blob: b1c4b4b3b227bbe6059c64455356f0143f8296d5 [file] [log] [blame]
Release Notes -- Apache Jackrabbit Oak -- Version 1.0.13
Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content
repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class
web sites and other demanding content applications.
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.0.13 is a patch release that contains fixes and
improvements over Oak 1.0. Jackrabbit Oak 1.0.x releases are considered
stable and targeted for production use.
The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project.
Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.
Changes in Oak 1.0.13
[OAK-2395] - RDB: MS SQL Server support
[OAK-2404] - Provide more information in SegmentNotFoundException
[OAK-2628] - RDB: convenience tool for dumping table creation
[OAK-2637] - update Postgres JDBC version to 9.4
[OAK-2673] - Resolve add-add, delete-delete merge conflict for
empty hidden docs
[OAK-2781] - log node type changes and the time needed to traverse
the repository
[OAK-1589] - MongoDocumentStore fails to report error for keys
that are too long
[OAK-1985] - TokenLoginModule can't handle case insensitive
[OAK-2036] - getPlan() output for NodeTypeIndex doesn't indicate
the index type used
[OAK-2224] - Increase the threshold for warning in PathIterator
[OAK-2295] - Using "order by jcr:score" slows down queries by a
few orders of magnitude
[OAK-2375] - Sporadic test failure of HeavyWriteIT.heavyWrite on
[OAK-2420] - DocumentNodeStore revision GC may lead to NPE
[OAK-2549] - Persistent Cache: support append-only mode
[OAK-2557] - VersionGC uses way too much memory if there is a
large pile of garbage
[OAK-2562] - DiffCache is inefficient
[OAK-2565] - Duplicate conditions should be removed (where x=1
or/and x=1)
[OAK-2566] - PropertyRestriction.isNotNullRestriction does not
take "list" into account
[OAK-2576] - ServiceEvent on each session login/logout
[OAK-2577] - LuceneSupportTest fails
[OAK-2582] - RDB: improve memory cache handling
[OAK-2584] - Row estimator should have a threshold
[OAK-2600] - DocumentNodeStoreMBean not being registered with the
JMX in branch
[OAK-2603] - Failure in one of the batch in VersionGC might lead
to orphaned nodes
[OAK-2607] - OakSolrConfigurationProviderService wrongly uses
ignoredProperties for usedProperties
[OAK-2616] - GCMonitorMBean#getRepositorySize reports incorrect
[OAK-2639] - Incorrect check for log level in PerfLogger
[OAK-2642] - DocumentNodeStore.dispose() may leave repository in
an inconsistent state
[OAK-2648] - ObservationTest.observationDispose() restarts
repository after test finished
[OAK-2649] - IndexCopier might create empty files in case of error
occuring while copying
[OAK-2662] - SegmentOverflowException in HeavyWriteIT on Jenkins
[OAK-2666] - LMSEstimator update resetting weights
[OAK-2670] - Online Backup of segment store fails on Windows
because the journal file is locked exclusively.
[OAK-2695] - DocumentNodeStore.dispatch() may pass null to
[OAK-2709] - Misleading log message from IndexCopier
[OAK-2716] - Background operation lock not released when
DocumentNodeStore is closed
[OAK-2720] - Misleading traversal warning message while performing
[OAK-2732] - NPE in lucene search
[OAK-2740] - TreeTypeProvider treates optimized node type
definition info as Ac-Content
[OAK-2751] - Test failures with EnableConcurrentAddRemove feature
enabled on 1.0 branch
[OAK-2752] - SegmentIdTable can sometimes hang when calling
getSegmentId(msb, lsb)
[OAK-2759] - Empty commit causes deserialization issue in
LocalDiffCache leading to cache corruption
[OAK-2780] - DocumentMK.commit() does not check if node exists on
property patch
[OAK-2782] - Tika not able to load class in case of custom config
[OAK-2228] - Changing the query traversal limit should affect
already started queries
[OAK-2230] - Execution Stats for async indexing
[OAK-2448] - Do not create nodeChildren cache entry for leaf
[OAK-2464] - Optimize read of known non-existing children
[OAK-2499] - Expose mongo and db versions for reporting purposes
[OAK-2570] - Open indexes in IndexTracker non blocking way
[OAK-2571] - Protect the persistent cache against Thread.interrupt
[OAK-2572] - Include cache invalidation stats in logs related to
background operations
[OAK-2579] - RepositoryManager must not register
WhiteboardExecutor with Oak
[OAK-2587] - observation processing too eager/unfair under load
[OAK-2589] - Provide progress indication when reindexing is being
[OAK-2590] - IndexCopier Error occurred while removing deleted
files from Local
[OAK-2591] - Invoke indexUpdate only when new Document are added
in LuceneIndexEditor
[OAK-2594] - Backport spellcheck support to 1.0
[OAK-2595] - High memory consumption of CompactionGainEstimate
[OAK-2601] - PerfLogger for NodeObserver.contentChanged()
[OAK-2602] - [Solr] Cost calculation takes time with solr pings
even when not fulfilling query
[OAK-2604] - Backport LMSEstimator and sorting capabilities to
branch 1.0
[OAK-2608] - Avoid indexing user/group/uuid props by default
[OAK-2614] - Timeout for MongoDB query
[OAK-2624] - Move out non essential task processing from
DocumentNodeStore background thread
[OAK-2654] - SegmentIdTable too eager to refresh
[OAK-2668] - Ability to disable index hints for MongoDB
[OAK-2669] - Use Consolidated diff for local changes with
persistent cache to avoid calculating diff again
[OAK-2671] - Persistent cache: use different files in tests
[OAK-2708] - Enable CopyOnRead feature for Lucene indexes by
[OAK-2737] - RepositoryUpgrade.copy() should allow custom commit
[OAK-2738] - Possible StackOverflowException with many "or"
[OAK-2743] - Log time taken in couple of places in indexing
[OAK-2753] - Use increasing batch size for sorted queries in
[OAK-2755] - Consolidated JMX view of all EventListener related
[OAK-2769] - Add progress log to VersionGC in DocumentNodeStore
New Feature
[OAK-2371] - Helper class for CI configurations
[OAK-2168] - Make SolrIndex implement AdvanceQueryIndex
[OAK-2578] - Add Sling OSGi Mocks to parent pom
[OAK-2583] - Use PerfLogger in DocumentNodeStoreBranch
[OAK-2696] - Maven build on travis too verbose
[OAK-1859] - Migration from TarMK to MongoMK
In addition to the above-mentioned changes, this release contains
all changes included in previous Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.0.x releases.
Please note, the backported RDB support for the DocumentNodeStore is considered
experimental at this point and is not yet ready for production use. Feel free
to try it out and report any issues you may see to the Oak developers.
For more detailed information about all the changes in this and other
Oak releases, please see the Oak issue tracker at
Release Contents
This release consists of a single source archive packaged as a zip file.
The archive can be unpacked with the jar tool from your JDK installation.
See the file for instructions on how to build this release.
The source archive is accompanied by SHA1 and MD5 checksums and a PGP
signature that you can use to verify the authenticity of your download.
The public key used for the PGP signature can be found at
About Apache Jackrabbit Oak
Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content
repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class
web sites and other demanding content applications.
The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project.
Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.
For more information, visit
About The Apache Software Foundation
Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational,
legal, and financial support for more than 140 freely-available,
collaboratively-developed Open Source projects. The pragmatic Apache License
enables individual and commercial users to easily deploy Apache software;
the Foundation's intellectual property framework limits the legal exposure
of its 3,800+ contributors.
For more information, visit