blob: 0c3956063d9300a48fa22b6cee133a78d651db00 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
public final class AzureConstants {
* Azure storage account name
public static final String AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME = "accessKey";
* Azure storage account key
public static final String AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY = "secretKey";
* Azure connection string (overrides {@link #AZURE_SAS} and {@link #AZURE_BLOB_ENDPOINT}).
public static final String AZURE_CONNECTION_STRING = "azureConnectionString";
* Azure shared access signature token
public static final String AZURE_SAS = "azureSas";
* Azure blob endpoint
public static final String AZURE_BLOB_ENDPOINT = "azureBlobEndpoint";
* Azure blob storage container name
public static final String AZURE_BLOB_CONTAINER_NAME = "container";
* Azure create container if doesn't exist
public static final String AZURE_CREATE_CONTAINER = "azureCreateContainer";
* Azure blob storage request timeout
public static final String AZURE_BLOB_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = "socketTimeout";
* Azure blob storage maximum retries per request
public static final String AZURE_BLOB_MAX_REQUEST_RETRY = "maxErrorRetry";
* Azure blob storage maximum connections per operation (default 1)
public static final String AZURE_BLOB_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PER_OPERATION = "maxConnections";
* Proxy host
public static final String PROXY_HOST = "proxyHost";
* Proxy port
public static final String PROXY_PORT = "proxyPort";
* TTL for presigned HTTP upload URIs - default is 0 (disabled)
public static final String PRESIGNED_HTTP_UPLOAD_URI_EXPIRY_SECONDS = "presignedHttpUploadURIExpirySeconds";
* TTL for presigned HTTP download URIs - default is 0 (disabled)
public static final String PRESIGNED_HTTP_DOWNLOAD_URI_EXPIRY_SECONDS = "presignedHttpDownloadURIExpirySeconds";
* Maximum size of presigned HTTP download URI cache - default is 0 (no cache)
public static final String PRESIGNED_HTTP_DOWNLOAD_URI_CACHE_MAX_SIZE = "presignedHttpDownloadURICacheMaxSize";
* Boolean flag to allow disabling of verification check on download URI
* generation. Default is true (the existence check is performed).
* Some installations may prefer to disable async uploads, in which case it
* is possible to disable the existence check and thus greatly speed up the
* generation of presigned download URIs. See OAK-7998 which describes why
* the existence check was added to understand how async uploading relates
* to this feature.
public static final String PRESIGNED_HTTP_DOWNLOAD_URI_VERIFY_EXISTS = "presignedHttpDownloadURIVerifyExists";
* Domain name to use for direct downloads instead of the default Azure blob storage domain.
* This is usually used when an installation has configured a CDN domain for binary downloads.
public static final String PRESIGNED_HTTP_DOWNLOAD_URI_DOMAIN_OVERRIDE = "presignedHttpDownloadURIDomainOverride";
* Domain name to use for direct uploads instead of the default Azure blob storage domain.
* This is usually used when an installation has configured a CDN domain for binary uploads.
public static final String PRESIGNED_HTTP_UPLOAD_URI_DOMAIN_OVERRIDE = "presignedHttpUploadURIDomainOverride";
private AzureConstants() { }