blob: 942c3f8e62ec5f154aab56f311e1e41605d8eb43 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document;
import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.AttributeDefinition;
import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.ObjectClassDefinition;
import org.osgi.service.metatype.annotations.Option;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.CommitQueue.DEFAULT_SUSPEND_TIMEOUT;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.Configuration.PID;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreBuilder.DEFAULT_CACHE_SEGMENT_COUNT;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreBuilder.DEFAULT_CACHE_STACK_MOVE_DISTANCE;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreBuilder.DEFAULT_CHILDREN_CACHE_PERCENTAGE;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreBuilder.DEFAULT_DIFF_CACHE_PERCENTAGE;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreBuilder.DEFAULT_NODE_CACHE_PERCENTAGE;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreBuilder.DEFAULT_PREV_DOC_CACHE_PERCENTAGE;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreBuilder.DEFAULT_UPDATE_LIMIT;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_DETAILED_GC_ENABLED;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_VERIFICATION_ENABLED;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_THROTTLING_ENABLED;
pid = {PID},
name = "Apache Jackrabbit Oak Document NodeStore Service",
description = "NodeStore implementation based on Document model. For configuration option refer " +
"to Note that for system " +
"stability purpose it is advisable to not change these settings at runtime. Instead the config change " +
"should be done via file system based config file and this view should ONLY be used to determine which " +
"options are supported")
@interface Configuration {
String PID = "org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.DocumentNodeStoreService";
String PRESET_PID = PID + "Preset";
name = "Mongo URI",
description = "Mongo connection URI used to connect to Mongo. Refer to " +
" for details. Note that this value " +
"can be overridden via framework property 'oak.mongo.uri'")
String mongouri() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_URI;
name = "Mongo DB name",
description = "Name of the database in Mongo. Note that this value " +
"can be overridden via framework property 'oak.mongo.db'")
String db() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_DB;
name = "MongoDB socket keep-alive option",
description = "Whether socket keep-alive should be enabled for " +
"connections to MongoDB. Note that this value can be " +
"overridden via framework property 'oak.mongo.socketKeepAlive'")
boolean socketKeepAlive() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_SO_KEEP_ALIVE;
name = "MongoDB socket timeout for lease update operations",
description = "Socket timeout for lease update operations in " +
"milliseconds. Note that this value can be " +
"overridden via framework property 'oak.mongo.leaseSocketTimeout'")
int mongoLeaseSocketTimeout() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_MONGO_LEASE_SO_TIMEOUT_MILLIS;
name = "Cache Size (in MB)",
description = "Cache size in MB. This is distributed among various caches used in DocumentNodeStore")
int cache() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_CACHE;
name = "NodeState Cache",
description = "Percentage of cache to be allocated towards Node cache")
int nodeCachePercentage() default DEFAULT_NODE_CACHE_PERCENTAGE;
name = "PreviousDocument Cache",
description = "Percentage of cache to be allocated towards Previous Document cache")
int prevDocCachePercentage() default DEFAULT_PREV_DOC_CACHE_PERCENTAGE;
name = "NodeState Children Cache",
description = "Percentage of cache to be allocated towards Children cache")
int childrenCachePercentage() default DEFAULT_CHILDREN_CACHE_PERCENTAGE;
name = "Diff Cache",
description = "Percentage of cache to be allocated towards Diff cache")
int diffCachePercentage() default DEFAULT_DIFF_CACHE_PERCENTAGE;
name = "LIRS Cache Segment Count",
description = "The number of segments in the LIRS cache " +
"(default 16, a higher count means higher concurrency " +
"but slightly lower cache hit rate)")
int cacheSegmentCount() default DEFAULT_CACHE_SEGMENT_COUNT;
name = "LIRS Cache Stack Move Distance",
description = "The delay to move entries to the head of the queue " +
"in the LIRS cache " +
"(default 16, a higher value means higher concurrency " +
"but slightly lower cache hit rate)")
int cacheStackMoveDistance() default DEFAULT_CACHE_STACK_MOVE_DISTANCE;
name = "Blob Cache Size (in MB)",
description = "Cache size to store blobs in memory. Used only with default BlobStore " +
"(as per DocumentStore type)")
int blobCacheSize() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_BLOB_CACHE_SIZE;
name = "Persistent Cache Config",
description = "Configuration for persistent cache. Refer to " +
" for various options")
String persistentCache() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_PERSISTENT_CACHE;
name = "Journal Cache Config",
description = "Configuration for journal cache. Refer to " +
" for various options")
String journalCache() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_JOURNAL_CACHE;
name = "Custom BlobStore",
description = "Boolean value indicating that a custom BlobStore is to be used. " +
"By default, for MongoDB, MongoBlobStore is used; for RDB, RDBBlobStore is used.")
boolean customBlobStore() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_CUSTOM_BLOB_STORE;
name = "Journal Garbage Collection Interval (millis)",
description = "Long value indicating interval (in milliseconds) with which the "
+ "journal (for external changes) is cleaned up. Default is " + DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_JOURNAL_GC_INTERVAL_MILLIS)
long journalGCInterval() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_JOURNAL_GC_INTERVAL_MILLIS;
name = "Maximum Age of Journal Entries (millis)",
description = "Long value indicating max age (in milliseconds) that "
+ "journal (for external changes) entries are kept (older ones are candidates for gc). "
+ "Default is " + DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_JOURNAL_GC_MAX_AGE_MILLIS)
long journalGCMaxAge() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_JOURNAL_GC_MAX_AGE_MILLIS;
name = "Pre-fetch external changes",
description = "Boolean value indicating if external changes should " +
"be pre-fetched in a background thread.")
boolean prefetchExternalChanges() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_PREFETCH_EXTERNAL_CHANGES;
name = "NodeStoreProvider role",
description = "Property indicating that this component will not register as a NodeStore but as a " +
"NodeStoreProvider with given role")
String role();
name = "Version GC Max Age (in secs)",
description = "Version Garbage Collector (GC) logic will only consider those deleted for GC which " +
"are not accessed recently (currentTime - lastModifiedTime > versionGcMaxAgeInSecs). For " +
"example as per default only those document which have been *marked* deleted 24 hrs ago will be " +
"considered for GC. This also applies how older revision of live document are GC.")
long versionGcMaxAgeInSecs() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_VER_GC_MAX_AGE;
name = "Version GC scheduler expression",
description = "A cron expression that defines when the Version GC is scheduled. " +
"If this configuration entry is left empty, the default behaviour is to " +
"schedule a run every five seconds (also known as Continuous Revision Garbage " +
"Collection). Otherwise, the schedule can be configured with a cron " +
"expression. E.g. the following expression triggers a GC run every night at 2 AM: '" +
DocumentNodeStoreService.CLASSIC_RGC_EXPR + "'."
String versionGCExpression() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_VER_GC_EXPRESSION;
name = "Time limit for a Version GC run (in sec)",
description = "A Version GC run is canceled after this number of seconds. " +
"The default value is " + DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_RGC_TIME_LIMIT_SECS +
" seconds.")
long versionGCTimeLimitInSecs() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_RGC_TIME_LIMIT_SECS;
name = "Delay factor for a Version GC run",
description = "A Version GC run has a gap of this delay factor to reduce continuous load on system" +
"The default value is " + DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_RGC_DELAY_FACTOR)
double versionGCDelayFactor() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_RGC_DELAY_FACTOR;
name = "Blob GC Max Age (in secs)",
description = "Blob Garbage Collector (GC) logic will only consider those blobs for GC which " +
"are not accessed recently (currentTime - lastModifiedTime > blobGcMaxAgeInSecs). For " +
"example as per default only those blobs which have been created 24 hrs ago will be " +
"considered for GC")
long blobGcMaxAgeInSecs() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_BLOB_GC_MAX_AGE;
name = "Blob tracking snapshot interval (in secs)",
description = "This is the default interval in which the snapshots of locally tracked blob ids will"
+ "be taken and synchronized with the blob store. This should be configured to be less than the "
+ "frequency of blob GC so that deletions during blob GC can be accounted for "
+ "in the next GC execution.")
long blobTrackSnapshotIntervalInSecs() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_BLOB_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL;
name = "Root directory",
description = "Root directory for local tracking of blob ids. This service " +
"will first lookup the 'repository.home' framework property and " +
"then a component context property with the same name. If none " +
"of them is defined, a sub directory 'repository' relative to " +
"the current working directory is used.")
String repository_home();
name = "Max Replication Lag (in secs)",
description = "Value in seconds. Determines the duration beyond which it can be safely assumed " +
"that the state on the secondaries is consistent with the primary, and it is safe to read from them")
long maxReplicationLagInSecs() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_MAX_REPLICATION_LAG;
name = "DocumentStore Type",
description = "Type of DocumentStore to use for persistence. Defaults to MONGO",
options = {
@Option(label = "MONGO", value = "MONGO"),
@Option(label = "RDB", value = "RDB")})
String documentStoreType() default "MONGO";
name = "Bundling Disabled",
description = "Boolean value indicating that Node bundling is disabled")
boolean bundlingDisabled() default DocumentNodeStoreService.DEFAULT_BUNDLING_DISABLED;
name = "DocumentNodeStore update.limit",
description = "Number of content updates that need to happen before " +
"the updates are automatically purged to the private branch.")
int updateLimit() default DEFAULT_UPDATE_LIMIT;
name = "Persistent Cache Includes",
description = "Paths which should be cached in persistent cache. " +
"This value can be overridden with a system property " +
"'oak.documentstore.persistentCacheIncludes' where paths " +
"are separated with '::'. Example: -Doak.documentstore.persistentCacheIncludes=/content::/var")
String[] persistentCacheIncludes() default {"/"};
name = "Lease check mode",
description = "The lease check mode. 'STRICT' is the default and " +
"will stop the DocumentNodeStore as soon as the lease " +
"expires. 'LENIENT' will give the background lease update " +
"a chance to renew the lease even when the lease expired. " +
"This mode is only recommended for development, e.g. when " +
"debugging an application and the lease may expire when " +
"the JVM is stopped at a breakpoint.",
options = {
@Option(label = "STRICT", value = "STRICT"),
@Option(label = "LENIENT", value = "LENIENT")})
String leaseCheckMode() default "STRICT";
name = "Document Node Store throttling",
description = "Boolean value indicating whether throttling should be enabled for " +
"document node store or not. The Default value is " + DEFAULT_THROTTLING_ENABLED +
". Note that this value can be overridden via framework " +
"property 'oak.documentstore.throttlingEnabled'")
boolean throttlingEnabled() default DEFAULT_THROTTLING_ENABLED;
name = "Document Node Store Compression",
description = "Select compressor type for collections. 'Snappy' is the default supported compression.")
String collectionCompressionType() default "snappy";
name = "Commit Suspend timeout",
description = "Timeout for a suspended commit after it conflicted with" +
"a change that is not yet visible. Default: " + DEFAULT_SUSPEND_TIMEOUT +
" (milliseconds).")
long suspendTimeoutMillis() default DEFAULT_SUSPEND_TIMEOUT;
name = "Document Node Store Detailed GC",
description = "Boolean value indicating whether Detailed GC should be enabled for " +
"document node store or not. The Default value is " + DEFAULT_DETAILED_GC_ENABLED +
". Note that this value can be overridden via framework " +
"property 'oak.documentstore.detailedGCEnabled'")
boolean detailedGCEnabled() default DEFAULT_DETAILED_GC_ENABLED;
name = "Document Node Store Embedded Verification for Detailed GC",
description = "Boolean value indicating whether Embedded Verification (i.e. verify the document after " +
"applying changes in memory before any database calls) for Detailed GC should be enabled for " +
"document node store or not. The Default value is " + DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_VERIFICATION_ENABLED +
". Note that this value can be overridden via framework " +
"property 'oak.documentstore.embeddedVerificationEnabled'")
boolean embeddedVerificationEnabled() default DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_VERIFICATION_ENABLED;