blob: 9f56574be659d9c7e2a4121130345b89e1c88500 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
* Tests for add node and property operations.
public class DocumentMKCommitAddTest extends BaseDocumentMKTest {
public void addSingleNode() throws Exception {
mk.commit("/", "+\"a\" : {}", null, null);
String nodes = mk.getNodes("/", null, 0 /*depth*/, 0 /*offset*/, -1 /*maxChildNodes*/, null /*filter*/);
JSONObject obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyValue(obj, ":childNodeCount", 1L);
public void addNodeWithChildren() throws Exception {
mk.commit("/", "+\"a\" : { \"b\": {}, \"c\": {}, \"d\" : {} }", null, null);
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a", null));
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a/b", null));
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a/c", null));
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a/d", null));
public void addNodeWithNestedChildren() throws Exception {
mk.commit("/", "+\"a\" : { \"b\": { \"c\" : { \"d\" : {} } } }", null, null);
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a", null));
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a/b", null));
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a/b/c", null));
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a/b/c/d", null));
public void addNodeWithNestedChildren2() throws Exception {
mk.commit("/", "+\"a\" : {}", null, null);
mk.commit("/a", "+\"b\" : {}", null, null);
mk.commit("/a/b", "+\"c\" : {}", null, null);
mk.commit("/a", "+\"d\" : {}", null, null);
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a", null));
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a/b", null));
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a/b/c", null));
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a/d", null));
public void addNodeWithParanthesis() throws Exception {
mk.commit("/", "+\"Test({0})\" : {}", null, null);
String nodes = mk.getNodes("/Test({0})", null, 0, 0, -1, null);
JSONObject obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyValue(obj, ":childNodeCount", 0L);
public void addIntermediataryNodes() throws Exception {
String rev1 = mk.commit("/", "+\"a\" : { \"b\" : { \"c\": {} }}", null, null);
String rev2 = mk.commit("/", "+\"a/d\" : {} +\"a/b/e\" : {}", null, null);
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a/b/c", rev1));
assertFalse(mk.nodeExists("/a/b/e", rev1));
assertFalse(mk.nodeExists("/a/d", rev1));
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a/b/c", rev2));
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a/b/e", rev2));
assertTrue(mk.nodeExists("/a/d", rev2));
public void addDuplicateNode() throws Exception {
mk.commit("/", "+\"a\" : {}", null, null);
try {
mk.commit("/", "+\"a\" : {}", null, null);
fail("Exception expected");
} catch (Exception expected) {
// expected
public void setSingleProperty() throws Exception {
mk.commit("/", "+\"a\" : {} ^\"a/key1\" : \"value1\"", null, null);
String nodes = mk.getNodes("/", null, 0 /*depth*/, 0 /*offset*/, -1 /*maxChildNodes*/, null /*filter*/);
JSONObject obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyValue(obj, ":childNodeCount", 1L);
nodes = mk.getNodes("/a", null, 0 /*depth*/, 0 /*offset*/, -1 /*maxChildNodes*/, null /*filter*/);
obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyValue(obj, "key1", "value1");
public void setMultipleProperties() throws Exception {
mk.commit("/", "+\"a\" : {} ^\"a/key1\" : \"value1\"", null, null);
mk.commit("/", "^\"a/key2\" : 2", null, null);
mk.commit("/", "^\"a/key3\" : false", null, null);
mk.commit("/", "^\"a/key4\" : 0.25", null, null);
String nodes = mk.getNodes("/", null, 0 /*depth*/, 0 /*offset*/, -1 /*maxChildNodes*/, null /*filter*/);
JSONObject obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyValue(obj, ":childNodeCount", 1L);
nodes = mk.getNodes("/a", null, 0 /*depth*/, 0 /*offset*/, -1 /*maxChildNodes*/, null /*filter*/);
obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyValue(obj, "key1", "value1");
assertPropertyValue(obj, "key2", 2L);
assertPropertyValue(obj, "key3", false);
assertPropertyValue(obj, "key4", 0.25);
// See
public void setPropertyIllegalKey() throws Exception {
mk.commit("/", "+\"a\" : {}", null, null);
mk.commit("/", "^\"a/_id\" : \"value\"", null, null);
String nodes = mk.getNodes("/a", null, 0 /*depth*/, 0 /*offset*/, -1 /*maxChildNodes*/, null /*filter*/);
JSONObject obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyValue(obj, "_id", "value");
mk.commit("/", "^\"a/ke.y1\" : \"value\"", null, null);
nodes = mk.getNodes("/a", null, 0 /*depth*/, 0 /*offset*/, -1 /*maxChildNodes*/, null /*filter*/);
obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyValue(obj, "ke.y1", "value");
mk.commit("/", "^\"a/ke.y.1\" : \"value\"", null, null);
nodes = mk.getNodes("/a", null, 0 /*depth*/, 0 /*offset*/, -1 /*maxChildNodes*/, null /*filter*/);
obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyValue(obj, "ke.y.1", "value");
mk.commit("/", "^\"a/$key1\" : \"value\"", null, null);
nodes = mk.getNodes("/a", null, 0 /*depth*/, 0 /*offset*/, -1 /*maxChildNodes*/, null /*filter*/);
obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyValue(obj, "$key1", "value");
public void setPropertyWithoutAddingNode() throws Exception {
try {
mk.commit("/", "^\"a/key1\" : \"value1\"", null, null);
fail("Exception expected");
} catch (Exception expected) {
// expected
public void setOverwritingProperty() throws Exception {
String rev1 = mk.commit("/", "+\"a\" : {} ^\"a/key1\" : \"value1\"", null, null);
// Commit with rev1
String rev2 = mk.commit("/", "^\"a/key1\" : \"value2\"", rev1, null);
// try to commit with rev1 again (to overwrite rev2)
try {
mk.commit("/", "^\"a/key1\" : \"value3\"", rev1, null);
fail("commit must fail with conflicting change");
} catch (DocumentStoreException e) {
// expected
// now overwrite with correct base revision
mk.commit("/", "^\"a/key1\" : \"value3\"", rev2, null);
String nodes = mk.getNodes("/a", null, 0 /*depth*/, 0 /*offset*/, -1 /*maxChildNodes*/, null /*filter*/);
JSONObject obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyValue(obj, "key1", "value3");
// This is a test to make sure commit time stays the same as time goes on.
public void commitTime() throws Exception {
boolean debug = false;
final Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.createUnstarted();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
String diff = "+\"a"+i+"\" : {} +\"b"+i+"\" : {} +\"c"+i+"\" : {}";
if (debug) {
System.out.println("Committing: " + diff);
mk.commit("/", diff, null, null);
if (debug) {
System.out.println("Committed in " + watch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) + "ms");
if (debug) {
System.out.println("Final Result:" + watch);
public void existingNodesMerged() throws Exception {
String rev = mk.commit("/", "+\"a\" : {}", null, null);
mk.commit("/", "+\"a/b\" : {}", null, null);
mk.commit("/", "^\"a/key1\" : \"value1\"", null, null);
// Commit to rev before key1 and b were added
mk.commit("/", "^\"a/key2\" : \"value2\"", rev, null);
// Check that key1 and b were merged
String nodes = mk.getNodes("/", null, 0 /*depth*/, 0 /*offset*/, -1 /*maxChildNodes*/, null /*filter*/);
JSONObject obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyValue(obj, ":childNodeCount", 1L);
nodes = mk.getNodes("/a", null, 0 /*depth*/, 0 /*offset*/, -1 /*maxChildNodes*/, null /*filter*/);
obj = parseJSONObject(nodes);
assertPropertyValue(obj, "key1", "value1");
assertPropertyValue(obj, "key2", "value2");