProvider
[OAK-8199] - DocumentStore in ReadOnly mode should never modify
[OAK-8207] - Read-only DocumentNodeStore tries to create root
[OAK-8212] - ImporterImpl.importProperties prone to NPE
[OAK-8214] - RDBDocumentStore may not inherit ReadOnly flag from
[OAK-8218] - ReadOnlyNodeTypeManager.isNodeType prone to NPE
[OAK-8219] - Incorrect parent POM version in oak-doc and
[OAK-8220] - CommitRootUpdateTest creates malformed value
[OAK-8223] - javadoc-plugin fails with java11
[OAK-8229] - LoginModuleImpl.commit will end in NPE if credentials
are null
[OAK-8231] - Unreachable code in LoginModuleImpl.getLoginId
[OAK-8232] - Node#setPrimaryType(String) does not create child
nodes defined as autoCreated
[OAK-8246] - Test failure:
[OAK-8258] - Active deletion can delete blobs despite indexing
cycle deleting them failed
[OAK-8261] - Indexing lane failing but the index is not marked
[OAK-8266] - Redundant check for existing tree in
[OAK-8272] - Orphaned branch commit entries after restart
[OAK-8276] - OR-CompositeTreePermission.grantsPermission should
loop over aggregates of supported permissions
[OAK-8278] - RDBDataSourceFactory.CloseableDataSource doesn't
implement java.sql.Wrapper correctly
[OAK-8290] - Update org.apache.felix.framework for jdk13
[OAK-8293] - PrincipalProviderImpl.findPrincipals my return null
values in result iterator
[OAK-8300] - Revision GC may remove previous document without
removing reference
[OAK-8306] - Empty PrincipalProvider cache breaks membership
[OAK-8309] - SLOW_QUERY_COUNT don't get updated for each slow
[OAK-8314] - BlobIds created with direct uploads lack length
[OAK-8324] - Missing NotNull annotation with
AuthenticationConfiguration and LoginModuleStatsCollector
[OAK-8369] - Misplace checkNotNull in CacheValidator
[OAK-8372] - DeclaredMembershipPredicate contains redundant lookup
of groupTree
[OAK-8382] - release doesn't work any more for oak-run
New Feature
[OAK-8146] - oak-run support for inspecting clusterNodeInfo
[OAK-8243] - Expose the number of SNFEs as metric
[OAK-8294] - Make it possible to mark a (customer) query as bad
and skip it
[OAK-8358] - oak-run check should have an option for specifying
memory mapping
[OAK-7065] - Remove orphan file from local directory in case
indexing fails
[OAK-7691] - Remove deprecated ValueFactoryImpl methods
[OAK-8141] - Replace String path with custom data type
[OAK-8185] - Improve CompositeNodeStore fixture
[OAK-8209] - Improve Node.isNodeType(String) performance
[OAK-8215] - Use CacheLIRS as default
[OAK-8216] - Consistently add nullability annotations with
spi.nodetype package and implementation
[OAK-8217] - Remove unused field
[OAK-8228] - Optimize PathUtils.dropIndexFromName(String)
[OAK-8234] - Reduce object allocation in PermissionProviderImpl
for admin sessions
[OAK-8241] - Add benchmark for transient Node.setProperty()
[OAK-8247] - Add non-admin mode for Node.isNodeType() benchmark
[OAK-8249] - NodeImpl#isNodeType could load mixin info lazily
[OAK-8256] - PrincipalManagerImplTest uses Guava beta methods
[OAK-8263] - Simplify PermissionEntry.compareTo
[OAK-8265] - Add nullable/notnull annotations to*
[OAK-8269] - Improve readability of CompositePermissionProvider
and CompositeTreePermission
[OAK-8270] - Add variant of PermissionUtil.getReadOnlyTree that
never returns null
[OAK-8283] - Make LazyValue implement Supplier
[OAK-8284] - Improvements to EntryPredicate
[OAK-8301] - Ensure travis-ci uses trusty image
[OAK-8304] - VersionablePathHook: Diff.setVersionablePath never
results in CommitFailedException
[OAK-8305] - Don't log a warning for queries that use
"option(traversal fail)"
[OAK-8308] - Unused Object methods in
[OAK-8310] - Potentially misleading conflict exception message
[OAK-8315] - Missing nullability annotations in package and
[OAK-8316] - Drop userId field in TokenLoginModule
[OAK-8320] - Improve tests for package
[OAK-8323] - Refactor redundant checks for null in TokenValidator
[OAK-8354] - Fix/Add nullability annotations with package
[OAK-8355] - AuthorizableImpl.isEveryone should not throw
[OAK-8360] - UserAuthentication.authenticate: improve readability
[OAK-8361] - Improve tests for package
[OAK-8362] - UserImporter: redundant check for null principals
[OAK-8363] - Remove obsolete comment
[OAK-8365] - UserManagerImpl: unreacheable code when retrieving
user/group from ID and tree
[OAK-8370] - Simplify
[OAK-8373] - UserPrincipalProvider: redundant test for null in
ResultRowToPrincipal, EveryonePredicate
[OAK-8379] - Improve tests for
[OAK-8353] - Additional test for OAK-8012
[OAK-7902] - Update osgi-mock to 2.3.10
[OAK-8197] - Update Oak 1.10 and trunk to Jackrabbit 2.18.1
[OAK-8208] - oak-run/rdb: add --rdbtableprefix option
[OAK-8235] - Upgrade Solr to version 6.6.6
[OAK-8240] - Improve test coverage for
[OAK-8248] - Update Oak trunk and 1.10 to Jackrabbit 2.18.2
[OAK-8277] - Run tests on on MongoDB 4.0.x
[OAK-8286] - Update jetbrains nullability annotations to 17.0.0
[OAK-8295] - Update version of jackrabbit dependency
[OAK-8296] - DocumentNodeStoreBranchesTest uses
[OAK-8312] - MissingLastRevSeeker and NodeDocumentSweeper: improve
progress logging
[OAK-8317] - Move the version-related migration tools to the
[OAK-8318] - Allow to close the SegmentStoreMigrator
[OAK-8329] - update docker-junit-rule dependency
[OAK-8331] - Update Tika dependency to 1.21
[OAK-8334] - Update Jackson dependency to 2.9.9
[OAK-8335] - get rid of junit deprecation warnings
[OAK-8341] - Include tomcat-jdbc/juli in oak-run
[OAK-8345] - oak-run: cleanup command list and documentation
[OAK-8348] - Update surefire/failsafe dependencies to 2.22.2
[OAK-8350] - Update animal-sniffer dependency to 1.18
[OAK-8356] - Support append mode in the SegmentStoreMigrator
[OAK-8357] - Support the truncate operation for the GCJournalFile
[OAK-8376] - update commons-codec dependency to 1.12
[OAK-8377] - Jacoco plugin: add PACKAGE based rules for security
[OAK-8322] - Create documentation for Oakathons
In addition to the above-mentioned changes, this release contains all
changes up to the previous release.
For more detailed information about all the changes in this and other
Oak releases, please see the Oak issue tracker at
Release Contents
This release consists of a single source archive packaged as a zip file.
The archive can be unpacked with the jar tool from your JDK installation.
See the file for instructions on how to build this release.
The source archive is accompanied by SHA512 checksums and a
PGP signature that you can use to verify the authenticity of your
download. The public key used for the PGP signature can be found at
About Apache Jackrabbit Oak
Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content
repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class
web sites and other demanding content applications.
The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project.
Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.
For more information, visit
About The Apache Software Foundation
Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational,
legal, and financial support for more than 140 freely-available,
collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The pragmatic Apache License
enables individual and commercial users to easily deploy Apache software;
the Foundation's intellectual property framework limits the legal exposure
of its 3,800+ contributors.
For more information, visit