blob: 28e6b22b1a06dba3fb0343eec8dfd070b2099b21 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.cache.CacheStats;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.UpdateOp.Condition;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.cache.CacheInvalidationStats;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.util.Utils;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import static;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.collect.Sets.newHashSet;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.Document.ID;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.Throttler.NO_THROTTLING;
* The interface for the backend storage for documents.
* <p>
* In general atomicity of operations on a DocumentStore are limited to a single
* document. That is, an implementation does not have to guarantee atomicity of
* the entire effect of a method call. A method that fails with an exception may
* have modified just some documents and then abort. However, an implementation
* must not modify a document partially. Either the complete update operation is
* applied to a document or no modification is done at all.
* <p>
* The key is the id of a document. Keys are opaque strings. All characters are
* allowed. Leading and trailing whitespace is allowed. For keys, the maximum
* length is 512 bytes in the UTF-8 representation.
public interface DocumentStore {
* Get the document with the given {@code key}. This is a convenience method
* and equivalent to {@link #find(Collection, String, int)} with a
* {@code maxCacheAge} of {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}.
* <p>
* The returned document is immutable.
* @param <T> the document type
* @param collection the collection
* @param key the key
* @return the document, or null if not found
* @throws DocumentStoreException if the operation failed. E.g. because of
* an I/O error.
<T extends Document> T find(Collection<T> collection, String key)
throws DocumentStoreException;
* Get the document with the {@code key}. The implementation may serve the
* document from a cache, but the cached document must not be older than
* the given {@code maxCacheAge} in milliseconds. An implementation must
* invalidate a cached document when it detects it is outdated. That is, a
* subsequent call to {@link #find(Collection, String)} must return the
* newer version of the document.
* <p>
* The returned document is immutable.
* @param <T> the document type
* @param collection the collection
* @param key the key
* @param maxCacheAge the maximum age of the cached document (in ms)
* @return the document, or null if not found
* @throws DocumentStoreException if the operation failed. E.g. because of
* an I/O error.
<T extends Document> T find(Collection<T> collection, String key, int maxCacheAge)
throws DocumentStoreException;
* Get a list of documents where the key is greater than a start value and
* less than an end value.
* <p>
* The returned documents are sorted by key and are immutable.
* @param <T> the document type
* @param collection the collection
* @param fromKey the start value (excluding)
* @param toKey the end value (excluding)
* @param limit the maximum number of entries to return (starting with the lowest key)
* @return the list (possibly empty)
* @throws DocumentStoreException if the operation failed. E.g. because of
* an I/O error.
<T extends Document> List<T> query(Collection<T> collection,
String fromKey,
String toKey,
int limit) throws DocumentStoreException;
* Get a list of documents where the key is greater than a start value and
* less than an end value <em>and</em> the given "indexed property" is greater
* or equals the specified value.
* <p>
* The indexed property can either be a {@link Long} value, in which case numeric
* comparison applies, or a {@link Boolean} value, in which case "false" is mapped
* to "0" and "true" is mapped to "1".
* <p>
* The returned documents are sorted by key and are immutable.
* @param <T> the document type
* @param collection the collection
* @param fromKey the start value (excluding)
* @param toKey the end value (excluding)
* @param indexedProperty the name of the indexed property (optional)
* @param startValue the minimum value of the indexed property
* @param limit the maximum number of entries to return
* @return the list (possibly empty)
* @throws DocumentStoreException if the operation failed. E.g. because of
* an I/O error.
<T extends Document> List<T> query(Collection<T> collection,
String fromKey,
String toKey,
String indexedProperty,
long startValue,
int limit) throws DocumentStoreException;
* Remove a document. This method does nothing if there is no document
* with the given key.
* <p>
* In case of a {@code DocumentStoreException}, the document with the given
* key may or may not have been removed from the store. It is the
* responsibility of the caller to check whether it still exists. The
* implementation however ensures that the result of the operation is
* properly reflected in the document cache. That is, an implementation
* could simply evict the document with the given key.
* @param <T> the document type
* @param collection the collection
* @param key the key
* @throws DocumentStoreException if the operation failed. E.g. because of
* an I/O error.
<T extends Document> void remove(Collection<T> collection, String key)
throws DocumentStoreException;
* Batch remove documents with given keys. Keys for documents that do not
* exist are simply ignored. If this method fails with an exception, then
* only some of the documents identified by {@code keys} may have been
* removed.
* <p>
* In case of a {@code DocumentStoreException}, the documents with the given
* keys may or may not have been removed from the store. It may also be
* possible that only some have been removed from the store. It is the
* responsibility of the caller to check which documents still exist. The
* implementation however ensures that the result of the operation is
* properly reflected in the document cache. That is, an implementation
* could simply evict documents with the given keys from the cache.
* @param <T> the document type
* @param collection the collection
* @param keys list of keys
* @throws DocumentStoreException if the operation failed. E.g. because of
* an I/O error.
<T extends Document> void remove(Collection<T> collection, List<String> keys)
throws DocumentStoreException;
* Batch remove documents with given keys and corresponding equal conditions
* on {@link NodeDocument#MODIFIED_IN_SECS} values. Keys for documents that
* do not exist are simply ignored. A document is only removed if the
* corresponding condition is met.
* <p>
* In case of a {@code DocumentStoreException}, the documents with the given
* keys may or may not have been removed from the store. It may also be
* possible that only some have been removed from the store. It is the
* responsibility of the caller to check which documents still exist. The
* implementation however ensures that the result of the operation is
* properly reflected in the document cache. That is, an implementation
* could simply evict documents with the given keys from the cache.
* @param <T>
* the document type
* @param collection
* the collection.
* @param toRemove
* the keys of the documents to remove with the corresponding
* timestamps.
* @return the number of removed documents.
* @throws DocumentStoreException
* if the operation failed. E.g. because of an I/O error.
<T extends Document> int remove(Collection<T> collection, Map<String, Long> toRemove)
throws DocumentStoreException;
* Batch remove documents where the given "indexed property" is within the given
* range (exclusive) - {@code (startValue, endValue)}.
* <p>
* The indexed property is a {@link Long} value and numeric comparison applies.
* <p>
* In case of a {@code DocumentStoreException}, the documents with the given
* keys may or may not have been removed from the store. It may also be
* possible that only some have been removed from the store. It is the
* responsibility of the caller to check which documents still exist. The
* implementation however ensures that the result of the operation is
* properly reflected in the document cache. That is, an implementation
* could simply evict documents with the given keys from the cache.
* @param <T> the document type
* @param collection the collection.
* @param indexedProperty the name of the indexed property
* @param startValue the minimum value of the indexed property (exclusive)
* @param endValue the maximum value of the indexed property (exclusive)
* @return the number of removed documents.
* @throws DocumentStoreException if the operation failed. E.g. because of
* an I/O error.
<T extends Document> int remove(Collection<T> collection,
String indexedProperty, long startValue, long endValue)
throws DocumentStoreException;
* Try to create a list of documents. This method returns {@code true} iff
* none of the documents existed before and the create was successful. This
* method will return {@code false} if one of the documents already exists
* in the store. Some documents may still have been created in the store.
* An implementation does not have to guarantee an atomic create of all the
* documents described in the {@code updateOps}. It is the responsibility of
* the caller to check, which documents were created and take appropriate
* action. The same is true when this method throws
* {@code DocumentStoreException} (e.g. when a communication error occurs).
* In this case only some documents may have been created.
* @param <T> the document type
* @param collection the collection
* @param updateOps the list of documents to add (where {@link Condition}s are not allowed)
* @return true if this worked (if none of the documents already existed)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when at least one of the {@linkplain UpdateOp}s is conditional
* @throws DocumentStoreException if the operation failed. E.g. because of
* an I/O error.
<T extends Document> boolean create(Collection<T> collection,
List<UpdateOp> updateOps)
throws IllegalArgumentException, DocumentStoreException;
* Atomically checks if the document exists and updates it, otherwise the
* document is created (aka "upsert"), unless the update operation requires
* the document to be present (see {@link UpdateOp#isNew()}). The returned
* document is immutable.
* <p>
* If this method fails with a {@code DocumentStoreException}, then the
* document may or may not have been created or updated. It is the
* responsibility of the caller to check the result e.g. by calling
* {@link #find(Collection, String)}. The implementation however ensures
* that the result of the operation is properly reflected in the document
* cache. That is, an implementation could simply evict documents with the
* given keys from the cache.
* @param <T>
* the document type
* @param collection
* the collection
* @param update
* the update operation (where {@link Condition}s are not
* allowed)
* @return the old document or {@code null} if it either didn't exist
* before, or the {@linkplain UpdateOp} required the document to be
* present but {@link UpdateOp#isNew()} was {@code false}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* when the {@linkplain UpdateOp} is conditional
* @throws DocumentStoreException
* if the operation failed. E.g. because of an I/O error.
<T extends Document> T createOrUpdate(Collection<T> collection,
UpdateOp update)
throws IllegalArgumentException, DocumentStoreException;
* Create or unconditionally update a number of documents. An implementation
* does not have to guarantee that all changes are applied atomically,
* together.
* <p>
* In case of a {@code DocumentStoreException} (e.g. when a communication
* error occurs) only some changes may have been applied. In this case it is
* the responsibility of the caller to check which {@linkplain UpdateOp}s
* were applied and take appropriate action. The implementation however
* ensures that the result of the operations are properly reflected in the
* document cache. That is, an implementation could simply evict documents
* related to the given update operations from the cache.
* @param <T> the document type
* @param collection the collection
* @param updateOps the update operation list
* @return the list containing old documents or <code>null</code> values if they didn't exist
* before (see {@linkplain #createOrUpdate(Collection, UpdateOp)}), where the order
* reflects the order in the "updateOps" parameter
* @throws DocumentStoreException if the operation failed. E.g. because of
* an I/O error.
<T extends Document> List<T> createOrUpdate(Collection<T> collection,
List<UpdateOp> updateOps)
throws DocumentStoreException;
* Performs a conditional update (e.g. using
* {@link UpdateOp.Condition.Type#EXISTS} and only updates the
* document if the condition is <code>true</code>. The returned document is
* immutable.
* <p>
* In case of a {@code DocumentStoreException} (e.g. when a communication
* error occurs) the update may or may not have been applied. In this case
* it is the responsibility of the caller to check whether the update was
* applied and take appropriate action. The implementation however ensures
* that the result of the operation is properly reflected in the document
* cache. That is, an implementation could simply evict the document related
* to the given update operation from the cache.
* @param <T> the document type
* @param collection the collection
* @param update the update operation with the condition
* @return the old document or <code>null</code> if the condition is not met or
* if the document wasn't found
* @throws DocumentStoreException if the operation failed. E.g. because of
* an I/O error.
* @see #createOrUpdate(Collection, List)
<T extends Document> T findAndUpdate(Collection<T> collection,
UpdateOp update)
throws DocumentStoreException;
* Invalidate the document cache. Calling this method instructs the
* implementation to invalidate each document from the cache, which is not
* up to date with the underlying storage at the time this method is called.
* A document is considered in the cache if {@link #getIfCached(Collection, String)}
* returns a non-null value for a key.
* <p>
* An implementation is allowed to perform lazy invalidation and only check
* whether a document is up-to-date when it is accessed after this method
* is called. However, this also includes a call to {@link #getIfCached(Collection, String)},
* which must only return the document if it was up-to-date at the time
* this method was called. Similarly, a call to {@link #find(Collection, String)}
* must guarantee the returned document reflects all the changes done up to
* when {@code invalidateCache()} was called.
* <p>
* In some implementations this method can be a NOP because documents can
* only be modified through a single instance of a {@code DocumentStore}.
* @return cache invalidation statistics or {@code null} if none are
* available.
CacheInvalidationStats invalidateCache();
* Invalidate the document cache but only with entries that match one
* of the keys provided.
* See {@link #invalidateCache()} for the general contract of cache
* invalidation.
* @param keys the keys of the documents to invalidate.
* @return cache invalidation statistics or {@code null} if none are
* available.
CacheInvalidationStats invalidateCache(Iterable<String> keys);
* Invalidate the document cache for the given key.
* See {@link #invalidateCache()} for the general contract of cache
* invalidation.
* @param collection the collection
* @param key the key
<T extends Document> void invalidateCache(Collection<T> collection, String key);
* Dispose this instance.
void dispose();
* Fetches the cached document. If the document is not present in the cache
* {@code null} will be returned. This method is consistent with other find
* methods that may return cached documents and will return {@code null}
* even when the implementation has a negative cache for documents that
* do not exist. This method will never return {@link NodeDocument#NULL}.
* @param <T> the document type
* @param collection the collection
* @param key the key
* @return cached document if present. Otherwise {@code null}.
<T extends Document> T getIfCached(Collection<T> collection, String key);
* Set the level of guarantee for read and write operations, if supported by this backend.
* @param readWriteMode the read/write mode
void setReadWriteMode(String readWriteMode);
* @return status information about the cache
Iterable<CacheStats> getCacheStats();
* @return description of the underlying storage.
Map<String, String> getMetadata();
* Returns statistics about the underlying storage. The information and
* keys returned by this method are implementation specific, may change
* between releases or may even depend on deployment aspects. E.g. depending
* on access rights, the method may return more or less information from
* the underlying store. This method should only be used for informational
* or debug purposes.
* @return statistics about this document store.
Map<String, String> getStats();
* @return the estimated time difference in milliseconds between the local
* instance and the (typically common, shared) document server system. The
* value can be zero if the times are estimated to be equal, positive when
* the local instance is ahead of the remote server and negative when the
* local instance is behind the remote server. An invocation is not cached
* and typically requires a round-trip to the server (but that is not a
* requirement).
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this DocumentStore does not
* support this method
* @throws DocumentStoreException if an I/O error occurs.
long determineServerTimeDifferenceMillis()
throws UnsupportedOperationException, DocumentStoreException;
* optional method indicating the DocumentStore should prefetch, in the most
* optimal way eg by batching, a bunch of keys as they might soon be needed.
default <T extends Document> void prefetch(Collection<T> collection, Iterable<String> keys) {
// default does nothing
* Return the size limit for node name based on the document store implementation
* @return node name size limit
default int getNodeNameLimit() {
return Utils.NODE_NAME_LIMIT;
* Return the {@link Throttler} for the underlying store
* Default is no throttling
* @return throttler for document store
default Throttler throttler() {
* Get a list of documents with only projected fields (as mentioned in projections param)
* along with "_id" field and where the key is greater than a start value and
* less than an end value <em>and</em> the given "indexed property" is greater
* or equals the specified value.
* <p>
* The indexed property can either be a {@link Long} value, in which case numeric
* comparison applies, or a {@link Boolean} value, in which case "false" is mapped
* to "0" and "true" is mapped to "1".
* <p>
* The returned documents are sorted by key and are immutable.
* @param <T> the document type
* @param collection the collection
* @param fromKey the start value (excluding)
* @param toKey the end value (excluding)
* @param indexedProperty the name of the indexed property (optional)
* @param startValue the minimum value of the indexed property
* @param limit the maximum number of entries to return
* @param projection {@link List} of projected keys (optional). Keep this empty to fetch all fields on document.
* @return the list (possibly empty)
* @throws DocumentStoreException if the operation failed. E.g. because of
* an I/O error.
default <T extends Document> List<T> query(final Collection<T> collection,
final String fromKey,
final String toKey,
final String indexedProperty,
final long startValue,
final int limit,
final List<String> projection) throws DocumentStoreException {
final List<T> list = query(collection, fromKey, toKey, indexedProperty, startValue, limit);
if (projection == null || projection.isEmpty()) {
return list;
final Set<String> projectedSet = newHashSet(projection);
return -> {
T newDocument = collection.newDocument(this);
return newDocument;
* Performs a conditional update (e.g. using
* {@link UpdateOp.Condition.Type#EXISTS} and only update the
* document if the condition is <code>true</code>. The returned documents are
* immutable.
* <p>
* In case of a {@code DocumentStoreException} (e.g. when a communication
* error occurs) only some updates may have been applied. In this case
* it is the responsibility of the caller to check which {@link UpdateOp}s
* were applied and take appropriate action. The implementation however ensures
* that the result of the operations are properly reflected in the document
* cache. That is, an implementation could simply evict the documents related
* to the given update operations from the cache.
* @param <T> the document type
* @param collection the collection
* @param updateOps the update operation List
* @return the list containing old documents or <code>null</code> if the condition is not met
* or if the document wasn't found. The order in the result list reflects the order
* in the updateOps parameter
* @throws DocumentStoreException if the operation failed. E.g. because of
* an I/O error.
default <T extends Document> List<T> findAndUpdate(final @NotNull Collection<T> collection,
final @NotNull List<UpdateOp> updateOps) throws DocumentStoreException {
return -> findAndUpdate(collection, op)).collect(toList());