blob: 33ebdb2ed2f4183081d56651bf4ea6f15c973a37 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.base.Function;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.base.Joiner;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.base.Predicate;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.base.Stopwatch;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.base.Supplier;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.collect.Iterators;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.collect.Lists;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.collect.Maps;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.collect.Sets;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.commons.sort.StringSort;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.NodeDocument.SplitDocType;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.UpdateOp.Key;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.UpdateOp.Operation;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.UpdateOp.Operation.Type;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.util.TimeInterval;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.util.Utils;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.gc.DelegatingGCMonitor;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.gc.GCMonitor;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.AbstractNodeState;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.NodeState;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.stats.Clock;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.PropertyState;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.commons.TimeDurationFormatter;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.stats.StatisticsProvider;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import static java.lang.Math.round;
import static java.lang.String.join;
import static java.util.Collections.emptySet;
import static java.util.List.of;
import static java.util.Objects.nonNull;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import static java.util.Optional.ofNullable;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS;
import static java.util.function.Function.identity;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.base.StandardSystemProperty.LINE_SEPARATOR;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.base.Stopwatch.createUnstarted;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.collect.Iterables.all;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.collect.Iterators.partition;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.util.concurrent.Atomics.newReference;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.Collection.NODES;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.Collection.SETTINGS;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.Document.ID;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.NodeDocument.BRANCH_COMMITS;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.NodeDocument.COLLISIONS;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.NodeDocument.COMMIT_ROOT;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.NodeDocument.MIN_ID_VALUE;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.NodeDocument.MODIFIED_IN_SECS;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.NodeDocument.REVISIONS;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.NodeDocument.SplitDocType.COMMIT_ROOT_ONLY;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.NodeDocument.SplitDocType.DEFAULT_LEAF;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.NodeDocument.SplitDocType.DEFAULT_NO_BRANCH;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.VersionGarbageCollector.FullGCMode.GAP_ORPHANS;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.VersionGarbageCollector.FullGCMode.GAP_ORPHANS_EMPTYPROPS;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.VersionGarbageCollector.FullGCMode.NONE;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.util.Utils.getIdFromPath;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.util.Utils.timestampToString;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.stats.StatisticsProvider.NOOP;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.util.Utils.isCommitted;
import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger;
import static org.slf4j.helpers.MessageFormatter.arrayFormat;
public class VersionGarbageCollector {
//Kept less than MongoDocumentStore.IN_CLAUSE_BATCH_SIZE to avoid re-partitioning
private static final int DELETE_BATCH_SIZE = 450;
private static final int UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE = 450;
private static final int PROGRESS_BATCH_SIZE = 10000;
private static final int FULL_GC_BATCH_SIZE = 1000;
private static final int FULL_GC_MISSING_DOCS_TYPE_CACHE_SIZE = 64;
private static final String STATUS_IDLE = "IDLE";
private static final String STATUS_INITIALIZING = "INITIALIZING";
private static final Logger log = getLogger(VersionGarbageCollector.class);
private static final Logger AUDIT_LOG = getLogger(VersionGarbageCollector.class.getName() + ".auditDGC");
* Split document types which can be safely garbage collected
private static final Set<NodeDocument.SplitDocType> GC_TYPES = EnumSet.of(
* Document id stored in settings collection that keeps info about version gc
static final String SETTINGS_COLLECTION_ID = "versionGC";
* Property name to timestamp when last gc run happened
static final String SETTINGS_COLLECTION_OLDEST_TIMESTAMP_PROP = "lastOldestTimeStamp";
* Property name to recommended time interval for next collection run
static final String SETTINGS_COLLECTION_REC_INTERVAL_PROP = "recommendedIntervalMs";
* Property name to timestamp till when last full-GC run happened
* Property name to _id till when last full-GC run happened
* Property name to timestamp till when last full-GC run happened in dryRun mode only
* Property name to _id till when last full-GC run happened in dryRun mode only
* During hardening of FullGC one can choose level type of garbage should be cleaned up.
* Ultimately the goal is to clean up all possible garbage. After hardening these modes
* might no longer be supported.
enum FullGCMode {
/** no full GC is done at all */
/** GC only orphaned nodes with gaps in ancestor docs */
/** GC orphaned nodes with gaps in ancestor docs, plus empty properties */
/** GC any kind of orphaned nodes, plus empty properties */
* GC any kind of orphaned nodes, empty properties plus keep 1 (== keep
* traversed) revision, applied to user properties only
* GC any kind of orphaned nodes, empty properties plus keep 1 (== keep
* traversed) revision, applied to all properties
* GC any kind of orphaned nodes, empty properties plus cleanup unmerged BCs
* GC any kind of orphaned nodes, empty properties plus cleanup revisions, also
* between checkpoints
* GC any kind of orphaned nodes, empty properties, cleanup revisions, also
* between checkpoints, plus cleanup unmerged BCs
private static FullGCMode fullGcMode = GAP_ORPHANS_EMPTYPROPS;
static FullGCMode getFullGcMode() {
return fullGcMode;
private final DocumentNodeStore nodeStore;
private final DocumentStore ds;
private final boolean fullGCEnabled;
private final boolean isFullGCDryRun;
private final boolean embeddedVerification;
private Set<String> fullGCIncludePaths = Collections.emptySet();
private Set<String> fullGCExcludePaths = Collections.emptySet();
private final VersionGCSupport versionStore;
private final AtomicReference<GCJob> collector = newReference();
private VersionGCOptions options;
private GCMonitor gcMonitor = GCMonitor.EMPTY;
private RevisionGCStats gcStats = new RevisionGCStats(NOOP);
private FullGCStatsCollector fullGCStats = new FullGCStatsCollectorImpl(NOOP);
VersionGarbageCollector(DocumentNodeStore nodeStore,
VersionGCSupport gcSupport,
final boolean fullGCEnabled,
final boolean isFullGCDryRun,
final boolean embeddedVerification) {
this.nodeStore = nodeStore;
this.versionStore = gcSupport;
this.ds = gcSupport.getDocumentStore();
this.fullGCEnabled = fullGCEnabled;
this.isFullGCDryRun = isFullGCDryRun;
this.embeddedVerification = embeddedVerification;
this.options = new VersionGCOptions();"<init> VersionGarbageCollector created with fullGcMode = {}", fullGcMode);
* Please note that at the moment the includes do not
* take long paths into account. That is, if a long path was
* supposed to be included via an include, it is not.
* Reason for this is that long paths would require
* the mongo query to include a '_path' condition - which disallows
* mongo from using the '_modified_id' index. IOW long paths
* would result in full scans - which results in bad performance.
void setFullGCPaths(@NotNull Set<String> includes, @NotNull Set<String> excludes) {
this.fullGCIncludePaths = requireNonNull(includes);
this.fullGCExcludePaths = requireNonNull(excludes);
void setStatisticsProvider(StatisticsProvider provider) {
this.gcStats = new RevisionGCStats(provider);
this.fullGCStats = new FullGCStatsCollectorImpl(provider);
RevisionGCStats getRevisionGCStats() {
return gcStats;
public VersionGCStats gc(long maxRevisionAge, TimeUnit unit) throws IOException {
long maxRevisionAgeInMillis = unit.toMillis(maxRevisionAge);
TimeInterval maxRunTime = new TimeInterval(nodeStore.getClock().getTime(), Long.MAX_VALUE);
if (options.maxDurationMs > 0) {
maxRunTime = maxRunTime.startAndDuration(options.maxDurationMs);
GCJob job = new GCJob(maxRevisionAgeInMillis, options, gcMonitor);
if (collector.compareAndSet(null, job)) {
VersionGCStats overall = new VersionGCStats();;
if (fullGCEnabled) {
boolean success = false;
try {
long averageDurationMs = 0;
while (maxRunTime.contains(nodeStore.getClock().getTime() + averageDurationMs)) {"Start {}. run (avg duration {} sec)",
overall.iterationCount + 1, averageDurationMs / 1000.0);
VersionGCStats stats =;
if (options.maxIterations > 0 && overall.iterationCount >= options.maxIterations) {
if (!overall.needRepeat) {
averageDurationMs = ((averageDurationMs * (overall.iterationCount - 1))
+ / overall.iterationCount;
success = true;
return overall;
} finally {;
overall.success = success;
if (fullGCEnabled) {
if (overall.iterationCount > 1) {"Revision garbage collection finished after {} iterations - aggregate statistics: {}",
overall.iterationCount, overall);
} else {
throw new IOException("Revision garbage collection is already running");
public void cancel() {
GCJob job = collector.get();
if (job != null) {
public String getStatus() {
GCJob job = collector.get();
if (job == null) {
} else {
return job.getStatus();
public void setGCMonitor(@NotNull GCMonitor gcMonitor) {
this.gcMonitor = requireNonNull(gcMonitor);
public VersionGCOptions getOptions() {
return this.options;
public void setOptions(VersionGCOptions options) {
this.options = options;
public void reset() {
public void resetFullGC() {
UpdateOp op = new UpdateOp(SETTINGS_COLLECTION_ID, false);
ds.findAndUpdate(SETTINGS, op);
public void resetDryRun() {
UpdateOp op = new UpdateOp(SETTINGS_COLLECTION_ID, false);
ds.findAndUpdate(SETTINGS, op);
public VersionGCInfo getInfo(long maxRevisionAge, TimeUnit unit)
throws IOException {
long maxRevisionAgeInMillis = unit.toMillis(maxRevisionAge);
long now = nodeStore.getClock().getTime();
VersionGCRecommendations rec = new VersionGCRecommendations(maxRevisionAgeInMillis, nodeStore.getCheckpoints(),
nodeStore.getClock(), versionStore, options, gcMonitor, fullGCEnabled, isFullGCDryRun);
int estimatedIterations = -1;
if (rec.suggestedIntervalMs > 0) {
estimatedIterations = (int)Math.ceil((double) (now - rec.scope.toMs) / rec.suggestedIntervalMs);
return new VersionGCInfo(rec.lastOldestTimestamp, rec.scope.fromMs,
rec.deleteCandidateCount, rec.maxCollect,
rec.suggestedIntervalMs, rec.scope.toMs, estimatedIterations,
public static class VersionGCInfo {
public final long lastSuccess;
public final long oldestRevisionEstimate;
public final long revisionsCandidateCount;
public final long collectLimit;
public final long recommendedCleanupInterval;
public final long recommendedCleanupTimestamp;
public final int estimatedIterations;
public final long oldestFullGCRevisionEstimate;
VersionGCInfo(long lastSuccess,
long oldestRevisionEstimate,
long revisionsCandidateCount,
long collectLimit,
long recommendedCleanupInterval,
long recommendedCleanupTimestamp,
int estimatedIterations,
long oldestFullGCRevisionEstimate) {
this.lastSuccess = lastSuccess;
this.oldestRevisionEstimate = oldestRevisionEstimate;
this.revisionsCandidateCount = revisionsCandidateCount;
this.collectLimit = collectLimit;
this.recommendedCleanupInterval = recommendedCleanupInterval;
this.recommendedCleanupTimestamp = recommendedCleanupTimestamp;
this.estimatedIterations = estimatedIterations;
this.oldestFullGCRevisionEstimate = oldestFullGCRevisionEstimate;
public static class VersionGCStats {
boolean ignoredGCDueToCheckPoint;
boolean fullGCDryRunMode;
boolean ignoredFullGCDueToCheckPoint;
boolean canceled;
boolean success = true;
boolean limitExceeded;
boolean needRepeat;
int iterationCount;
int deletedDocGCCount;
int deletedLeafDocGCCount;
int splitDocGCCount;
int intermediateSplitDocGCCount;
int updateResurrectedGCCount;
long oldestModifiedDocTimeStamp;
String oldestModifiedDocId;
int updatedFullGCDocsCount;
int skippedFullGCDocsCount;
int deletedPropsCount;
int deletedInternalPropsCount;
int deletedPropRevsCount;
int deletedInternalPropRevsCount;
int deletedUnmergedBCCount;
int deletedOrphanNodesCount;
final TimeDurationFormatter df = TimeDurationFormatter.forLogging();
final Stopwatch active = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
final Stopwatch fullGCActive = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
final Stopwatch collectDeletedDocs = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
final Stopwatch checkDeletedDocs = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
final Stopwatch deleteDeletedDocs = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
final Stopwatch collectAndDeleteSplitDocs = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
final Stopwatch deleteSplitDocs = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
final Stopwatch sortDocIds = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
final Stopwatch updateResurrectedDocuments = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
final Stopwatch fullGCDocs = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
final Stopwatch deleteFullGCDocs = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
final Stopwatch collectFullGC = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
final Stopwatch collectOrphanNodes = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
final Stopwatch collectDeletedProps = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
final Stopwatch collectDeletedOldRevs = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
final Stopwatch collectUnmergedBC = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
long activeElapsed, fullGCActiveElapsed, collectDeletedDocsElapsed, checkDeletedDocsElapsed, deleteDeletedDocsElapsed,
collectAndDeleteSplitDocsElapsed, deleteSplitDocsElapsed, sortDocIdsElapsed, updateResurrectedDocumentsElapsed,
fullGCDocsElapsed, collectFullGCElapsed, collectOrphanNodesElapsed, collectDeletedPropsElapsed,
deleteFullGCDocsElapsed, collectDeletedOldRevsElapsed, collectUnmergedBCElapsed;
public String toString() {
String timings;
String fmt = "timeToCollectDeletedDocs=%s, timeToCheckDeletedDocs=%s, timeToSortDocIds=%s, timeTakenToUpdateResurrectedDocs=%s, timeTakenToDeleteDeletedDocs=%s, timeTakenToCollectAndDeleteSplitDocs=%s%s, " +
"timeToRunFullGC=%s, which includes [timeToDeleteFullGC=%s and timeToCollectFullGC=%s, (of which timeToCollectOrphanNodes=%s timeToCollectDeletedProps=%s, timeToCollectOldRevs=%s, timeToCollectUnmergedBranchCommits=%s)]";
// aggregated timings?
if (iterationCount > 0) {
String timeDeletingSplitDocs = "";
if (deleteSplitDocsElapsed > 0) {
timeDeletingSplitDocs = String.format(" (of which %s deleting)",
df.format(deleteSplitDocsElapsed, MICROSECONDS));
timings = String.format(fmt, df.format(collectDeletedDocsElapsed, MICROSECONDS),
df.format(checkDeletedDocsElapsed, MICROSECONDS), df.format(sortDocIdsElapsed, MICROSECONDS),
df.format(updateResurrectedDocumentsElapsed, MICROSECONDS),
df.format(deleteDeletedDocsElapsed, MICROSECONDS),
df.format(collectAndDeleteSplitDocsElapsed, MICROSECONDS),
df.format(fullGCDocsElapsed, MICROSECONDS),
df.format(deleteFullGCDocsElapsed, MICROSECONDS),
df.format(collectFullGCElapsed, MICROSECONDS),
df.format(collectOrphanNodesElapsed, MICROSECONDS),
df.format(collectDeletedPropsElapsed, MICROSECONDS),
df.format(collectDeletedOldRevsElapsed, MICROSECONDS),
df.format(collectUnmergedBCElapsed, MICROSECONDS));
} else {
String timeDeletingSplitDocs = "";
if (deleteSplitDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS) > 0) {
timeDeletingSplitDocs = String.format(" (of which %s deleting)",
df.format(deleteSplitDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS));
timings = String.format(fmt, df.format(collectDeletedDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
df.format(checkDeletedDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
df.format(sortDocIds.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
df.format(updateResurrectedDocuments.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
df.format(deleteDeletedDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
df.format(collectAndDeleteSplitDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
df.format(fullGCDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
df.format(deleteFullGCDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
df.format(collectFullGC.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
df.format(collectOrphanNodes.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
df.format(collectDeletedProps.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
df.format(collectDeletedOldRevs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS),
df.format(collectUnmergedBC.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS));
return "VersionGCStats{" +
"ignoredGCDueToCheckPoint=" + ignoredGCDueToCheckPoint +
", fullGCDryRunMode=" + fullGCDryRunMode +
", ignoredFullGCDueToCheckPoint=" + ignoredFullGCDueToCheckPoint +
", canceled=" + canceled +
", deletedDocGCCount=" + deletedDocGCCount + " (of which leaf: " + deletedLeafDocGCCount + ")" +
", updateResurrectedGCCount=" + updateResurrectedGCCount +
", splitDocGCCount=" + splitDocGCCount +
", intermediateSplitDocGCCount=" + intermediateSplitDocGCCount +
", oldestModifiedDocId=" + oldestModifiedDocId +
", oldestModifiedDocTimeStamp=" + timestampToString(oldestModifiedDocTimeStamp) +
", updatedFullGCDocsCount=" + updatedFullGCDocsCount +
", skippedFullGCDocsCount=" + skippedFullGCDocsCount +
", deletedPropsCount=" + deletedPropsCount +
", deletedInternalPropsCount=" + deletedInternalPropsCount +
", deletedPropRevsCount=" + deletedPropRevsCount +
", deletedInternalPropRevsCount=" + deletedInternalPropRevsCount +
", deletedUnmergedBCCount=" + deletedUnmergedBCCount +
", deletedOrphanNodesCount=" + deletedOrphanNodesCount +
", iterationCount=" + iterationCount +
", timeFullGCActive=" + df.format(fullGCActiveElapsed, MICROSECONDS) +
", timeActive=" + df.format(activeElapsed, MICROSECONDS) +
", " + timings + "}";
void addRun(VersionGCStats run) {
this.ignoredGCDueToCheckPoint = run.ignoredGCDueToCheckPoint;
this.fullGCDryRunMode = run.fullGCDryRunMode;
this.ignoredFullGCDueToCheckPoint = run.ignoredFullGCDueToCheckPoint;
this.canceled = run.canceled;
this.success = run.success;
this.limitExceeded = run.limitExceeded;
this.needRepeat = run.needRepeat;
this.deletedDocGCCount += run.deletedDocGCCount;
this.deletedLeafDocGCCount += run.deletedLeafDocGCCount;
this.splitDocGCCount += run.splitDocGCCount;
this.intermediateSplitDocGCCount += run.intermediateSplitDocGCCount;
this.updateResurrectedGCCount += run.updateResurrectedGCCount;
this.oldestModifiedDocTimeStamp = run.oldestModifiedDocTimeStamp;
this.oldestModifiedDocId = run.oldestModifiedDocId;
this.updatedFullGCDocsCount += run.updatedFullGCDocsCount;
this.skippedFullGCDocsCount += run.skippedFullGCDocsCount;
this.deletedPropsCount += run.deletedPropsCount;
this.deletedInternalPropsCount += run.deletedInternalPropsCount;
this.deletedPropRevsCount += run.deletedPropRevsCount;
this.deletedInternalPropRevsCount += run.deletedInternalPropRevsCount;
this.deletedUnmergedBCCount += run.deletedUnmergedBCCount;
this.deletedOrphanNodesCount += run.deletedOrphanNodesCount;
if (run.iterationCount > 0) {
// run is cumulative with times in elapsed fields
this.activeElapsed += run.activeElapsed;
this.fullGCActiveElapsed += run.fullGCActiveElapsed;
this.collectDeletedDocsElapsed += run.collectDeletedDocsElapsed;
this.checkDeletedDocsElapsed += run.checkDeletedDocsElapsed;
this.deleteDeletedDocsElapsed += run.deleteDeletedDocsElapsed;
this.collectAndDeleteSplitDocsElapsed += run.collectAndDeleteSplitDocsElapsed;
this.deleteSplitDocsElapsed += run.deleteSplitDocsElapsed;
this.sortDocIdsElapsed += run.sortDocIdsElapsed;
this.updateResurrectedDocumentsElapsed += run.updateResurrectedDocumentsElapsed;
this.fullGCDocsElapsed += run.fullGCDocsElapsed;
this.deleteFullGCDocsElapsed += run.deleteFullGCDocsElapsed;
this.collectFullGCElapsed += run.collectFullGCElapsed;
this.collectOrphanNodesElapsed += run.collectOrphanNodesElapsed;
this.collectDeletedPropsElapsed += run.collectDeletedPropsElapsed;
this.collectDeletedOldRevsElapsed += run.collectDeletedOldRevsElapsed;
this.collectUnmergedBCElapsed += run.collectUnmergedBCElapsed;
} else {
// single run -> read from stop watches
this.activeElapsed +=;
this.fullGCActiveElapsed += run.fullGCActive.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
this.collectDeletedDocsElapsed += run.collectDeletedDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
this.checkDeletedDocsElapsed += run.checkDeletedDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
this.deleteDeletedDocsElapsed += run.deleteDeletedDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
this.collectAndDeleteSplitDocsElapsed += run.collectAndDeleteSplitDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
this.deleteSplitDocsElapsed += run.deleteSplitDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
this.sortDocIdsElapsed += run.sortDocIds.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
this.updateResurrectedDocumentsElapsed += run.updateResurrectedDocuments.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
this.fullGCDocsElapsed += run.fullGCDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
this.deleteFullGCDocsElapsed += run.deleteFullGCDocs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
this.collectFullGCElapsed += run.collectFullGC.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
this.collectOrphanNodesElapsed += run.collectOrphanNodes.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
this.collectDeletedPropsElapsed += run.collectDeletedProps.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
this.collectDeletedOldRevsElapsed += run.collectDeletedOldRevs.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
this.collectUnmergedBCElapsed += run.collectUnmergedBC.elapsed(MICROSECONDS);
private enum GCPhase {
* Keeps track of timers when switching GC phases.
* <p>
* Could be merged with VersionGCStats, however this way the public class is kept unchanged.
private static class GCPhases {
final VersionGCStats stats;
final Stopwatch elapsed;
private final GCMonitor monitor;
private final List<GCPhase> phases = Lists.newArrayList();
private final Map<GCPhase, Stopwatch> watches = Maps.newHashMap();
private final AtomicBoolean canceled;
GCPhases(AtomicBoolean canceled, VersionGCStats stats, GCMonitor monitor) {
this.stats = stats;
this.monitor = monitor;
this.elapsed = Stopwatch.createStarted();, Stopwatch.createStarted());, stats.collectDeletedDocs);, stats.checkDeletedDocs);, stats.deleteDeletedDocs);, stats.sortDocIds);, stats.collectAndDeleteSplitDocs);, stats.updateResurrectedDocuments);, stats.fullGCDocs);, stats.collectFullGC);, stats.collectOrphanNodes);, stats.collectDeletedProps);, stats.collectDeletedOldRevs);, stats.collectUnmergedBC);, stats.deleteFullGCDocs);
this.canceled = canceled;
* Attempts to start a GC phase and tracks the time spent in this phase
* until {@link #stop(GCPhase)} is called.
* @param started the GC phase.
* @return {@code true} if the phase was started or {@code false} if the
* revision GC was canceled and the phase should not start.
public boolean start(GCPhase started) {
if (canceled.get()) {
return false;
return true;
public void stop(GCPhase phase) {
if (!phases.isEmpty() && phase == phases.get(phases.size() - 1)) {
phases.remove(phases.size() - 1);
public void close() {
while (!phases.isEmpty()) {
phases.remove(phases.size() - 1);
private GCPhase current() {
return phases.isEmpty() ? GCPhase.NONE : phases.get(phases.size() - 1);
private Stopwatch currentWatch() {
return watches.get(current());
private void resume(Stopwatch w) {
if (!w.isRunning()) {
private void suspend(Stopwatch w) {
if (w.isRunning()) {
private void updateStatus() {
GCPhase p = current();
if (p != GCPhase.NONE) {
private class GCJob {
private final long maxRevisionAgeMillis;
private final VersionGCOptions options;
private final AtomicBoolean cancel = new AtomicBoolean();
private final GCMonitor monitor;
private final Supplier<String> status;
GCJob(long maxRevisionAgeMillis,
VersionGCOptions options,
GCMonitor gcMonitor) {
this.maxRevisionAgeMillis = maxRevisionAgeMillis;
this.options = options;
GCMessageTracker vgcm = new GCMessageTracker();
this.status = vgcm;
this.monitor = new DelegatingGCMonitor(Lists.newArrayList(vgcm, gcMonitor));
VersionGCStats run() throws IOException {
try {
return gc(maxRevisionAgeMillis);
} finally {
void cancel() {"Canceling revision garbage collection.");
String getStatus() {
return status.get();
private VersionGCStats gc(long maxRevisionAgeInMillis) throws IOException {
VersionGCStats stats = new VersionGCStats();;
VersionGCRecommendations rec = new VersionGCRecommendations(maxRevisionAgeInMillis, nodeStore.getCheckpoints(),
nodeStore.getClock(), versionStore, options, gcMonitor, fullGCEnabled, isFullGCDryRun);
GCPhases phases = new GCPhases(cancel, stats, gcMonitor);
try {
if (!isFullGCDryRun) {
// only run if not fullGC dryRun mode
if (rec.ignoreDueToCheckPoint) {
phases.stats.ignoredGCDueToCheckPoint = true;
monitor.skipped("Checkpoint prevented revision garbage collection");
} else {
final RevisionVector headRevision = nodeStore.getHeadRevision();
final RevisionVector sweepRevisions = nodeStore.getSweepRevisions();"Looking at revisions in {}", rec.scope);
collectDeletedDocuments(phases, headRevision, rec);
collectSplitDocuments(phases, sweepRevisions, rec);
} else {
phases.stats.fullGCDryRunMode = true;
// now run full GC if enabled
if (fullGCEnabled) {
if (rec.ignoreFullGCDueToCheckPoint) {
phases.stats.ignoredFullGCDueToCheckPoint = true;
monitor.skipped("Checkpoint prevented Full garbage collection");
} else {
final RevisionVector headRevision = nodeStore.getHeadRevision();"Looking at revisions in {} for full GC", rec.scopeFullGC);
collectFullGC(phases, headRevision, rec);
if ((!fullGCEnabled || rec.ignoreFullGCDueToCheckPoint) && rec.ignoreDueToCheckPoint) {
// cancel if both are stopped by checkpoint
// otherwise we need to continue
} catch (LimitExceededException ex) {
stats.limitExceeded = true;
} finally {
stats.canceled = cancel.get();
rec.evaluate(stats);"Revision garbage collection finished in {}. {}",
TimeDurationFormatter.forLogging().format(phases.elapsed.elapsed(MICROSECONDS), MICROSECONDS), stats);
if (fullGCEnabled && stats.fullGCActive.isRunning()) {
// probably limitExceeded == true case
return stats;
* "Full garbage" refers to additional garbage identified as part of OAK-10199
* et al: essentially garbage that in earlier versions of Oak were ignored. This
* includes: deleted properties, revision information within documents, branch
* commit related garbage.
* <p>
* The "Full garbage" collector can be instructed to do a full repository scan
* - or incrementally based on where it last left off. When doing a full
* repository scan (but not limited to that), it executes in (small) batches
* followed by voluntary paused (aka throttling) to avoid excessive load on the
* system. The full repository scan does not have to finish particularly fast,
* it is okay that it takes a considerable amount of time.
* @param phases {@link GCPhases}
* @param headRevision the current head revision of node store
* @param rec {@link VersionGCRecommendations} to recommend GC operation
private void collectFullGC(final GCPhases phases, final RevisionVector headRevision, final VersionGCRecommendations rec) {
final long oldestModifiedMs = rec.scopeFullGC.fromMs;
final long toModifiedMs = rec.scopeFullGC.toMs;
final String oldestModifiedDocId = rec.fullGCId;
int docsTraversed = 0;
boolean foundDoc = true;
long oldModifiedMs = oldestModifiedMs;
final LinkedHashMap<Path, Boolean> missingDocsTypes = new LinkedHashMap<>() {
protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Entry<Path, Boolean> eldest) {
try (FullGC gc = new FullGC(headRevision, toModifiedMs, missingDocsTypes, monitor, cancel)) {
long fromModifiedMs = oldestModifiedMs;
String fromId = ofNullable(oldestModifiedDocId).orElse(MIN_ID_VALUE);
NodeDocument lastDoc;
if (phases.start(GCPhase.FULL_GC)) {
while (foundDoc && fromModifiedMs < toModifiedMs && docsTraversed < PROGRESS_BATCH_SIZE) {
// set foundDoc to false to allow exiting the while loop
foundDoc = false;
lastDoc = null;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Fetching docs from [{}] to [{}] with Id starting from [{}]", timestampToString(fromModifiedMs), timestampToString(toModifiedMs), fromId);
Iterable<NodeDocument> itr = versionStore.getModifiedDocs(fromModifiedMs, toModifiedMs, FULL_GC_BATCH_SIZE, fromId, fullGCIncludePaths, fullGCExcludePaths);
try {
for (NodeDocument doc : itr) {
foundDoc = true;
// continue with GC?
if (cancel.get()) {
foundDoc = false; // to exit while loop as well"<Terminating> Received GC cancel call");
if (docsTraversed % 100 == 0) {"Iterated through {} documents so far. {} had Full garbage", docsTraversed, gc.getGarbageCount());
lastDoc = doc;
// collect the data to delete in next step
if (phases.start(GCPhase.FULL_GC_COLLECT_GARBAGE)) {
if (Utils.isIncluded(doc.getPath(), Collections.emptySet(), fullGCExcludePaths)) {
gc.collectGarbage(doc, phases);
} else {
// MongoVersionGCSupport doesn't take long paths into consideration
// for neither includes nor excludes. If isIncluded returns false here,
// that can only be due to an excluded long path.
// in which case, we can actually honor that and skip this
final Long modified = lastDoc.getModified();
if (modified == null) {
monitor.warn("collectFullGC : document has no _modified property : {}", doc.getId());
} else if (SECONDS.toMillis(modified) < fromModifiedMs) {
monitor.warn("collectFullGC : document has older _modified than query boundary : {} (from: {}, to: {})",
modified, timestampToString(fromModifiedMs), timestampToString(toModifiedMs));
// now remove the garbage in one go, if any
if (gc.hasGarbage() && phases.start(GCPhase.FULL_GC_CLEANUP)) {
if (lastDoc != null) {
fromModifiedMs = lastDoc.getModified() == null ? oldModifiedMs : SECONDS.toMillis(lastDoc.getModified());
fromId = lastDoc.getId();
} finally {
phases.stats.oldestModifiedDocTimeStamp = fromModifiedMs;
phases.stats.oldestModifiedDocId = fromId;
oldModifiedMs = fromModifiedMs;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Fetched docs till [{}] with Id [{}]", timestampToString(fromModifiedMs), fromId);
// if we didn't find any document i.e. either we are already at last document
// of current timeStamp or there is no document for this timeStamp
// we need to reset fromId & increment fromModifiedMs and check again
if (!foundDoc && !Objects.equals(fromId, MIN_ID_VALUE)) {
fromId = MIN_ID_VALUE;
fromModifiedMs = fromModifiedMs + SECONDS.toMillis(5);
foundDoc = true; // to run while loop again
} finally {
if (docsTraversed < PROGRESS_BATCH_SIZE) {
// we have traversed all the docs within given time range and nothing is left
// lets set oldModifiedDocTimeStamp to upper limit of this cycle
phases.stats.oldestModifiedDocTimeStamp = toModifiedMs;
phases.stats.oldestModifiedDocId = MIN_ID_VALUE;
private void collectSplitDocuments(GCPhases phases,
RevisionVector sweepRevisions,
VersionGCRecommendations rec) {
if (phases.start(GCPhase.SPLITS_CLEANUP)) {
int splitDocGCCount = phases.stats.splitDocGCCount;
int intermediateSplitDocGCCount = phases.stats.intermediateSplitDocGCCount;
versionStore.deleteSplitDocuments(GC_TYPES, sweepRevisions, rec.scope.toMs, phases.stats);
gcStats.splitDocumentsDeleted(phases.stats.splitDocGCCount - splitDocGCCount);
gcStats.intermediateSplitDocumentsDeleted(phases.stats.intermediateSplitDocGCCount - intermediateSplitDocGCCount);
private void collectDeletedDocuments(GCPhases phases,
RevisionVector headRevision,
VersionGCRecommendations rec)
throws IOException, LimitExceededException {
int docsTraversed = 0;
try (DeletedDocsGC gc = new DeletedDocsGC(headRevision, cancel, options, monitor)) {
if (phases.start(GCPhase.COLLECTING)) {
Iterable<NodeDocument> itr = versionStore.getPossiblyDeletedDocs(rec.scope.fromMs, rec.scope.toMs);
try {
for (NodeDocument doc : itr) {
// continue with GC?
if (cancel.get()) {
// Check if node is actually deleted at current revision
// As node is not modified since oldestRevTimeStamp then
// this node has not be revived again in past maxRevisionAge
// So deleting it is safe
if (docsTraversed % PROGRESS_BATCH_SIZE == 0) {"Iterated through {} documents so far. {} found to be deleted",
docsTraversed, gc.getNumDocuments());
if (phases.start(GCPhase.CHECKING)) {
if (rec.maxCollect > 0 && gc.docIdsToDelete.getSize() > rec.maxCollect) {
throw new LimitExceededException();
if (gc.hasLeafBatch()) {
if (phases.start(GCPhase.DELETING)) {
if (gc.hasRescurrectUpdateBatch()) {
if (phases.start(GCPhase.UPDATING)) {
} finally {
if (gc.getNumDocuments() != 0) {
if (phases.start(GCPhase.DELETING)) {
if (phases.start(GCPhase.SORTING)) {
if (phases.start(GCPhase.DELETING)) {
if (phases.start(GCPhase.UPDATING)) {
private class FullGC implements Closeable {
private final long toModifiedMs;
private final GCMonitor monitor;
private final AtomicBoolean cancel;
private final Stopwatch timer;
private final List<UpdateOp> updateOpList;
/** contains the list of _ids of orphan or deleted documents to be removed in the current batch **/
private final Map<String, Long> orphanOrDeletedRemovalMap;
/** contains the list of _ids of orphan or deleted documents to be removed, mapped to their path */
private final Map<String, Path> orphanOrDeletedRemovalPathMap;
* Map of documentId => total no. of deleted properties.
* <p>
* The document can be updated or property might get recreated between collecting and deletion phases.
* This would lead to document not getting deleted (since now modified date & mod count would have changed)
* SO the Bulk API wouldn't update this doc.
* <p>
* In order to calculate the correct no. of updated documents & deleted properties, we save them in a map
private final Map<String, Integer> deletedPropsCountMap;
private final Map<String, Integer> deletedInternalPropsCountMap;
* Map of documentId => total no. of deleted property revisions.
* <p>
* The document can be updated between collecting and deletion phases.
* This would lead to document not getting deleted (since now modified date & mod count would have changed)
* SO the Bulk API wouldn't update this doc.
* <p>
* In order to calculate the correct no. of updated documents & deleted property revisions, we save them in a map
private final Map<String, Integer> deletedPropRevsCountMap;
private final Map<String, Integer> deletedInternalPropRevsCountMap;
* {@link Set} of unmergedBranchCommit Revisions to calculate the no. of unmergedBranchCommits that would be
* removed in this iteration of FullGC.
private final Set<Revision> deletedUnmergedBCSet;
private int garbageDocsCount;
private int totalGarbageDocsCount;
private final Revision revisionForModified;
private final DocumentNodeState root;
/** small cache for classification of missing nodes : documents that do not exist vs deleted nodes */
private final LinkedHashMap<Path, Boolean> missingDocsTypes;
public FullGC(@NotNull RevisionVector headRevision, long toModifiedMs,
LinkedHashMap<Path, Boolean> missingDocsTypes, @NotNull GCMonitor monitor,
@NotNull AtomicBoolean cancel) {
this.toModifiedMs = toModifiedMs;
this.missingDocsTypes = missingDocsTypes;
this.monitor = monitor;
this.cancel = cancel;
this.updateOpList = new ArrayList<>();
this.orphanOrDeletedRemovalMap = new HashMap<>();
this.orphanOrDeletedRemovalPathMap = new HashMap<>();
this.deletedPropsCountMap = new HashMap<>();
this.deletedInternalPropsCountMap = new HashMap<>();
this.deletedPropRevsCountMap = new HashMap<>();
this.deletedInternalPropRevsCountMap = new HashMap<>();
this.deletedUnmergedBCSet = new HashSet<>();
this.timer = createUnstarted();
// clusterId is not used
this.revisionForModified = Revision.newRevision(0);
this.root = nodeStore.getRoot(headRevision);
public void collectGarbage(final NodeDocument doc, final GCPhases phases) {
if (fullGcMode == NONE) {
monitor.warn("Skipping FullGC. No Mode has been selected.");
fullGCStats.documentRead();"Collecting Full Garbage for doc [{}]", doc.getId());
if (AUDIT_LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
AUDIT_LOG.trace("<Collecting> Garbage in doc [{}]", doc.getId());
final UpdateOp op = new UpdateOp(requireNonNull(doc.getId()), false);
// traversed state == state of node at based on head revision
NodeState traversedState = root;
Path greatestExistingAncestorOrSelf = root.getPath();
for (String name : doc.getPath().elements()) {
traversedState = traversedState.getChildNode(name);
if (traversedState.exists()) {
greatestExistingAncestorOrSelf = new Path(
greatestExistingAncestorOrSelf, name);
if (!isDeletedOrOrphanedNode(traversedState, greatestExistingAncestorOrSelf, phases, doc)) {
// here the node is not orphaned which means that we can reach the node from root
switch(fullGcMode) {
case NONE : {
// shouldn't be reached
case GAP_ORPHANS : {
// this mode does neither unusedproprev, nor unmergedBC
collectDeletedProperties(doc, phases, op, traversedState);
// this mode does neither unusedproprev, nor unmergedBC
collectDeletedProperties(doc, phases, op, traversedState);
collectUnusedPropertyRevisions(doc, phases, op, (DocumentNodeState) traversedState, false);
combineInternalPropRemovals(doc, op);
collectDeletedProperties(doc, phases, op, traversedState);
collectUnusedPropertyRevisions(doc, phases, op, (DocumentNodeState) traversedState, true);
combineInternalPropRemovals(doc, op);
collectDeletedProperties(doc, phases, op, traversedState);
collectUnmergedBranchCommits(doc, phases, op, toModifiedMs);
collectDeletedProperties(doc, phases, op, traversedState);
collectUnmergedBranchCommits(doc, phases, op, toModifiedMs);
collectRevisionsOlderThan24hAndBetweenCheckpoints(doc, toModifiedMs, phases, op);
collectDeletedProperties(doc, phases, op, traversedState);
collectRevisionsOlderThan24hAndBetweenCheckpoints(doc, toModifiedMs, phases, op);
// only add if there are changes for this doc
if (op.hasChanges()) {
op.equals(MODIFIED_IN_SECS, doc.getModified());
totalGarbageDocsCount++;"Collected [{}] garbage count in [{}]", op.getChanges().size(), doc.getId());"<Collected> [{}] garbage count in [{}]", op.getChanges().size(), doc.getId());
if (log.isTraceEnabled() && op.hasChanges()) {
// only log in case of changes & debug level enabled
log.trace("UpdateOp for [{}] is [{}]", doc.getId(), op);
private void combineInternalPropRemovals(final NodeDocument doc, final UpdateOp op) {
// now for any of the handled system properties (the normal properties would
// already be cleaned up by cleanupDeletedProperties), the resulting
// sub document could in theory become empty after removing all unmerged branch
// commit revisions is done later.
// so we need to go through all of them and check if we'd have removed
// the entirety - and then, instead of individually remove revisions, just
// delete the entire property.
if (op.hasChanges()) {
final int deletedSystemPropsCount = getSystemRemoveMapEntryCounts(op)
.filter(e -> filterEmptyProps(doc, e.getKey(), e.getValue()))
.mapToInt(e -> {
final String prop = e.getKey();
int countBefore = op.getChanges().entrySet().size();
boolean removed = op.getChanges().entrySet().removeIf(opEntry -> Objects.equals(prop, opEntry.getKey().getName()));
int countAfter = op.getChanges().entrySet().size();
if (removed) {
if (prop.startsWith("_")) {
deletedInternalPropRevsCountMap.merge(doc.getId(), (countAfter - countBefore), Integer::sum);
} else {
deletedPropRevsCountMap.merge(doc.getId(), (countAfter - countBefore), Integer::sum);
return 1;})
// update the deleted properties count Map to calculate the total no. of deleted properties
int totalDeletedSystemPropsCount = deletedInternalPropsCountMap.merge(doc.getId(), deletedSystemPropsCount, Integer::sum);
if (AUDIT_LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
AUDIT_LOG.debug("<Collected> [{}] internal prop revs in [{}] mode [{}]", totalDeletedSystemPropsCount, doc.getId(), fullGcMode);
* Check if the node represented by the given doc and traversedState is
* <i>orphaned</i>. A node is considered orphaned if it does not have a visible
* parent node. But from a GC point of view this also includes regular
* deletion cases that have not otherwise been deleted already (eg by DeletedDocsGC).
* @param traversedState the state of current doc when we start traversing from root via lastRef
* @param greatestExistingAncestorOrSelf ancestor furthest up the tree (==greatest) that exists when traversing states
* @param phases GC phases
* @param doc current document node to check whether it is orphan or not
* @return true if the node is orphaned (and/or can be removed), false
* otherwise
private boolean isDeletedOrOrphanedNode(final NodeState traversedState, final Path greatestExistingAncestorOrSelf,
final GCPhases phases, final NodeDocument doc) {
if (!phases.start(GCPhase.FULL_GC_COLLECT_ORPHAN_NODES)) {
// gc has been cancelled
return false;
// several different cases here, but ultimately they all lead back to:
boolean isOrphan = !traversedState.exists();
// if the node when reading at current headRevision (rather than traversed)
// does not exist, then this is rather a regular deletion, nothing special.
// that is usually handled in DeletedDocsGC - but if FullGC sees this,
// it seems risky to not delete it right away.
// if the node when reading at current headRevision (rather than traversed)
// does exist, then it could be either due to the parent node having
// been deleted (true orphan) - or the node itself got late-write-added.
// in both of these cases we should now delete it. That's all with above return.
if (!isOrphan) {
// nothing to do here
return false;
if (fullGcMode == GAP_ORPHANS || fullGcMode == GAP_ORPHANS_EMPTYPROPS) {
// check the ancestor docs for gaps
final Path docPath = doc.getPath();
final Path geaChildPath = docPath.getAncestor(docPath.getDepth() - greatestExistingAncestorOrSelf.getDepth() - 1);
Boolean missingType = missingDocsTypes.get(geaChildPath);
if (missingType == null) {
// we don't have it cached yet - so do the potentially expensive find
missingType = versionStore.getDocument(getIdFromPath(geaChildPath), of(ID)).isEmpty();
missingDocsTypes.put(geaChildPath, missingType);
if (!missingType) {
// then it is not a gap orphan
// nothing to do here then
// (even though somewhere along descendants
// there might be a gap, it is too expensive to traverse)
// return true here as this is an orphan but we decided not to
// GC it - to prevent caller from attempting other GC types
return true;
// if this is an orphaned node, all that is needed is its removal
totalGarbageDocsCount++;"Deleted orphaned or deleted doc [{}]", doc.getId());
orphanOrDeletedRemovalMap.put(doc.getId(), doc.getModified());
orphanOrDeletedRemovalPathMap.put(doc.getId(), doc.getPath());
if (AUDIT_LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
AUDIT_LOG.debug("<Collected> [{}] orphaned node", doc.getId());
return true;
private boolean hasGarbage() {
return garbageDocsCount > 0;
private void collectDeletedProperties(final NodeDocument doc, final GCPhases phases, final UpdateOp updateOp,
final NodeState traversedState) {
// get Map of all properties along with their values
if (phases.start(GCPhase.FULL_GC_COLLECT_PROPS)) {
final Set<String> properties = doc.getPropertyNames();
// find all the properties which can be removed from document.
// All the properties whose value is null in head revision are
// eligible to be garbage collected.
final Set<String> retainPropSet = ofNullable(traversedState instanceof DocumentNodeState ? (DocumentNodeState)traversedState : null)
.map(p ->
final int deletedPropsCount =
.filter(p -> !retainPropSet.contains(p))
.mapToInt(x -> {
return 1;})
deletedPropsCountMap.put(doc.getId(), deletedPropsCount);
if (AUDIT_LOG.isDebugEnabled() && deletedPropsCount > 0) {
AUDIT_LOG.debug("<Collected> [{}] deleted props in [{}]", deletedPropsCount, doc.getId());
private void collectUnmergedBranchCommits(final NodeDocument doc, final GCPhases phases, final UpdateOp updateOp,
final long toModifiedMs) {
if (!phases.start(GCPhase.FULL_GC_COLLECT_UNMERGED_BC)) {
// GC was cancelled, stop
// from
// "branch commits are not moved to previous documents until the branch is merged."
// i.e. if we're looking for unmerged branch commits, they cannot be in
// previous documents, they have to be in the main one - hence we have to use
// getLocalBranchCommits here
final Set<Revision> olderUnmergedBranchCommits = doc.getLocalBranchCommits().stream()
.filter(bcRevision -> isRevisionOlderThan(bcRevision, toModifiedMs))
.filter(bcRevision -> !isCommitted(nodeStore.getCommitValue(bcRevision, doc)))
if (olderUnmergedBranchCommits.isEmpty()) {
// nothing to do then
// !Note, the _bc sub-document was introduced with Oak 1.8 and is not present in older versions.
// The branch commit revision is added to _bc whenever a change is done on a document with a
// branch commit. This helps the DocumentNodeStore to more easily identify branch commit changes."
// The current implementation of "collectUnmergedBranchCommitDocument" only
// supports branch commits that are created after Oak 1.8
olderUnmergedBranchCommits.forEach(bcRevision -> removeUnmergedBCRevision(bcRevision, doc, updateOp));
if (AUDIT_LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
AUDIT_LOG.debug("<Collected> [{}] unmerged branch commits in [{}]", olderUnmergedBranchCommits.size(), doc.getId());
// now for any of the handled system properties (the normal properties would
// already be cleaned up by cleanupDeletedProperties), the resulting
// sub document could in theory become empty after removing all unmerged branch
// commit revisions is done later.
// so we need to go through all of them and check if we'd have removed
// the entirety - and then, instead of individually remove revisions, just
// delete the entire property.
if (updateOp.hasChanges()) {
final int deletedSystemPropsCount = getSystemRemoveMapEntryCounts(updateOp)
.filter(e -> filterEmptyProps(doc, e.getKey(), e.getValue()))
.mapToInt(e -> {
final String prop = e.getKey();
final int origCount = updateOp.getChanges().size();
updateOp.getChanges().entrySet().removeIf(opEntry -> Objects.equals(prop, opEntry.getKey().getName()));
final int diff = origCount - updateOp.getChanges().size();
//TODO: beautify once this is in FullGC branch
if (diff > 0) {
deletedInternalPropRevsCountMap.merge(doc.getId(), -diff, Integer::sum);
return 1;})
// update the deleted properties count Map to calculate the total no. of deleted properties
int totalDeletedSystemPropsCount = deletedInternalPropsCountMap.merge(doc.getId(), deletedSystemPropsCount, Integer::sum);
if (AUDIT_LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
AUDIT_LOG.debug("<Collected> [{}] internal prop revs in [{}] mode [{}]", totalDeletedSystemPropsCount, doc.getId(), fullGcMode);
* Filter all would be empty system properties (after cleanup operation).
* <p>
* It verifies this by comparing the size of sub-document with given <code>value</code>
* @param doc {@link NodeDocument} on whose properties needs to be checked
* @param prop Name of sub-document which needs to checked whether it would be empty after cleanup or not
* @param value expected no. of entries
* @return true if sub-document would eventually be empty or not
private boolean filterEmptyProps(final NodeDocument doc, final String prop, final int value) {
final Object d =;
if (d instanceof Map) {
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final Map m = (Map) d;
// then we're not removing all revisions - so cannot clean up
return m.size() == value;
} else {
// unexpected and would likely indicate a bug, hence log.error
log.error("collectUnmergedBranchCommitDocument: property without sub-document as expected. " +
"id={}, prop={}", doc.getId(), prop);
return false;
/** small helper to count number of REMOVE_MAP_ENTRY per system property */
private Map<String, Integer> getSystemRemoveMapEntryCounts(final UpdateOp updateOp) {
final Map<String, Integer> propMap = new HashMap<>();
.filter(e -> e.getValue().type == Type.REMOVE_MAP_ENTRY)
.map(e -> e.getKey().getName())
.filter(propName -> propName.startsWith("_"))
.forEach(propName -> propMap.merge(propName, 1, Integer::sum));
return propMap;
/** small helper to check if the revision is older than the timestamp */
private boolean isRevisionOlderThan(Revision revision, long toModifiedMillis) {
long time = revision.getTimestamp();
return time <= toModifiedMillis;
* Clean up one uncommitted branch commit in the provided document. The caller
* establishes whether a branch commit revision is committed or not - this is no
* longer checked in this method. The resulting operations are added to the
* provided updateOp.
* <p/>
* The actions depend on the exacty property key - here's the comprehensive list
* of system properties and how they are handled:
* <ul>
* <li>"_id" and "_path" are not affected</li>
* <li>"_prev" and "stalePrev" are not affected</li>
* <li>"_lastRev" and "_sweepRev" are not affected</li>
* <li>"_bc" is cleaned up</li>
* <li>"_revisions" is cleaned up</li>
* <li>"_commitRoot" is cleaned up</li>
* <li>"_collisions" might be a special case but is also cleaned up</li>
* <li>"_modified" and "_deletedOnce" are just single values and thus not
* generally affected, but they are updated when "_deleted" is cleaned up</li>
* <li>"_deleted" is cleaned up - plus "_modified" and "_deletedOnce" are also
* updated for this, to have classic GC later potentially delete the
* document</li>
* <li>"_children" is only ever set to true, never back - hence no need for
* cleanup/modification by FullGC</li>
* <li>"_bin" is only ever set to 1, never back - hence no need for
* cleanup/modification by FullGC</li>
* </ul>
* @param unmergedBCRevision the unmerged branch commit revision - the caller
* makes sure this revision is indeed not merged and
* old enough to be removed
* @param doc the document from which the uncommittedBCRevision
* should be removed
* @param updateOp the resulting operations yet to be applied
private void removeUnmergedBCRevision(final Revision unmergedBCRevision, final NodeDocument doc,
final UpdateOp updateOp) {
int internalRevEntriesCount = 0;
int revEntriesCount = 0;
// caller ensures the provided revision is an unmerged branch commit
if (doc.getLocalBranchCommits().contains(unmergedBCRevision)) {
NodeDocument.removeBranchCommit(updateOp, unmergedBCRevision);
// phase 1 : remove unmerged bc revisions from _deleted - unmerged branch
// commits can only be in the local set
final String unmergedDeleted = doc.getLocalDeleted().get(unmergedBCRevision);
if (unmergedDeleted != null) {
NodeDocument.removeDeleted(updateOp, unmergedBCRevision);
// phase 2: the document could now effectively be "deleted" the actual
// removal from the document from the store is left to DeletedDocsGC (to
// avoid code duplication)
// if unmergedDeleted is "false", then it was created with this branch
// commit, but that was never merged. when we now remove that, it could be
// that it is then deleted.
// to know whether the node is actually deleted, would potentially
// require several commit value lookups.
// in order to keep the execution time of fullGC in this regard small,
// the code here stops with any further checks and just sets
// "_deletedOnce" to true and updates "_modified" - the DeletedDocsGC
// later would either resurrect or delete the document properly (eg
// including previous docs)
if ("false".equals(unmergedDeleted)) {
if (!doc.wasDeletedOnce()) {
NodeDocument.setModified(updateOp, revisionForModified);
// phase 3 : go through other system properties
if (doc.getLocalCommitRoot().containsKey(unmergedBCRevision)) {
NodeDocument.removeCommitRoot(updateOp, unmergedBCRevision);
if (doc.getLocalRevisions().containsKey(unmergedBCRevision)) {
NodeDocument.removeRevision(updateOp, unmergedBCRevision);
if (doc.getLocalMap(COLLISIONS).containsKey(unmergedBCRevision)) {
NodeDocument.removeCollision(updateOp, unmergedBCRevision);
// phase 4 : go through normal properties
for (String propName : doc.getPropertyNames()) {
// first check if this property might have been (flagged to be)
// entirely removed by the collectDeletedProperties - in which case
// there is a corresponding UpdateOp
final Operation op = updateOp.getChanges().get(new Key(propName, null));
if (op != null && op.type == Type.REMOVE) {
// ignore this property then, it will be removed entirely
if (doc.getLocalMap(propName).containsKey(unmergedBCRevision)) {
updateOp.removeMapEntry(propName, unmergedBCRevision);
if (internalRevEntriesCount > 0) {
deletedInternalPropRevsCountMap.merge(doc.getId(), internalRevEntriesCount, Integer::sum);
if (revEntriesCount > 0) {
deletedPropRevsCountMap.merge(doc.getId(), revEntriesCount, Integer::sum);
if (AUDIT_LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
AUDIT_LOG.debug("<Collected> [{}] prop revs, [{}] internal prop revs in [{}] mode [{}]", deletedPropRevsCountMap.get(doc.getId()), deletedInternalPropRevsCountMap.get(doc.getId()), doc.getId(), fullGcMode);
private void collectRevisionsOlderThan24hAndBetweenCheckpoints(final NodeDocument doc, final long toModifiedMs,
final GCPhases phases, final UpdateOp updateOp) {
if (phases.start(GCPhase.FULL_GC_COLLECT_OLD_REVS)){
NodeDocumentRevisionCleaner cleaner = new NodeDocumentRevisionCleaner(nodeStore, doc, toModifiedMs);
final int beforeRevs = countRevs(updateOp, false);
final int beforeIntRevs = countRevs(updateOp, true);
final int revsDiff = countRevs(updateOp, false) - beforeRevs;
if (revsDiff > 0) {
deletedPropRevsCountMap.merge(doc.getId(), revsDiff, Integer::sum);
final int intRevsDiff = countRevs(updateOp, true) - beforeIntRevs;
if (intRevsDiff > 0) {
deletedInternalPropRevsCountMap.merge(doc.getId(), intRevsDiff, Integer::sum);
if (AUDIT_LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
AUDIT_LOG.debug("<Collected> [{}] prop revs, [{}] internal prop revs in [{}] mode [{}]", deletedPropRevsCountMap.get(doc.getId()), deletedInternalPropRevsCountMap.get(doc.getId()), doc.getId(), fullGcMode);
private int countRevs(UpdateOp updateOp, boolean internalProps) {
return updateOp.getChanges().entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> (e.getValue().type == Type.REMOVE_MAP_ENTRY))
.filter(e -> (e.getKey().getName().startsWith("_") == internalProps))
.mapToInt(x -> 1).sum();
* Remove all property revisions in the local document that are no longer used.
* This includes bundled properties. It also includes related entries that
* become obsolete as a result - i.e. _commitRoot and _bc (though the latter
* is never removed on root)
private void collectUnusedPropertyRevisions(final NodeDocument doc,
final GCPhases phases, final UpdateOp updateOp,
final DocumentNodeState traversedMainNode,
final boolean ignoreInternalProperties) {
if (!phases.start(GCPhase.FULL_GC_COLLECT_OLD_REVS)){
// cancelled
final Set<Revision> allKeepRevs = new HashSet<>();
// phase A : collectUnusedUserPropertyRevisions
int deletedTotalRevsCount = collectUnusedUserPropertyRevisions(doc, updateOp, traversedMainNode, allKeepRevs);
int deletedUserRevsCount = deletedTotalRevsCount;
// phase B : collectUnusedInternalPropertyRevisions
if (!ignoreInternalProperties) {
deletedTotalRevsCount = collectUnusedInternalPropertyRevisions(doc, updateOp, allKeepRevs, deletedTotalRevsCount);
// then some accounting...
int deletedInternalRevsCount = deletedTotalRevsCount - deletedUserRevsCount;
if (deletedUserRevsCount != 0) {
deletedPropRevsCountMap.merge(doc.getId(), deletedUserRevsCount, Integer::sum);
if (deletedInternalRevsCount != 0) {
deletedInternalPropRevsCountMap.merge(doc.getId(), deletedInternalRevsCount, Integer::sum);
if (AUDIT_LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
AUDIT_LOG.debug("<Collected> [{}] prop revs, [{}] internal prop revs in [{}] mode [{}]", deletedPropRevsCountMap.get(doc.getId()), deletedInternalPropRevsCountMap.get(doc.getId()), doc.getId(), fullGcMode);
private int collectUnusedUserPropertyRevisions(final NodeDocument doc, final UpdateOp updateOp,
final DocumentNodeState traversedMainNode, final Set<Revision> allKeepRevs) {
// phase 1 : non bundled nodes only
int deletedRevsCount = stream(
traversedMainNode.getProperties().spliterator(), false)
.map(p -> Utils.escapePropertyName(p.getName()))
.mapToInt(p -> removeUnusedPropertyEntries(doc,
traversedMainNode, updateOp, p,
r -> updateOp.removeMapEntry(p, r),
// phase 2 : bundled nodes only
final Map<Path, DocumentNodeState> bundledNodeStates = stream(
traversedMainNode.getAllBundledNodesStates().spliterator(), false)
.collect(toMap(DocumentNodeState::getPath, identity()));
// remember that getAllBundledProperties returns unescaped keys
for (String propName : traversedMainNode.getAllBundledProperties().keySet()) {
final int lastSlash = propName.lastIndexOf("/");
if (lastSlash == -1) {
// then it is an unbundled property which was already handled in phase 1
final String escapedPropName = Utils.escapePropertyName(propName);
// bundled values are of format sub/tree/propertyKey
// to extract this we need the last index of "/"
final String unbundledSubtreeName = propName.substring(0, lastSlash);
final String unbundledPropName = propName.substring(lastSlash + 1);
final String unbundledPath = traversedMainNode.getPath().toString() + "/" + unbundledSubtreeName;
final DocumentNodeState traversedNode = bundledNodeStates.get(Path.fromString(unbundledPath));
if (traversedNode == null) {
log.error("collectUnusedPropertyRevisions : could not find traversed node for bundled key [{}] unbundledPath [{}] in doc [{}]",
propName, unbundledPath, doc.getId());
final PropertyState traversedProperty = traversedNode.getProperty(unbundledPropName);
if (traversedProperty == null) {
log.error("collectUnusedPropertyRevisions : could not get property [{}] from traversed node [{}]",
unbundledPropName, traversedNode.getPath());
deletedRevsCount += removeUnusedPropertyEntries(doc, traversedNode, updateOp, escapedPropName,
(r) -> updateOp.removeMapEntry(escapedPropName, r),
// phase 3 : "_deleted"
int numDeleted = removeUnusedPropertyEntries(doc, traversedMainNode,
updateOp, NodeDocument.DELETED,
(r) -> NodeDocument.removeDeleted(updateOp, r),
deletedRevsCount += numDeleted;
return deletedRevsCount;
private int collectUnusedInternalPropertyRevisions(final NodeDocument doc, final UpdateOp updateOp,
final Set<Revision> toKeepUserPropRevs, int deletedRevsCount) {
boolean hasUnmergedBranchCommits = doc.getLocalBranchCommits().stream()
.anyMatch(r -> !isCommitted(nodeStore.getCommitValue(r, doc)));
if (deletedRevsCount == 0 && !hasUnmergedBranchCommits) {
return deletedRevsCount;
// if we did some rev deletion OR there are unmerged BCs, then let's deep-dive
Set<Revision> allRequiredRevs = new HashSet<>(toKeepUserPropRevs);
// "_collisions"
deletedRevsCount += getDeletedRevsCount(
doc.getLocalMap(COLLISIONS).keySet(), updateOp,
allRequiredRevs, COLLISIONS,
// "_revisions"
for (Entry<Revision, String> e : doc.getLocalRevisions().entrySet()) {
Revision revision = e.getKey();
if (allRequiredRevs.contains(revision)) {
// if it is still referenced locally, keep it
final boolean isRoot = doc.getId().equals(getIdFromPath(Path.ROOT));
// local bcs only considered for removal
final boolean isBC = doc.getLocalBranchCommits().contains(revision);
final boolean newerThanSweep = nodeStore.getSweepRevisions().isRevisionNewer(revision);
if (newerThanSweep) {
if (isBC) {
// analysed further down, we can remove them if unmerged
} else {
// note that ideally we wouldn't ever get to handle a revision
// that is younger than sweep, as sweep is usually only a few
// seconds behind and GC usually 24h.
// in edge cases however, it could happen.
// hence we could try to avoid even that it happens at all
// by taking sweep into account in the original query.
// Except, that's not feasible with the current state of the document,
// where "_modified" is cross-cluster, but sweep is per-clusterId.
// So which ever value we'd choose in the original query, it wouldn't
// precisely match the sweep revision vector in any case.
// thus we should rather accept that we could in theory
// get a revision that is newer than sweep, and act accordingly.
// one way would be to try to distinguish branch commit vs normal commits.
// another, simpler, way however is to simply skip these.
// that, yes, opens the possibility of some garbage not being
// cleaned up, should the document remain unchanged ever after.
// but that seems low probability and justifyable.
// so:
// for normal commits, we need to keep them -> also add to allRequiredRevs
// committed revisions are hard to delete, as determining
// whether or not they are orphaned is difficult.
// child nodes could be having _commitRoots pointing to this doc
// and this revision - in which case it wouldn't be orphaned.
// without scanning the children (or having knowledge about
// which revisions are referenced by children) it is unsafe
// to delete committed revisions.
// if they are uncommitted, then they are garbage, as then they
// are either normal commits (thus a not finished commit)
// or an unmerged branch commit. In both cases they are garbage.
boolean isCommitted = isCommitted(nodeStore.getCommitValue(revision, doc));
if (isCommitted) {
if (isRoot) {
// root : cannot remove since it could be referenced and required by a child
// also add to allRequiredRevs
} else if (!isBC) {
// non root and normal : cannot remove, same as above,
// it could be referenced and required by a child
// also add to allRequiredRevs
} else {
// non root and bc : can remove, as non root bc cannot be referenced by child
Operation has = updateOp.getChanges().get(new Key(REVISIONS, revision));
if (has != null) {
// then skip
NodeDocument.removeRevision(updateOp, revision);
// "_commitRoot"
deletedRevsCount += getDeletedRevsCount(doc.getLocalCommitRoot().keySet(),
updateOp, allRequiredRevs, COMMIT_ROOT, NodeDocument::removeCommitRoot);
// "_bc"
deletedRevsCount += getDeletedRevsCount(doc.getLocalBranchCommits(), updateOp,
allRequiredRevs, BRANCH_COMMITS, NodeDocument::removeBranchCommit);
return deletedRevsCount;
private int getDeletedRevsCount(Set<Revision> revisionSet, UpdateOp updateOp, Set<Revision> allRequiredRevs, String updateOpKey, BiConsumer<UpdateOp, Revision> op) {
return -> !allRequiredRevs.contains(r))
.mapToInt(r -> {
Operation has = updateOp.getChanges().get(new Key(updateOpKey, r));
if (has != null) {
// then skip
return 0;
op.accept(updateOp, r);
return 1;
private int removeUnusedPropertyEntries(NodeDocument doc,
DocumentNodeState traversedMainNode, UpdateOp updateOp,
String propertyKey, Consumer<Revision> removeRevision,
Set<Revision> allKeepRevs) {
// we need to use the traversedNode.getLastRevision() as the readRevision,
// as that is what was originally used in getNodeAtRevision when traversing
final Revision keepCommitRev = doc.localCommitRevisionOfProperty(nodeStore,
traversedMainNode.getLastRevision(), propertyKey);
if (keepCommitRev == null) {
// could be due to node not existing or current value being in a split
// doc - while the former is unexpected, the latter might happen.
// in both cases let's skip this property
if (AUDIT_LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
AUDIT_LOG.trace("<remove> : [0] visible revision for property [{}] in [{}]", propertyKey, doc.getId());
return 0;
// if we get a revision it is from the local map.
// paranoia check that
final SortedMap<Revision, String> localMap = doc.getLocalMap(propertyKey);
if (!localMap.containsKey(keepCommitRev)) {
// this is unexpected - log and skip this property
log.error("removeUnusedPropertyEntries : revision [{}] for property [{}] not found in doc [{}]", keepCommitRev, propertyKey, doc.getId());
return 0;
int count = 0;
// in this case we are good to delete all but the keepRevision
for (Revision localRev : localMap.keySet()) {
if (!keepCommitRev.equals(localRev)) {
// if the localRev is a branch commit, it might be unmerged,
// in which case it might already have been marked for removal
// via collectUnmergedBranchCommits. Checking for that next.
Operation c = updateOp.getChanges().get(new Key(propertyKey, localRev));
if (c == null) {
if (AUDIT_LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
AUDIT_LOG.trace("<remove> : property key [{}] revision [{}] in [{}]", propertyKey, localRev, doc.getId());
return count;
int getGarbageCount() {
return totalGarbageDocsCount;
public void close() {
totalGarbageDocsCount = 0;
public void removeGarbage(final VersionGCStats stats) {
if (updateOpList.isEmpty() && orphanOrDeletedRemovalMap.isEmpty()) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled() || isFullGCDryRun) {
log.debug("Skipping removal of Full garbage, cause no garbage detected");
}"Proceeding to update [{}] documents", updateOpList.size());
if (AUDIT_LOG.isDebugEnabled() || isFullGCDryRun) {
String updateIds =", "));
String orphanIds = join(", ", orphanOrDeletedRemovalMap.keySet());
log.debug("Performing batch update of ids [{}] and removal of orphan ids [{}]", updateIds, orphanIds);
if (cancel.get()) {"Aborting the removal of Full garbage since RGC had been cancelled");
try {
if (embeddedVerification) {
// embedded verification is done completely independent of DocumentStore
// also, it's done irrespective of dry-run or not
final Iterator<UpdateOp> it = updateOpList.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
final UpdateOp update =;
NodeDocument oldDoc = ds.find(Collection.NODES, update.getId());
if (oldDoc == null) {
log.error("removeGarbage.verify : no document found for update with id [{}]", update.getId());
NodeState traversedParent = null;
NodeState traversedState = root;
for (String name : oldDoc.getPath().elements()) {
traversedParent = traversedState;
traversedState = traversedState.getChildNode(name);
NodeDocument newDoc = Collection.NODES.newDocument(ds);
UpdateUtils.applyChanges(newDoc, update);
// for the time being, verify both with classic and traversed
if (!verifyViaTraversedState(traversedState, traversedParent, newDoc)) {
// verification failure
// let's skip this document
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("removeGarbage.verify : verifyViaTraversedState failed for [{}]", newDoc.getId());
for (Entry<String, Long> e : orphanOrDeletedRemovalMap.entrySet()) {
NodeState traversedState = root;
final String id = e.getKey();
final Path path = orphanOrDeletedRemovalPathMap.get(id);
if (path == null) {
// rather a bug, so let's skip it
log.error("removeGarbage.verify : no path available for id : [{}]", id);
for (String name : path.elements()) {
traversedState = traversedState.getChildNode(name);
if (!verifyDeletion(traversedState)) {
// verification failure
// let's skip this document
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("removeGarbage.verify : verifyDeletion failed for [{}]", e.getKey());
if (!isFullGCDryRun) {
// only delete these in case it is not a dryRun
if (!orphanOrDeletedRemovalMap.isEmpty()) {
// use remove() with the modified check to rule
// out any further race-condition where this removal
// races with a un-orphan/re-creation as a result of which
// the node should now not be removed. The modified check
// ensures a node would then not be removed
// (and as a result the removedSize != map.size())
final int removedSize = ds.remove(NODES, orphanOrDeletedRemovalMap);
stats.updatedFullGCDocsCount += removedSize;
stats.deletedDocGCCount += removedSize;
stats.deletedOrphanNodesCount += removedSize;
if (AUDIT_LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
AUDIT_LOG.debug("<delete> [{}] documents (from intended {})", removedSize, orphanOrDeletedRemovalMap.size());
// save stats
// fix for sonar : converted to long before operation
fullGCStats.documentsUpdateSkipped((long)orphanOrDeletedRemovalMap.size() - removedSize);
if (!updateOpList.isEmpty()) {
List<NodeDocument> oldDocs = ds.findAndUpdate(NODES, updateOpList);
int deletedProps = -> deletedPropsCountMap.getOrDefault(d.getId(), 0)).sum();
int deletedInternalProps = -> deletedInternalPropsCountMap.getOrDefault(d.getId(), 0)).sum();
int deletedRevEntriesCount = -> deletedPropRevsCountMap.getOrDefault(d.getId(), 0)).sum();
int deletedInternalRevEntriesCount = -> deletedInternalPropRevsCountMap.getOrDefault(d.getId(), 0)).sum();
int updatedDocs = (int);
stats.updatedFullGCDocsCount += updatedDocs;
stats.deletedPropsCount += deletedProps;
stats.deletedInternalPropsCount += deletedInternalProps;
stats.deletedPropRevsCount += deletedRevEntriesCount;
stats.deletedInternalPropRevsCount += deletedInternalRevEntriesCount;
stats.deletedUnmergedBCCount += deletedUnmergedBCSet.size();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Updated [{}] docs, deleted [{}] props, deleted [{}] unmergedBCs, deleted [{}] internal Props, deleted [{}] prop revs, deleted [{}] internal prop revs",
updatedDocs, deletedProps, deletedUnmergedBCSet.size(), deletedInternalProps, deletedRevEntriesCount, deletedInternalRevEntriesCount);
// save stats
// fix for sonar : converted to long before operation
fullGCStats.documentsUpdateSkipped((long)oldDocs.size() - updatedDocs);
} else {
// collect approx stats only in case of dryRun by assuming everything would succeed
// for deleted properties, oldRevs & unmergedBC
stats.updatedFullGCDocsCount += updateOpList.size();
stats.deletedPropsCount += deletedPropsCountMap.values().stream().reduce(0, Integer::sum);
stats.deletedInternalPropsCount += deletedInternalPropsCountMap.values().stream().reduce(0, Integer::sum);
stats.deletedPropRevsCount += deletedPropRevsCountMap.values().stream().reduce(0, Integer::sum);
stats.deletedInternalPropRevsCount += deletedInternalPropRevsCountMap.values().stream().reduce(0, Integer::sum);
stats.deletedUnmergedBCCount += deletedUnmergedBCSet.size();
// for orphan nodes.
stats.updatedFullGCDocsCount += orphanOrDeletedRemovalMap.size();
stats.deletedDocGCCount += orphanOrDeletedRemovalMap.size();
stats.deletedOrphanNodesCount += orphanOrDeletedRemovalMap.size();
} finally {
// now reset delete metadata
garbageDocsCount = 0;
delayOnModifications(timer.stop().elapsed(MILLISECONDS), cancel);
private boolean verifyViaTraversedState(NodeState traversedState, NodeState traversedParent, NodeDocument newDoc) {
final Path path = newDoc.getPath();
final Revision lastRevision = nodeStore.getPendingModifications().get(path);
if (traversedParent == null && !newDoc.getPath().isRoot()) {
log.error("verify : no parent but not root for path : [{}]", newDoc.getPath());
return false;
final RevisionVector lastRev;
if (traversedParent == null && newDoc.getPath().isRoot()) {
if (!(traversedState instanceof DocumentNodeState)) {
log.error("verify : traversedState not a DocumentNodeState : [{}]", traversedState.getClass());
return false;
lastRev = ((DocumentNodeState) traversedState).getLastRevision();
} else {
// in case we are reaching here, it means that node is none of parents are null
if (!traversedParent.exists()) {
// if the parent doesn't exist we shouldn't reach this point at all
log.error("verify : no parent but not marked for removal for path : {}", newDoc.getPath());
return false;
if (!(traversedParent instanceof DocumentNodeState)) {
log.error("verify : traversedParent not a DocumentNodeState : {}", traversedParent.getClass());
return false;
lastRev = ((DocumentNodeState) traversedParent).getLastRevision();
final NodeState actual = newDoc.getNodeAtRevision(nodeStore, lastRev, lastRevision);
// use more thorough version of equals to ensure properties are checked
// (the faster state.equals() would stop if lastRev matches,
// but as we're fiddling with immutability rule of a document,
// we need to do a full check)
return nonNull(actual) && AbstractNodeState.equals(traversedState, actual);
private boolean verifyDeletion(NodeState traversedState) {
return !traversedState.exists();
private void delayOnModifications(final long durationMs, final AtomicBoolean cancel) {
long delayMs = round(durationMs * options.delayFactor);
if (!cancel.get() && delayMs > 0) {
try {
Clock clock = nodeStore.getClock();
clock.waitUntil(clock.getTime() + delayMs);
catch (InterruptedException ex) {
/* ignore */
public void collectGarbageOnDocument(DocumentNodeStore store, NodeDocument doc, boolean verbose) {
VersionGCStats stats = new VersionGCStats();;
AtomicBoolean cancel = new AtomicBoolean();
GCPhases phases = new GCPhases(cancel, stats, gcMonitor);
final LinkedHashMap<Path, Boolean> missingDocsTypes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
final RevisionVector headRevision = store.getHeadRevision();
try (FullGC gc = new FullGC(headRevision, 0, missingDocsTypes, gcMonitor, cancel)) {
if (phases.start(GCPhase.FULL_GC_COLLECT_GARBAGE)) {
gc.collectGarbage(doc, phases);
if (verbose) {"GarbageCollector will run [{}] operations", gc.updateOpList.size());
for (UpdateOp update : gc.updateOpList) {;
if (gc.hasGarbage() && phases.start(GCPhase.FULL_GC_CLEANUP)) {
* A helper class to remove document for deleted nodes.
private class DeletedDocsGC implements Closeable {
private final RevisionVector headRevision;
private final AtomicBoolean cancel;
private final List<String> leafDocIdsToDelete = Lists.newArrayList();
private final List<String> resurrectedIds = Lists.newArrayList();
private final StringSort docIdsToDelete;
private final StringSort prevDocIdsToDelete;
private final Set<String> exclude = Sets.newHashSet();
private boolean sorted = false;
private final Stopwatch timer;
private final VersionGCOptions options;
private final GCMonitor monitor;
public DeletedDocsGC(@NotNull RevisionVector headRevision,
@NotNull AtomicBoolean cancel,
@NotNull VersionGCOptions options,
@NotNull GCMonitor monitor) {
this.headRevision = requireNonNull(headRevision);
this.cancel = requireNonNull(cancel);
this.timer = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
this.options = options;
this.monitor = monitor;
this.docIdsToDelete = newStringSort(options);
this.prevDocIdsToDelete = newStringSort(options);
* @return the number of documents gathers so far that have been
* identified as garbage via {@link #possiblyDeleted(NodeDocument)}.
* This number does not include the previous documents.
long getNumDocuments() {
return docIdsToDelete.getSize() + leafDocIdsToDelete.size();
* Informs the GC that the given document is possibly deleted. The
* implementation will check if the node still exists at the head
* revision passed to the constructor to this GC. The implementation
* will keep track of documents representing deleted nodes and remove
* them together with associated previous document
* @param doc the candidate document.
* @return true iff document is scheduled for deletion
boolean possiblyDeleted(NodeDocument doc)
throws IOException {
// construct an id that also contains
// the _modified time of the document
String id = doc.getId() + "/" + doc.getModified();
// check if id is valid
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
monitor.warn("Invalid GC id {} for document {}", id, doc);
return false;
if (doc.getNodeAtRevision(nodeStore, headRevision, null) == null) {
// Collect id of all previous docs also
Iterator<String> previousDocs = previousDocIdsFor(doc);
if (!doc.hasChildren() && !previousDocs.hasNext()) {
} else {
addPreviousDocuments(previousDocs, doc.getId());
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Removes the documents that have been identified as garbage. This
* also includes previous documents. This method will only remove
* documents that have not been modified since they were passed to
* {@link #possiblyDeleted(NodeDocument)}.
* @param stats to track the number of removed documents.
void removeDocuments(VersionGCStats stats) throws IOException {
stats.deletedDocGCCount += removeDeletedDocuments(
getDocIdsToDelete(), getDocIdsToDeleteSize(), false, "(other)");
// FIXME: this is incorrect because that method also removes intermediate docs
stats.splitDocGCCount += removeDeletedPreviousDocuments();
boolean hasLeafBatch() {
return leafDocIdsToDelete.size() >= DELETE_BATCH_SIZE;
boolean hasRescurrectUpdateBatch() {
return resurrectedIds.size() >= UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE;
void removeLeafDocuments(VersionGCStats stats) throws IOException {
int removeCount = removeDeletedDocuments(
getLeafDocIdsToDelete(), getLeafDocIdsToDeleteSize(), true, "(leaf)");
stats.deletedLeafDocGCCount += removeCount;
stats.deletedDocGCCount += removeCount;
void updateResurrectedDocuments(VersionGCStats stats) throws IOException {
if (resurrectedIds.isEmpty()) {
int updateCount = resetDeletedOnce(resurrectedIds);
stats.updateResurrectedGCCount += updateCount;
public void close() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
monitor.warn("Failed to close docIdsToDelete: {}", e);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
monitor.warn("Failed to close prevDocIdsToDelete: {}", e);
//------------------------------< internal >----------------------------
private Iterator<String> previousDocIdsFor(NodeDocument doc) {
Map<Revision, Range> prevRanges = doc.getPreviousRanges(true);
if (prevRanges.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyIterator();
} else if (all(prevRanges.values(), FIRST_LEVEL)) {
// all previous document ids can be constructed from the
// previous ranges map. this works for first level previous
// documents only.
final Path path = doc.getPath();
return Iterators.transform(prevRanges.entrySet().iterator(),
new Function<Map.Entry<Revision, Range>, String>() {
public String apply(Map.Entry<Revision, Range> input) {
int h = input.getValue().getHeight();
return Utils.getPreviousIdFor(path, input.getKey(), h);
} else {
// need to fetch the previous documents to get their ids
return Iterators.transform(doc.getAllPreviousDocs(),
new Function<NodeDocument, String>() {
public String apply(NodeDocument input) {
return input.getId();
private void addDocument(String id) throws IOException {
private void addLeafDocument(String id) throws IOException {
private void addNonDeletedDocument(String id) throws IOException {
private long getNumPreviousDocuments() {
return prevDocIdsToDelete.getSize() - exclude.size();
private void addPreviousDocuments(Iterator<String> ids,
String mainDocId) throws IOException {
while (ids.hasNext()) {
String id =;
if (id != null) {
} else {
log.debug("addPreviousDocuments: null id found via mainDocId={}", mainDocId);
private Iterator<String> getDocIdsToDelete() throws IOException {
return docIdsToDelete.getIds();
private long getDocIdsToDeleteSize() {
return docIdsToDelete.getSize();
private Iterator<String> getLeafDocIdsToDelete() throws IOException {
return leafDocIdsToDelete.iterator();
private long getLeafDocIdsToDeleteSize() {
return leafDocIdsToDelete.size();
private void concurrentModification(NodeDocument doc) {
Iterator<NodeDocument> it = doc.getAllPreviousDocs();
while (it.hasNext()) {
private Iterator<String> getPrevDocIdsToDelete() throws IOException {
return Iterators.filter(prevDocIdsToDelete.getIds(),
new Predicate<String>() {
public boolean apply(String input) {
return !exclude.contains(input);
private int removeDeletedDocuments(Iterator<String> docIdsToDelete,
long numDocuments,
boolean leaves,
String label) throws IOException {
if (numDocuments == 0) {
return 0;
}"Proceeding to delete [{}] documents [{}]", numDocuments, label);
Iterator<List<String>> idListItr = partition(docIdsToDelete, DELETE_BATCH_SIZE);
int deletedCount = 0;
int lastLoggedCount = 0;
int recreatedCount = 0;
while (idListItr.hasNext() && !cancel.get()) {
Map<String, Long> deletionBatch = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
for (String s : {
Map.Entry<String, Long> parsed;
try {
parsed = parseEntry(s);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
monitor.warn("Invalid _modified suffix for {}", s);
deletionBatch.put(parsed.getKey(), parsed.getValue());
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Performing batch deletion of documents with following ids. \n");
Joiner.on(LINE_SEPARATOR.value()).appendTo(sb, deletionBatch.keySet());
try {
int nRemoved = ds.remove(NODES, deletionBatch);
if (nRemoved < deletionBatch.size()) {
// some nodes were re-created while GC was running
// find the document that still exist
for (String id : deletionBatch.keySet()) {
NodeDocument d = ds.find(NODES, id);
if (d != null) {
recreatedCount += (deletionBatch.size() - nRemoved);
deletedCount += nRemoved;
log.debug("Deleted [{}] documents so far", deletedCount);
if (leaves) {
} else {
if (deletedCount + recreatedCount - lastLoggedCount >= PROGRESS_BATCH_SIZE) {
lastLoggedCount = deletedCount + recreatedCount;
double progress = lastLoggedCount * 1.0 / getNumDocuments() * 100;
String msg = String.format("Deleted %d (%1.2f%%) documents so far", deletedCount, progress);;
} finally {
delayOnModifications(timer.stop().elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), cancel);
return deletedCount;
private int resetDeletedOnce(List<String> resurrectedDocuments) throws IOException {"Proceeding to reset [{}] _deletedOnce flags", resurrectedDocuments.size());
int updateCount = 0;
try {
for (String s : resurrectedDocuments) {
if (!cancel.get()) {
try {
Map.Entry<String, Long> parsed = parseEntry(s);
UpdateOp up = new UpdateOp(parsed.getKey(), false);
up.equals(MODIFIED_IN_SECS, parsed.getValue());
NodeDocument r = ds.findAndUpdate(Collection.NODES, up);
if (r != null) {
updateCount += 1;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
monitor.warn("Invalid _modified suffix for {}", s);
} catch (DocumentStoreException ex) {
monitor.warn("updating {}: {}", s, ex.getMessage());
finally {
delayOnModifications(timer.stop().elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), cancel);
return updateCount;
private int removeDeletedPreviousDocuments() throws IOException {
long num = getNumPreviousDocuments();
if (num == 0) {
return 0;
}"Proceeding to delete [{}] previous documents", num);
int deletedCount = 0;
int lastLoggedCount = 0;
Iterator<List<String>> idListItr =
partition(getPrevDocIdsToDelete(), DELETE_BATCH_SIZE);
while (idListItr.hasNext() && !cancel.get()) {
List<String> deletionBatch =;
deletedCount += deletionBatch.size();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Performing batch deletion of previous documents with following ids. \n");
Joiner.on(LINE_SEPARATOR.value()).appendTo(sb, deletionBatch);
ds.remove(NODES, deletionBatch);
log.debug("Deleted [{}] previous documents so far", deletedCount);
if (deletedCount - lastLoggedCount >= PROGRESS_BATCH_SIZE) {
lastLoggedCount = deletedCount;
double progress = deletedCount * 1.0 / (prevDocIdsToDelete.getSize() - exclude.size()) * 100;
String msg = String.format("Deleted %d (%1.2f%%) previous documents so far", deletedCount, progress);;
return deletedCount;
private void ensureSorted() throws IOException {
if (!sorted) {
sorted = true;
* Parses an id/modified entry and returns the two components as a
* Map.Entry.
* @param entry the id/modified String.
* @return the parsed components.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the entry is malformed.
private Map.Entry<String, Long> parseEntry(String entry) throws IllegalArgumentException {
int idx = entry.lastIndexOf('/');
if (idx == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(entry);
String id = entry.substring(0, idx);
long modified;
try {
modified = Long.parseLong(entry.substring(idx + 1));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(entry);
return Maps.immutableEntry(id, modified);
private StringSort newStringSort(VersionGCOptions options) {
return new StringSort(options.overflowToDiskThreshold, NodeDocumentIdComparator.INSTANCE);
private static final Predicate<Range> FIRST_LEVEL = new Predicate<Range>() {
public boolean apply(@Nullable Range input) {
return input != null && input.height == 0;
* GCMessageTracker is a partial implementation of GCMonitor. We use it to
* keep track of the last message issued by the GC job.
private static class GCMessageTracker
extends GCMonitor.Empty
implements Supplier<String> {
private volatile String lastMessage = STATUS_INITIALIZING;
public void info(String message, Object... arguments) {
lastMessage = arrayFormat(message, arguments).getMessage();
public void warn(String message, Object... arguments) {
lastMessage = arrayFormat(message, arguments).getMessage();
public void error(String message, Exception e) {
lastMessage = message + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")";
public String get() {
return lastMessage;
private static final class LimitExceededException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6578586397629516408L;