blob: baf31a206d895ec7c240059b236e6c3edbd0b1f2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.guava.common.collect.Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity;
import static java.util.Arrays.sort;
import static java.util.Collections.singleton;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.MapRecord.SIZE_BITS;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.RecordType.BLOB_ID;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.RecordType.BLOCK;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.RecordType.BRANCH;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.RecordType.BUCKET;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.RecordType.LEAF;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.RecordType.LIST;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.RecordType.NODE;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.RecordType.TEMPLATE;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.RecordType.VALUE;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.Segment.RECORD_ID_BYTES;
import static org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.Segment.SMALL_LIMIT;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
final class RecordWriters {
private RecordWriters() {}
* Base class for all record writers
public abstract static class RecordWriter {
private final RecordType type;
protected final int size;
protected final Collection<RecordId> ids;
protected RecordWriter(RecordType type, int size,
Collection<RecordId> ids) {
this.type = type;
this.size = size;
this.ids = ids;
protected RecordWriter(RecordType type, int size, RecordId id) {
this(type, size, singleton(id));
protected RecordWriter(RecordType type, int size) {
this(type, size, Collections.<RecordId> emptyList());
public final RecordId write(SegmentBufferWriter writer, SegmentStore store) throws IOException {
RecordId id = writer.prepare(type, size, ids, store);
return writeRecordContent(id, writer);
protected abstract RecordId writeRecordContent(RecordId id,
SegmentBufferWriter writer);
public static RecordWriter newMapLeafWriter(int level, Collection<MapEntry> entries) {
return new MapLeafWriter(level, entries);
public static RecordWriter newMapLeafWriter() {
return new MapLeafWriter();
public static RecordWriter newMapBranchWriter(int level, int entryCount, int bitmap, List<RecordId> ids) {
return new MapBranchWriter(level, entryCount, bitmap, ids);
public static RecordWriter newMapBranchWriter(int bitmap, List<RecordId> ids) {
return new MapBranchWriter(bitmap, ids);
public static RecordWriter newListWriter(int count, RecordId lid) {
return new ListWriter(count, lid);
public static RecordWriter newListWriter() {
return new ListWriter();
public static RecordWriter newListBucketWriter(List<RecordId> ids) {
return new ListBucketWriter(ids);
public static RecordWriter newBlockWriter(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {
return new BlockWriter(bytes, offset, length);
public static RecordWriter newValueWriter(RecordId rid, long len) {
return new SingleValueWriter(rid, len);
public static RecordWriter newValueWriter(int length, byte[] data) {
return new ArrayValueWriter(length, data);
* Write a large blob ID. A blob ID is considered large if the length of its
* binary representation is equal to or greater than {@code
public static RecordWriter newBlobIdWriter(RecordId rid) {
return new LargeBlobIdWriter(rid);
* Write a small blob ID. A blob ID is considered small if the length of its
* binary representation is less than {@code Segment.BLOB_ID_SMALL_LIMIT}.
public static RecordWriter newBlobIdWriter(byte[] blobId) {
return new SmallBlobIdWriter(blobId);
public static RecordWriter newTemplateWriter(Collection<RecordId> ids,
RecordId[] propertyNames, byte[] propertyTypes, int head, RecordId primaryId,
List<RecordId> mixinIds, RecordId childNameId, RecordId propNamesId) {
return new TemplateWriter(ids, propertyNames, propertyTypes, head, primaryId, mixinIds,
childNameId, propNamesId);
public static RecordWriter newNodeStateWriter(RecordId stableId, List<RecordId> ids) {
return new NodeStateWriter(stableId, ids);
* Map Leaf record writer.
* @see RecordType#LEAF
private static class MapLeafWriter extends RecordWriter {
private final int level;
private final Collection<MapEntry> entries;
private MapLeafWriter() {
super(LEAF, 4);
this.level = -1;
this.entries = null;
private MapLeafWriter(int level, Collection<MapEntry> entries) {
super(LEAF, 4 + entries.size() * 4, extractIds(entries));
this.level = level;
this.entries = entries;
private static List<RecordId> extractIds(Collection<MapEntry> entries) {
List<RecordId> ids = newArrayListWithCapacity(2 * entries.size());
for (MapEntry entry : entries) {
return ids;
protected RecordId writeRecordContent(RecordId id,
SegmentBufferWriter writer) {
if (entries != null) {
int size = entries.size();
writer.writeInt((level << SIZE_BITS) | size);
// copy the entries to an array so we can sort them before
// writing
MapEntry[] array = entries.toArray(new MapEntry[size]);
for (MapEntry entry : array) {
for (MapEntry entry : array) {
} else {
return id;
* Map Branch record writer.
* @see RecordType#BRANCH
private static class MapBranchWriter extends RecordWriter {
private final int level;
private final int entryCount;
private final int bitmap;
* Write a regular map branch
private MapBranchWriter(int level, int entryCount, int bitmap, List<RecordId> ids) {
super(BRANCH, 8, ids);
this.level = level;
this.entryCount = entryCount;
this.bitmap = bitmap;
* Write a diff map
private MapBranchWriter(int bitmap, List<RecordId> ids) {
// level = 0 and and entryCount = -1 -> this is a map diff
this(0, -1, bitmap, ids);
protected RecordId writeRecordContent(RecordId id, SegmentBufferWriter writer) {
// -1 to encode a map diff (if level == 0 and entryCount == -1)
writer.writeInt((level << SIZE_BITS) | entryCount);
for (RecordId mapId : ids) {
return id;
* List record writer.
* @see RecordType#LIST
private static class ListWriter extends RecordWriter {
private final int count;
private final RecordId lid;
private ListWriter() {
super(LIST, 4);
count = 0;
lid = null;
private ListWriter(int count, RecordId lid) {
super(LIST, 4, lid);
this.count = count;
this.lid = lid;
protected RecordId writeRecordContent(RecordId id,
SegmentBufferWriter writer) {
if (lid != null) {
return id;
* List Bucket record writer.
* @see RecordType#BUCKET
private static class ListBucketWriter extends RecordWriter {
private ListBucketWriter(List<RecordId> ids) {
super(BUCKET, 0, ids);
protected RecordId writeRecordContent(RecordId id,
SegmentBufferWriter writer) {
for (RecordId bucketId : ids) {
return id;
* Block record writer.
* @see RecordType#BLOCK
private static class BlockWriter extends RecordWriter {
private final byte[] bytes;
private final int offset;
private BlockWriter(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {
super(BLOCK, length);
this.bytes = bytes;
this.offset = offset;
protected RecordId writeRecordContent(RecordId id,
SegmentBufferWriter writer) {
writer.writeBytes(bytes, offset, size);
return id;
* Single RecordId record writer.
* @see RecordType#VALUE
private static class SingleValueWriter extends RecordWriter {
private final RecordId rid;
private final long len;
private SingleValueWriter(RecordId rid, long len) {
super(VALUE, 8, rid);
this.rid = rid;
this.len = len;
protected RecordId writeRecordContent(RecordId id,
SegmentBufferWriter writer) {
return id;
* Bye array record writer. Used as a special case for short binaries (up to
* about {@code Segment#MEDIUM_LIMIT}): store them directly as small or
* medium-sized value records.
* @see Segment#MEDIUM_LIMIT
* @see RecordType#VALUE
private static class ArrayValueWriter extends RecordWriter {
private final int length;
private final byte[] data;
private ArrayValueWriter(int length, byte[] data) {
super(VALUE, length + getSizeDelta(length));
this.length = length; = data;
private static boolean isSmallSize(int length) {
return length < SMALL_LIMIT;
private static int getSizeDelta(int length) {
if (isSmallSize(length)) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2;
protected RecordId writeRecordContent(RecordId id, SegmentBufferWriter writer) {
if (isSmallSize(length)) {
writer.writeByte((byte) length);
} else {
writer.writeShort((short) ((length - SMALL_LIMIT) | 0x8000));
writer.writeBytes(data, 0, length);
return id;
* Large Blob record writer. A blob ID is considered large if the length of
* its binary representation is equal to or greater than
* {@code Segment#BLOB_ID_SMALL_LIMIT}.
* @see Segment#BLOB_ID_SMALL_LIMIT
* @see RecordType#BLOB_ID
private static class LargeBlobIdWriter extends RecordWriter {
private final RecordId stringRecord;
private LargeBlobIdWriter(RecordId stringRecord) {
super(BLOB_ID, 1, stringRecord);
this.stringRecord = stringRecord;
protected RecordId writeRecordContent(RecordId id,
SegmentBufferWriter writer) {
// The length uses a fake "length" field that is always equal to
// 0xF0.
// This allows the code to take apart small from a large blob IDs.
writer.writeByte((byte) 0xF0);
return id;
* Small Blob record writer. A blob ID is considered small if the length of
* its binary representation is less than {@code Segment#BLOB_ID_SMALL_LIMIT}.
* @see Segment#BLOB_ID_SMALL_LIMIT
* @see RecordType#BLOB_ID
private static class SmallBlobIdWriter extends RecordWriter {
private final byte[] blobId;
private SmallBlobIdWriter(byte[] blobId) {
super(BLOB_ID, 2 + blobId.length);
checkArgument(blobId.length < Segment.BLOB_ID_SMALL_LIMIT);
this.blobId = blobId;
protected RecordId writeRecordContent(RecordId id,
SegmentBufferWriter writer) {
int length = blobId.length;
writer.writeShort((short) (length | 0xE000));
writer.writeBytes(blobId, 0, length);
return id;
* Template record writer.
* @see RecordType#TEMPLATE
private static class TemplateWriter extends RecordWriter {
private final RecordId[] propertyNames;
private final byte[] propertyTypes;
private final int head;
private final RecordId primaryId;
private final List<RecordId> mixinIds;
private final RecordId childNameId;
private final RecordId propNamesId;
private TemplateWriter(Collection<RecordId> ids, RecordId[] propertyNames,
byte[] propertyTypes, int head, RecordId primaryId, List<RecordId> mixinIds,
RecordId childNameId, RecordId propNamesId) {
super(TEMPLATE, 4 + propertyTypes.length, ids);
this.propertyNames = propertyNames;
this.propertyTypes = propertyTypes;
this.head = head;
this.primaryId = primaryId;
this.mixinIds = mixinIds;
this.childNameId = childNameId;
this.propNamesId = propNamesId;
protected RecordId writeRecordContent(RecordId id,
SegmentBufferWriter writer) {
if (primaryId != null) {
if (mixinIds != null) {
for (RecordId mixinId : mixinIds) {
if (childNameId != null) {
if (propNamesId != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++) {
return id;
* Node State record writer.
* @see RecordType#NODE
private static class NodeStateWriter extends RecordWriter {
private final RecordId stableId;
private NodeStateWriter(RecordId stableId, List<RecordId> ids) {
super(NODE, RECORD_ID_BYTES, ids);
this.stableId = stableId;
protected RecordId writeRecordContent(RecordId id, SegmentBufferWriter writer) {
// Write the stable record ID. If no stable ID exists (in case of a
// new node state), it is generated from the current record ID. In
// this case, the generated stable ID is only a marker and is not a
// reference to another record.
if (stableId == null) {
// Write this node's record id to indicate that the stable id is not
// explicitly stored.
} else {
for (RecordId recordId : ids) {
return id;