blob: 064884e9c8060ab3c37a8daaf607021bba2f27e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Internal constants used in index definition, and index implementations.
public interface FulltextIndexConstants {
enum IndexingMode {
public String asyncValueName() {
return name().toLowerCase();
public static IndexingMode from(String indexingMode) {
return valueOf(indexingMode.toUpperCase());
String INDEX_DATA_CHILD_NAME = ":data";
* include only certain property types in the index
String INCLUDE_PROPERTY_TYPES = "includePropertyTypes";
* exclude certain properties by name
String EXCLUDE_PROPERTY_NAMES = "excludePropertyNames";
String PERSISTENCE_NAME = "persistence";
String PERSISTENCE_OAK = "repository";
String TEST_MODE = "testMode";
String PERSISTENCE_FILE = "file";
String PERSISTENCE_PATH = "path";
* Experimental flag to control storage behavior: 'null' or 'true' means the content is stored
* Determines if full text indexing is enabled for this index definition.
* Default is true
String FULL_TEXT_ENABLED = "fulltextEnabled";
* Only include properties with name in this set. If this property is defined
* then {@code excludePropertyNames} would be ignored
String INCLUDE_PROPERTY_NAMES = "includePropertyNames";
* Type of the property being indexed defined as part of property definition
* under the given index definition. Refer to {@link javax.jcr.PropertyType}
* contants for the possible values
String PROP_TYPE = "type";
* Defines properties which would be used for ordering. If range queries are to
* be performed with same property then it must be part of include list also
String ORDERED_PROP_NAMES = "orderedProps";
* Size in bytes used for splitting the index files when storing them in NodeStore
String BLOB_SIZE = "blobSize";
* Native function name associated with this index definition. Any query can
* use this as the function name to ensure that this index gets used for invoking
* the index
String FUNC_NAME = "functionName";
* Child node name under which property details are provided
String PROP_NODE = "properties";
String INDEX_RULES = "indexRules";
* Field boost factor
String FIELD_BOOST = "boost";
* Property name defined explicitly. Mostly used in case of relative property names
String PROP_NAME = "name";
String PROP_IS_REGEX = "isRegexp";
String PROP_INDEX = "index";
String PROP_USE_IN_EXCERPT = "useInExcerpt";
String PROP_NODE_SCOPE_INDEX = "nodeScopeIndex";
String PROP_PROPERTY_INDEX = "propertyIndex";
String PROP_ANALYZED = "analyzed";
String RULE_INHERITED = "inherited";
String PROP_ORDERED = "ordered";
String PROP_SCORER_PROVIDER = "scorerProviderName";
String PROP_WEIGHT = "weight";
* Boolean property in property definition to mark sync properties
String PROP_SYNC = "sync";
* Boolean property in property definition to mark unique properties
String PROP_UNIQUE = "unique";
String EVALUATE_PATH_RESTRICTION = "evaluatePathRestrictions";
* Experimental config to restrict which property type gets indexed at
* property definition level. Mostly index rule level #INCLUDE_PROPERTY_TYPES
* should be sufficient
String PROP_INCLUDED_TYPE = "oak.experimental.includePropertyTypes";
* Regex to allow inclusion of all immediate properties of the node
String REGEX_ALL_PROPS = "^[^\\/]*$";
* Node name storing the aggregate rules
String AGGREGATES = "aggregates";
String AGG_PRIMARY_TYPE = "primaryType";
* Name of property which stores the aggregate include pattern like <code>jcr:content/metadata</code>
String AGG_PATH = "path";
* Limit for maximum number of reaggregates allowed. For example if there is an aggregate of nt:folder
* and it also includes nt:folder then aggregation would traverse down untill this limit is hit
String AGG_RECURSIVE_LIMIT = "reaggregateLimit";
* Boolean property indicating that separate fulltext field should be created for
* node represented by this pattern
String AGG_RELATIVE_NODE = "relativeNode";
String COST_PER_ENTRY = "costPerEntry";
String COST_PER_EXECUTION = "costPerExecution";
* Config node which include Tika related configuration
* Its value should match {@link FieldNames#NODE_NAME}
String TIKA = "tika";
* nt:file node under 'tika' node which refers to the config xml file
String TIKA_CONFIG = "config.xml";
String TIKA_MAX_EXTRACT_LENGTH = "maxExtractLength";
* Config node under tika which defines mime type mappings
String TIKA_MIME_TYPES = "mimeTypes";
* Property name within the mime type structure which defines a mime type mapping
String TIKA_MAPPED_TYPE = "mappedType";
* The maximum number of terms that will be indexed for a single field in a
* document. This limits the amount of memory required for indexing, so that
* collections with very large files will not crash the indexing process by
* running out of memory.
* <p>
* Note that this effectively truncates large documents, excluding from the
* index terms that occur further in the document. If you know your source
* documents are large, be sure to set this value high enough to accommodate
* the expected size. If you set it to Integer.MAX_VALUE, then the only limit
* is your memory, but you should anticipate an OutOfMemoryError.
* <p>
* By default, no more than 10,000 terms will be indexed for a field.
String MAX_FIELD_LENGTH = "maxFieldLength";
* whether use this property values for suggestions
String PROP_USE_IN_SUGGEST = "useInSuggest";
* subnode holding configuration for suggestions
String SUGGESTION_CONFIG = "suggestion";
* update frequency of the suggester in minutes
String SUGGEST_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_MINUTES = "suggestUpdateFrequencyMinutes";
* whether use this property values for spellchecking
String PROP_USE_IN_SPELLCHECK = "useInSpellcheck";
* whether use this property values for similarity
String PROP_USE_IN_SIMILARITY = "useInSimilarity";
* Property definition config indicating that null check support should be
* enabled for this property
String PROP_NULL_CHECK_ENABLED = "nullCheckEnabled";
* Property definition config indicating that this property would be used with
* 'IS NOT NULL' constraint
String PROP_NOT_NULL_CHECK_ENABLED = "notNullCheckEnabled";
* IndexRule level config to indicate that Node name should also be index
* to support fn:name() queries
String INDEX_NODE_NAME = "indexNodeName";
* Property definition name to indicate indexing node name
String PROPDEF_PROP_NODE_NAME = ":nodeName";
* Optional subnode holding configuration for facets.
String FACETS = "facets";
* Optional property to set the suggest field to be analyzed and therefore allow more fine
* grained and flexible suggestions.
String SUGGEST_ANALYZED = "suggestAnalyzed";
* Integer property indicating that the index should be
* used in compat mode to specific version
String COMPAT_MODE = "compatVersion";
* Optional (index definition) property indicating whether facets should be ACL checked.
* Default is true
String PROP_SECURE_FACETS = "secure";
* Optional (index definition) property indicating max number of facets that will be retrieved
* in query
* Default is {@link IndexDefinition#DEFAULT_FACET_COUNT}
String PROP_FACETS_TOP_CHILDREN = "topChildren";
* Optional (property definition) property indicating whether facets should be created
* for this property
String PROP_FACETS = "facets";
* Boolean property indicate that property should not be included in aggregation
String PROP_EXCLUDE_FROM_AGGREGATE = "excludeFromAggregation";
* String property: the function to index, for function-based index
String PROP_FUNCTION = "function";
* Boolean property which signal FulltextIndexEditor to refresh the stored index definition
String PROP_REFRESH_DEFN = "refresh";
* Boolean property to indicate that nodes nodetype matching indexRule name
* should be indexed
String PROP_INDEX_NODE_TYPE = "nodeTypeIndex";
* The property of an index. If the given node or property exists, then the
* index is used for queries; otherwise, it is not used (returns infinite
* cost). The value is: nodes, the path. For properties, the path of the node, then '@' property.
String USE_IF_EXISTS = "useIfExists";