blob: d9f8ba5ae32a4b522422040dfb1aa0690b38207c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.base.Suppliers.memoize;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.collect.ImmutableList.copyOf;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.collect.Sets.newHashSet;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.IndexConstants.ENTRY_COUNT_PROPERTY_NAME;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.IndexConstants.INDEX_CONTENT_NODE_NAME;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.IndexConstants.KEY_COUNT_PROPERTY_NAME;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.counter.NodeCounterEditor.COUNT_PROPERTY_NAME;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.counter.NodeCounterEditor.DEFAULT_RESOLUTION;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.memory.EmptyNodeState.EMPTY_NODE;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.counter.ApproximateCounter.COUNT_PROPERTY_PREFIX;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsInAnyOrder;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.base.Supplier;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.CommitFailedException;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.Type;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.commons.PathUtils;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.query.index.FilterImpl;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.query.Filter;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.NodeBuilder;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.NodeState;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
* Test the content mirror strategy
public class ContentMirrorStoreStrategyTest {
private static final Set<String> EMPTY = newHashSet();
private static final Set<String> KEY = newHashSet("key");
* <p>
* Tests the index pruning mechanism
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>
* adds a few levels of nodes, nodes with an even index will have the
* 'match' property set</li>
* <li>
* pruning in this case means that whatever path that doesn't have a 'match'
* property is considered dead weight and should be removed from the index</li>
* </ul>
public void testIndexPruning() throws CommitFailedException {
IndexStoreStrategy store = new ContentMirrorStoreStrategy();
NodeState root = EMPTY_NODE;
NodeBuilder builder = root.builder();
Supplier<NodeBuilder> index = () -> builder;
for (String path : asList("/", "a/b/c", "a/b/d", "b", "d/e", "d/e/f")) {
store.update(index, path, null, null, EMPTY, KEY);
checkPath(builder, "key", "", true);
checkPath(builder, "key", "a/b/c", true);
checkPath(builder, "key", "a/b/d", true);
checkPath(builder, "key", "b", true);
checkPath(builder, "key", "d/e", true);
checkPath(builder, "key", "d/e/f", true);
// remove the root key, removes just the "match" property, when the
// index is not empty
store.update(index, "/", null, null, KEY, EMPTY);
checkPath(builder, "key", "d/e/f", true);
// removing intermediary path doesn't remove the entire subtree
store.update(index, "d/e", null, null, KEY, EMPTY);
checkPath(builder, "key", "d/e/f", true);
// removing intermediary path doesn't remove the entire subtree
store.update(index, "d/e/f", null, null, KEY, EMPTY);
checkNotPath(builder, "key", "d");
// brother segment removed
store.update(index, "a/b/d", null, null, KEY, EMPTY);
store.update(index, "a/b", null, null, KEY, EMPTY);
checkPath(builder, "key", "a/b/c", true);
// reinsert root and remove everything else
store.update(index, "", null, null, EMPTY, KEY);
store.update(index, "d/e/f", null, null, KEY, EMPTY);
store.update(index, "b", null, null, KEY, EMPTY);
store.update(index, "a/b/c", null, null, KEY, EMPTY);
// remove the root key when the index is empty
store.update(index, "", null, null, KEY, EMPTY);
Assert.assertEquals(0, builder.getChildNodeCount(1));
private static void checkPath(NodeBuilder node, String key, String path,
boolean checkMatch) {
path = PathUtils.concat(key, path);
NodeBuilder check = node;
for (String p : PathUtils.elements(path)) {
Assert.assertTrue("Missing child node " + p + " on path " + path,
check = check.child(p);
if (checkMatch) {
private static void checkNotPath(NodeBuilder node, String key, String path) {
path = PathUtils.concat(key, path);
String parentPath = PathUtils.getParentPath(path);
String name = PathUtils.getName(path);
NodeBuilder check = node;
for (String p : PathUtils.elements(parentPath)) {
Assert.assertTrue("Missing child node " + p + " on path " + path,
check = check.child(p);
public void testUnique() throws CommitFailedException {
IndexStoreStrategy store = new ContentMirrorStoreStrategy();
NodeState root = EMPTY_NODE;
NodeBuilder indexMeta = root.builder();
Supplier<NodeBuilder> index = memoize(() -> indexMeta.child(INDEX_CONTENT_NODE_NAME));
store.update(index, "a", null, null, EMPTY, KEY);
store.update(index, "b", null, null, EMPTY, KEY);
"ContentMirrorStoreStrategy should guarantee uniqueness on insert",
store.count(root, indexMeta.getNodeState(), Collections.singleton("key"), 2) > 1);
public void testIndexCountersUsageWithoutPathRestriction() {
final long approxNodeCount = 50;
final long approxKeyCount = 25;
final long entryCount = 30 * DEFAULT_RESOLUTION;
final long keyCount = 75;
final int maxTraversal = 200;
final String keyValue = KEY.iterator().next();
final String approxPropName = COUNT_PROPERTY_PREFIX + "gen_uuid";
IndexStoreStrategy store = new ContentMirrorStoreStrategy();
NodeState root = EMPTY_NODE;
NodeBuilder indexMeta = root.builder();
NodeBuilder index = indexMeta.child(INDEX_CONTENT_NODE_NAME);
NodeBuilder key = index.child(keyValue);
// is-not-null query without entryCount
index.setProperty(approxPropName, approxNodeCount, Type.LONG);
Assert.assertEquals("Approximate count not used for is-not-null query",
approxNodeCount, store.count(root, indexMeta.getNodeState(),
null, maxTraversal));
// prop=value query without entryCount
key.setProperty(approxPropName, approxKeyCount, Type.LONG);
Assert.assertEquals("Approximate count not used for key=value query",
approxKeyCount, store.count(root, indexMeta.getNodeState(),
KEY, maxTraversal));
// is-not-null query with entryCount
.setProperty(ENTRY_COUNT_PROPERTY_NAME, entryCount, Type.LONG);
"Entry count not used even when present for is-not-null query",
entryCount, store.count(root, indexMeta.getNodeState(), null,
// prop=value query with entryCount but without keyCount
Assert.assertTrue("Rough key count not considered for key=value query",
entryCount > store.count(root, indexMeta.getNodeState(), KEY,
// prop=value query with entryCount and keyCount
indexMeta.setProperty(KEY_COUNT_PROPERTY_NAME, keyCount, Type.LONG);
Assert.assertTrue("Key count not considered for key=value query",
entryCount > store.count(root, indexMeta.getNodeState(), KEY,
// is-not-null query with entryCount=-1 (this should lead to traversal
// and hence should result in '0'
indexMeta.setProperty(ENTRY_COUNT_PROPERTY_NAME, (long) -1, Type.LONG);
"Entry count not used even when present for is-not-null query",
0, store.count(root, indexMeta.getNodeState(), null,
public void testIndexCountersUsageWithPathRestriction() {
final String subPathName = "sub-path";
final int filteredNodeFactor = 2;
final long repoTreeApproxNodeCount = 50000;
final long repoSubPathApproxNodeCount = repoTreeApproxNodeCount /
final FilterImpl filter = FilterImpl.newTestInstance();
filter.restrictPath("/" + subPathName,
final long approxNodeCount = 100;
final long approxKeyCount = 50;
final long entryCount = 60 * DEFAULT_RESOLUTION;
final long keyCount = 150;
final int maxTraversal = 200;
final String keyValue = KEY.iterator().next();
final String approxPropName = COUNT_PROPERTY_PREFIX + "gen_uuid";
IndexStoreStrategy store = new ContentMirrorStoreStrategy();
NodeBuilder rootBuilder = EMPTY_NODE.builder();
// setup tree for NodeCounter to work
repoTreeApproxNodeCount, Type.LONG);
NodeBuilder subPath = rootBuilder.child(subPathName);
repoSubPathApproxNodeCount, Type.LONG);
NodeState root = rootBuilder.getNodeState();
NodeBuilder indexMeta = rootBuilder.child("propIndex");
NodeBuilder index = indexMeta.child(INDEX_CONTENT_NODE_NAME);
NodeBuilder key = index.child(keyValue);
// is-not-null query without entryCount
index.setProperty(approxPropName, approxNodeCount, Type.LONG);
"Approximate count not used for is-not-null query",
store.count(filter, root, indexMeta.getNodeState(),
null, maxTraversal));
// prop=value query without entryCount
key.setProperty(approxPropName, approxKeyCount, Type.LONG);
"Approximate count not used for key=value query",
store.count(filter, root, indexMeta.getNodeState(),
KEY, maxTraversal));
// is-not-null query with entryCount
.setProperty(ENTRY_COUNT_PROPERTY_NAME, entryCount, Type.LONG);
"Entry count not used even when present for is-not-null query",
filteredNodeFactor *
store.count(filter, root, indexMeta.getNodeState(),
null, maxTraversal));
// prop=value query with entryCount but without keyCount
"Rough key count not considered for key=value query",
entryCount > filteredNodeFactor *
store.count(filter, root, indexMeta.getNodeState(),
KEY, maxTraversal));
// prop=value query with entryCount and keyCount
indexMeta.setProperty(KEY_COUNT_PROPERTY_NAME, keyCount, Type.LONG);
"Key count not considered for key=value query",
entryCount > filteredNodeFactor *
store.count(filter, root, indexMeta.getNodeState(),
KEY, maxTraversal));
public void nonRootStorage() throws Exception{
IndexStoreStrategy store = new ContentMirrorStoreStrategy(INDEX_CONTENT_NODE_NAME, "/content", false);
NodeState root = EMPTY_NODE;
NodeBuilder builder = root.builder();
Supplier<NodeBuilder> index = () -> builder;
for (String path : asList("a", "a/c", "b")) {
store.update(index, path, null, null, EMPTY, KEY);
FilterImpl filter = FilterImpl.newTestInstance();
filter.restrictPath("/content", Filter.PathRestriction.ALL_CHILDREN);
NodeBuilder indexMeta = EMPTY_NODE.builder();
indexMeta.setChildNode(INDEX_CONTENT_NODE_NAME, builder.getNodeState());
Iterable<String> paths = store.query(filter, null, indexMeta.getNodeState(), KEY);
assertThat(copyOf(paths), containsInAnyOrder("a", "a/c", "b"));
FilterImpl filter2 = FilterImpl.newTestInstance();
filter2.restrictPath("/content/a", Filter.PathRestriction.ALL_CHILDREN);
paths = store.query(filter2, null, indexMeta.getNodeState(), KEY);
assertThat(copyOf(paths), containsInAnyOrder("a", "a/c"));
store = new ContentMirrorStoreStrategy(INDEX_CONTENT_NODE_NAME, "/content", true);
paths = store.query(filter, null, indexMeta.getNodeState(), KEY);
assertThat(copyOf(paths), containsInAnyOrder("/content/a", "/content/a/c", "/content/b"));
paths = store.query(filter2, null, indexMeta.getNodeState(), KEY);
assertThat(copyOf(paths), containsInAnyOrder("/content/a", "/content/a/c"));
private static void assertInRange(String msg, double expected, double actual) {
double allowedError = 0.1;
double diff = Math.abs(expected - actual);
Assert.assertTrue(msg + "; expected about " + expected + ", got " + actual,
diff < expected * allowedError);