blob: accdff105ba8b06d46114dfbf7fa27473fa78367 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.migration;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.JcrConstants;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.PropertyState;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.commons.PathUtils;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.NodeState;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.Set;
* NodeState implementation that decorates another node-state instance
* in order to hide subtrees or partial subtrees from the consumer of
* the API.
* <br>
* The set of visible subtrees is defined by two parameters: include paths
* and exclude paths, both of which are sets of absolute paths.
* <br>
* Any paths that are equal or are descendants of one of the
* <b>excluded paths</b> are hidden by this implementation.
* <br>
* For all <b>included paths</b>, the direct ancestors, the node-state at
* the path itself and all descendants are visible. Any siblings of the
* defined path or its ancestors are implicitly hidden (unless made visible
* by another include path).
* <br>
* The implementation delegates to the decorated node-state instance and
* filters out hidden node-states in the following methods:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #exists()}</li>
* <li>{@link #hasChildNode(String)}</li>
* <li>{@link #getChildNodeEntries()}</li>
* </ul>
* When <b>referenceableFrozenNodes</b> is set to {@code false}, then the
* implementation will hide the {@code jcr:uuid} property on
* {@code nt:frozenNode} nodes (see also OAK-9134).
* <br>
* Additionally, hidden node-state names are removed from the property
* {@code :childOrder} in the following two methods:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #getProperties()}</li>
* <li>{@link #getProperty(String)}</li>
* </ul>
public class FilteringNodeState extends AbstractDecoratedNodeState {
public static final Set<String> ALL = ImmutableSet.of("/");
public static final Set<String> NONE = ImmutableSet.of();
private final String path;
private final Set<String> includedPaths;
private final Set<String> excludedPaths;
private final Set<String> fragmentPaths;
private final Set<String> excludedFragments;
private final boolean referenceableFrozenNodes;
* Factory method that conditionally decorates the given node-state
* iff the node-state is (a) hidden itself or (b) has hidden descendants.
* @param path The path where the node-state should be assumed to be located.
* @param delegate The node-state to decorate.
* @param includePaths A Set of paths that should be visible. Defaults to ["/"] if {@code null}.
* @param excludePaths A Set of paths that should be hidden. Empty if {@code null}.
* @param fragmentPaths A Set of paths that should support the fragments (see below). Empty if {@code null}.
* @param excludedFragments A Set of name fragments that should be hidden. Empty if {@code null}.
* @param referenceableFrozenNodes Whether nt:frozenNode are referenceable on the target.
* @return The decorated node-state if required, the original node-state if decoration is unnecessary.
public static NodeState wrap(
@NotNull final String path,
@NotNull final NodeState delegate,
@Nullable final Set<String> includePaths,
@Nullable final Set<String> excludePaths,
@Nullable final Set<String> fragmentPaths,
@Nullable final Set<String> excludedFragments,
boolean referenceableFrozenNodes
) {
final Set<String> includes = defaultIfEmpty(includePaths, ALL);
final Set<String> excludes = defaultIfEmpty(excludePaths, NONE);
final Set<String> safeFragmentPaths = defaultIfEmpty(fragmentPaths, NONE);
final Set<String> safeExcludedFragments = defaultIfEmpty(excludedFragments, NONE);
if (!referenceableFrozenNodes || hasHiddenDescendants(path, includes, excludes, safeFragmentPaths, safeExcludedFragments)) {
return new FilteringNodeState(path, delegate, includes, excludes, fragmentPaths, safeExcludedFragments, referenceableFrozenNodes);
return delegate;
private FilteringNodeState(@NotNull final String path,
@NotNull final NodeState delegate,
@NotNull final Set<String> includedPaths,
@NotNull final Set<String> excludedPaths,
@NotNull final Set<String> fragmentPaths,
@NotNull final Set<String> excludedFragments,
boolean referenceableFrozenNodes) {
super(delegate, false);
this.path = path;
this.includedPaths = includedPaths;
this.excludedPaths = excludedPaths;
this.fragmentPaths = fragmentPaths;
this.excludedFragments = excludedFragments;
this.referenceableFrozenNodes = referenceableFrozenNodes;
protected NodeState decorateChild(@NotNull final String name, @NotNull final NodeState child) {
final String childPath = PathUtils.concat(path, name);
return wrap(childPath, child, includedPaths, excludedPaths, fragmentPaths, excludedFragments, referenceableFrozenNodes);
protected boolean hideChild(@NotNull final String name, @NotNull final NodeState delegateChild) {
return isHidden(PathUtils.concat(path, name), includedPaths, excludedPaths, excludedFragments);
protected PropertyState decorateProperty(@NotNull final PropertyState propertyState) {
if (!referenceableFrozenNodes && isFrozenNodeUUIDProperty(propertyState)) {
return null;
return fixChildOrderPropertyState(this, propertyState);
* Returns {@code true} if the given property state is the {@code jcr:uuid}
* property of a {@code nt:frozenNode}; {@code false} otherwise.
* @param propertyState the property to check.
* @return whether the given property state is the {@code jcr:uuid} property
* of a {@code nt:frozenNode}.
private boolean isFrozenNodeUUIDProperty(PropertyState propertyState) {
return propertyState.getName().equals(JcrConstants.JCR_UUID)
&& isFrozenNode();
* @return {@code true} if this node state has a nt:frozenNode;
* {@code false} otherwise.
private boolean isFrozenNode() {
return JcrConstants.NT_FROZENNODE.equals(delegate.getName(JcrConstants.JCR_PRIMARYTYPE));
* Utility method to determine whether a given path should is hidden given the
* include paths and exclude paths.
* @param path Path to be checked
* @param includes Include paths
* @param excludes Exclude paths
* @param excludedFragments Exclude fragments
* @return Whether the {@code path} is hidden or not.
private static boolean isHidden(
@NotNull final String path,
@NotNull final Set<String> includes,
@NotNull final Set<String> excludes,
@NotNull final Set<String> excludedFragments
) {
return isExcluded(path, excludes, excludedFragments) || !isIncluded(path, includes);
* Utility method to determine whether the path itself or any of its descendants should
* be hidden given the include paths and exclude paths.
* @param path Path to be checked
* @param includePaths Include paths
* @param excludePaths Exclude paths
* @param excludedFragments Exclude fragments
* @return Whether the {@code path} or any of its descendants are hidden or not.
private static boolean hasHiddenDescendants(
@NotNull final String path,
@NotNull final Set<String> includePaths,
@NotNull final Set<String> excludePaths,
@NotNull final Set<String> fragmentPaths,
@NotNull final Set<String> excludedFragments
) {
return isHidden(path, includePaths, excludePaths, excludedFragments)
|| isAncestorOfAnyPath(path, fragmentPaths)
|| isDescendantOfAnyPath(path, fragmentPaths)
|| fragmentPaths.contains(path)
|| isAncestorOfAnyPath(path, excludePaths)
|| isAncestorOfAnyPath(path, includePaths);
* Utility method to check whether a given set of include paths cover the given
* {@code path}. I.e. whether the path is visible or implicitly hidden due to the
* lack of a matching include path.
* <br>
* Note: the ancestors of every include path are considered visible.
* @param path Path to be checked
* @param includePaths Include paths
* @return Whether the path is covered by the include paths or not.
private static boolean isIncluded(@NotNull final String path, @NotNull final Set<String> includePaths) {
return isAncestorOfAnyPath(path, includePaths)
|| includePaths.contains(path)
|| isDescendantOfAnyPath(path, includePaths);
* Utility method to check whether a given set of exclude paths cover the given
* {@code path}. I.e. whether the path is hidden due to the presence of a
* matching exclude path.
* @param path Path to be checked
* @param excludePaths Exclude paths
* @param excludedFragments Exclude fragments
* @return Whether the path is covered by the excldue paths or not.
private static boolean isExcluded(@NotNull final String path, @NotNull final Set<String> excludePaths, @NotNull final Set<String> excludedFragments) {
return excludePaths.contains(path) || isDescendantOfAnyPath(path, excludePaths) || containsAnyFragment(path, excludedFragments);
* Utility method to check whether any of the provided {@code paths} is a descendant
* of the given ancestor path.
* @param ancestor Ancestor path
* @param paths Paths that may be descendants of {@code ancestor}.
* @return true if {@code paths} contains a descendant of {@code ancestor}, false otherwise.
private static boolean isAncestorOfAnyPath(@NotNull final String ancestor, @NotNull final Set<String> paths) {
for (final String p : paths) {
if (PathUtils.isAncestor(ancestor, p)) {
return true;
return false;
* Utility method to check whether any of the provided {@code paths} is an ancestor
* of the given descendant path.
* @param descendant Descendant path
* @param paths Paths that may be ancestors of {@code descendant}.
* @return true if {@code paths} contains an ancestor of {@code descendant}, false otherwise.
private static boolean isDescendantOfAnyPath(@NotNull final String descendant, @NotNull final Set<String> paths) {
for (final String p : paths) {
if (PathUtils.isAncestor(p, descendant)) {
return true;
return false;
* Utility method to check whether the passed path contains any of the provided {@code fragments}.
* @param path Path
* @param fragments Fragments, which the path may contain
* @return true if {@code path} contains any of the {@code fragments}, false otherwise.
private static boolean containsAnyFragment(@NotNull final String path, @NotNull final Set<String> fragments) {
for (final String f : fragments) {
if (path.contains(f)) {
return true;
return false;
* Utility method to return the given {@code Set} if it is not empty and a default Set otherwise.
* @param value Value to check for emptiness
* @param defaultValue Default value
* @return return the given {@code Set} if it is not empty and a default Set otherwise
private static <T> Set<T> defaultIfEmpty(@Nullable Set<T> value, @NotNull Set<T> defaultValue) {
return !isEmpty(value) ? value : defaultValue;
* Utility method to check whether a Set is empty, i.e. null or of size 0.
* @param set The Set to check.
* @return true if empty, false otherwise
private static <T> boolean isEmpty(@Nullable final Set<T> set) {
return set == null || set.isEmpty();