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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.RecordCache.newRecordCache;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.cache.CacheStats;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.memory.MemoryStore;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.base.Supplier;
public class RecordCacheStatsTest {
private static final String NAME = "cache stats";
private static final int KEYS = 100;
private final Random rnd = new Random();
private final MemoryStore store = new MemoryStore();
private final RecordCache<Integer> cache = newRecordCache(KEYS);
private final RecordCacheStats cacheStats =
new RecordCacheStats(NAME,
new Supplier<CacheStats>() {
@Override public CacheStats get() { return cache.getStats(); }
new Supplier<Long>() {
@Override public Long get() { return cache.size(); }
new Supplier<Long>() {
@Override public Long get() { return cache.estimateCurrentWeight(); }
private int hits;
public RecordCacheStatsTest() throws IOException {}
private RecordId newRecordId() {
return TestUtils.newRecordId(store.getSegmentIdProvider(), rnd);
public void setup() {
for (int k = 0; k < KEYS; k++) {
cache.put(k, newRecordId());
for (int k = 0; k < 100; k++) {
if (cache.get(4 * k) != null) {
public void name() throws Exception {
assertEquals(NAME, cacheStats.getName());
public void getRequestCount() {
assertEquals(KEYS, cacheStats.getRequestCount());
public void getHitCount() {
assertEquals(hits, cacheStats.getHitCount());
public void getHitRate() {
assertEquals(((double)hits)/KEYS, cacheStats.getHitRate(), Double.MIN_VALUE);
public void getMissCount() {
assertEquals(KEYS - hits, cacheStats.getMissCount());
public void getMissRate() {
assertEquals((KEYS - (double)hits)/KEYS, cacheStats.getMissRate(), Double.MIN_VALUE);
public void getLoadCount() {
assertEquals(KEYS, cacheStats.getLoadCount());
public void getLoadSuccessCount() {
assertEquals(KEYS, cacheStats.getLoadSuccessCount());
public void getLoadExceptionCount() {
assertEquals(0, cacheStats.getLoadExceptionCount());
public void getLoadExceptionRate() {
assertEquals(0, cacheStats.getLoadExceptionRate(), Double.MIN_VALUE);
public void getTotalLoadTime() {
assertEquals(0, cacheStats.getTotalLoadTime());
public void getAverageLoadPenalty() {
assertEquals(0, cacheStats.getAverageLoadPenalty(), Double.MIN_VALUE);
public void getEvictionCount() {
assertEquals(0, cacheStats.getEvictionCount());
public void getElementCount() {
assertEquals(KEYS, cacheStats.getElementCount());
public void getMaxTotalWeight() {
assertEquals(-1, cacheStats.getMaxTotalWeight());
public void estimateCurrentWeight() {
assertEquals(KEYS, cacheStats.estimateCurrentWeight());
public void resetStats() {
assertEquals(0, cacheStats.getRequestCount());
assertEquals(0, cacheStats.getHitCount());
assertEquals(1.0, cacheStats.getHitRate(), Double.MIN_VALUE);
assertEquals(0, cacheStats.getMissCount());
assertEquals(0.0, cacheStats.getMissRate(), Double.MIN_VALUE);
assertEquals(0, cacheStats.getLoadCount());
assertEquals(0, cacheStats.getLoadSuccessCount());
assertEquals(0, cacheStats.getLoadExceptionCount());
assertEquals(0, cacheStats.getLoadExceptionRate(), Double.MIN_VALUE);
assertEquals(0, cacheStats.getTotalLoadTime());
assertEquals(0, cacheStats.getAverageLoadPenalty(), Double.MIN_VALUE);
assertEquals(0, cacheStats.getEvictionCount());
assertEquals(KEYS, cacheStats.getElementCount());
assertEquals(-1, cacheStats.getMaxTotalWeight());
assertEquals(KEYS, cacheStats.estimateCurrentWeight());