blob: b782a0bd81f311428f36eb0cd2580aca6ef17d60 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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+ testChildWithDefaultType (nt:base) = nt:base
+ testChildWithoutDefaultType (nt:base)
- BinaryMultipleConstraints (binary) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder < '(,100)'
- Boolean (boolean) nofulltext noqueryorder
- DateConstraints (date) nofulltext noqueryorder < '(1974-02-15T00:00:00.000Z,)'
- NameConstraints (name) nofulltext noqueryorder < 'abc'
- LongMultipleConstraints (long) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder < '(,100)'
- ReferenceMultipleConstraints (reference) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder < 'test:canSetProperty'
- StringMultiple (string) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder
- DoubleMultiple (double) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder
- DoubleConstraints (double) nofulltext noqueryorder < '(100,)'
- BinaryConstraints (binary) nofulltext noqueryorder < '(,100)'
- PathMultiple (path) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder
- Path (path) nofulltext noqueryorder
- StringMultipleConstraints (string) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder < 'abc', 'def', 'ghi'
- PathMultipleConstraints (path) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder < '/abc'
- DateMultiple (date) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder
- Binary (binary) nofulltext noqueryorder
- LongMultiple (long) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder
- LongConstraints (long) nofulltext noqueryorder < '(100,)'
- BooleanConstraints (boolean) nofulltext noqueryorder < 'true'
- BinaryMultiple (binary) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder
- Long (long) nofulltext noqueryorder
- StringConstraints (string) nofulltext noqueryorder < 'abc', 'def', 'ghi'
- Date (date) nofulltext noqueryorder
- ReferenceConstraints (reference) nofulltext noqueryorder < 'test:canSetProperty'
- Double (double) nofulltext noqueryorder
- NameMultipleConstraints (name) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder < 'abc'
- BooleanMultiple (boolean) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder
- Name (name) nofulltext noqueryorder
- PathConstraints (path) nofulltext noqueryorder < '/abc'
- String (string) nofulltext noqueryorder
- NameMultiple (name) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder
- BooleanMultipleConstraints (boolean) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder < 'true'
- DateMultipleConstraints (date) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder < '(,1974-02-15T00:00:00.000Z)'
- DoubleMultipleConstraints (double) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder < '(,100)'
[test:refTargetNode] > mix:versionable
- * (undefined) nofulltext noqueryorder
- * (undefined) nofulltext noqueryorder
+ * (nt:base) = test:sameNameSibsFalseChildNodeDefinition compute
[test:setProperty] > mix:referenceable
- test:multiProperty (undefined) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder
- * (undefined) nofulltext noqueryorder
+ * (nt:base) = test:setProperty
- test:multiProperty (undefined) multiple nofulltext noqueryorder
- test:singleProperty (undefined) nofulltext noqueryorder
+ * (nt:base) = test:setPropertyAssumingType
[test:versionable] > mix:versionable
- test:initializeOnParentVersionProp (string) initialize nofulltext noqueryorder
- test:copyOnParentVersionProp (string) nofulltext noqueryorder
- test:abortOnParentVersionProp (string) abort nofulltext noqueryorder
- test:ignoreOnParentVersionProp (string) ignore nofulltext noqueryorder
- test:computeOnParentVersionProp (string) compute nofulltext noqueryorder
- test:versionOnParentVersionProp (string) version nofulltext noqueryorder
- * (undefined) nofulltext noqueryorder
+ test:computeOnParentVersion (nt:base) = nt:unstructured compute
+ test:initializeOnParentVersion (nt:base) = nt:unstructured initialize
+ test:versionOnParentVersion (nt:base) = nt:unstructured version
+ * (nt:base) = test:versionable
+ test:ignoreOnParentVersion (nt:base) = nt:unstructured ignore
+ test:abortOnParentVersion (nt:base) = nt:unstructured abort
+ test:copyOnParentVersion (nt:base) = nt:unstructured
[test:orderableFolder] > nt:folder orderable
+ * (nt:base) = test:orderableFolder
- test:property (String) = 'default value' autocreated
- test:propertyMulti (String) = 'value1', 'value2' autocreated multiple
+ test:folder (nt:folder) = nt:folder autocreated