blob: d2c0190ab6164e1e5e733d2199649862c6953c08 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jackrabbit.filevault.maven.packaging;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.filevault.maven.packaging.validator.impl.context.DirectoryValidationContext;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.fs.config.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.util.Constants;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.validation.ValidationExecutor;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.validation.ValidationViolation;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.validation.spi.ValidationContext;
import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutor;
import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleNotFoundException;
import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecyclePhaseNotFoundException;
import org.apache.maven.lifecycle.MavenExecutionPlan;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.InvalidPluginDescriptorException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecution;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoNotFoundException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginDescriptorParsingException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginManagerException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginNotFoundException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.PluginResolutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.prefix.NoPluginFoundForPrefixException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.version.PluginVersionResolutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.ResolutionScope;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.AbstractScanner;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.Scanner;
* Validates individual files with all registered validators. This is only active for incremental builds (i.e. inside m2e)
* or when mojo "validate-package" is not executed in the current Maven execution
* @see <a href="">Validators</a>
@Mojo(name = "validate-files", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PROCESS_CLASSES, requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.COMPILE, threadSafe = true)
public class ValidateFilesMojo extends AbstractValidateMojo {
// Start: Copied from AbstractMetadataPackageMojo
// -----
* The directory that contains the META-INF/vault. Multiple directories can be specified as a comma separated list,
* which will act as a search path and cause the plugin to look for the first existing directory.
* <p>
* This directory is added as fileset to the package archiver before the the {@link #workDirectory}. This means that
* files specified in this directory have precedence over the one present in the {@link #workDirectory}. For example,
* if this directory contains a {@code properties.xml} it will not be overwritten by the generated one. A special
* case is the {@code filter.xml} which will be merged with inline filters if present.
@Parameter(property = "vault.metaInfVaultDirectory", required = true, defaultValue = "${project.basedir}/META-INF/vault,"
+ "${project.basedir}/src/main/META-INF/vault," + "${project.basedir}/src/main/content/META-INF/vault,"
+ "${project.basedir}/src/content/META-INF/vault")
File[] metaInfVaultDirectory;
* The directory containing the metadata to be packaged up into the content package.
* Basically containing all files/folders being generated by goal "generate-metadata".
defaultValue = "${}/vault-work",
required = true)
File workDirectory;
// End: Copied from AbstractMetadataPackageMojo
// -----
// Start: Copied from AbstractSourceAndMetadataPackageMojo
// -----
* The directory containing the content to be packaged up into the content
* package.
* This property is deprecated; use {@link #jcrRootSourceDirectory} instead.
private File builtContentDirectory;
* The directory that contains the jcr_root of the content. Multiple directories can be specified as a comma separated list,
* which will act as a search path and cause the plugin to look for the first existing directory.
@Parameter(property = "vault.jcrRootSourceDirectory", required = true, defaultValue = "${project.basedir}/jcr_root,"
+ "${project.basedir}/src/main/jcr_root," + "${project.basedir}/src/main/content/jcr_root,"
+ "${project.basedir}/src/content/jcr_root," + "${}")
private File[] jcrRootSourceDirectory;
* The file name patterns to exclude in addition to the ones listed in
* {@link AbstractScanner#DEFAULTEXCLUDES}. The format of each pattern is described in {@link DirectoryScanner}.
* The comparison is against the path relative to the according filter root.
* Since this is hardly predictable it is recommended to use only filename/directory name patterns here
* but not take into account file system hierarchies!
* <p>
* Each value is either a regex pattern if enclosed within {@code %regex[} and {@code ]}, otherwise an
* <a href="">Ant pattern</a>.
@Parameter(property = "vault.excludes", defaultValue = "**/.vlt,**/.vltignore", required = true)
protected String[] excludes;
// End: Copied from AbstractSourceAndMetadataPackageMojo
// -----
protected LifecycleExecutor lifecycleExecutor;
private static final String PLUGIN_KEY = "org.apache.jackrabbit:filevault-package-maven-plugin";
public ValidateFilesMojo() {
protected boolean shouldSkip() {
final List<String> allGoals;
if (session != null) {
allGoals = session.getGoals();
getLog().debug("Following goals are detected: " + StringUtils.join(allGoals, ", "));
} else {
getLog().debug("MavenSession not available. Maybe executed by m2e.");
allGoals = Collections.emptyList();
// is another mojo from this plugin called in this maven session later on?
try {
if (!buildContext.isIncremental() && isMojoGoalExecuted(lifecycleExecutor, "validate-package", allGoals.toArray(new String[0]))) { // how to detect that "install" contains "package"? how to resolve the given goals?
getLog().info("Skip this mojo as this is not an incremental build and 'validate-package' is executed later on!");
return true;
} catch (PluginNotFoundException | PluginResolutionException | PluginDescriptorParsingException | MojoNotFoundException
| NoPluginFoundForPrefixException | InvalidPluginDescriptorException | PluginVersionResolutionException
| LifecyclePhaseNotFoundException | LifecycleNotFoundException | PluginManagerException e1) {
getLog().warn("Could not determine plugin executions", e1);
return false;
public void doExecute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException {
try {
File metaInfoVaultSourceDirectory = AbstractMetadataPackageMojo.getMetaInfVaultSourceDirectory(metaInfVaultDirectory, getLog());
File metaInfRootDirectory = null;
if (metaInfoVaultSourceDirectory != null) {
metaInfRootDirectory = metaInfoVaultSourceDirectory.getParentFile();
File generatedMetaInfRootDirectory = new File(workDirectory, Constants.META_INF);
getLog().info("Validate files in generatedMetaInfRootDirectory " + getProjectRelativeFilePath(generatedMetaInfRootDirectory) + " and metaInfRootDir " + getProjectRelativeFilePath(generatedMetaInfRootDirectory));
ValidationContext context = new DirectoryValidationContext(generatedMetaInfRootDirectory, metaInfRootDirectory, resolver, getLog());
ValidationExecutor executor = validationExecutorFactory.createValidationExecutor(context, false, false, getValidatorSettingsForPackage(context.getProperties().getId(), false));
if (executor == null) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("No registered validators found!");
validationHelper.printUsedValidators(getLog(), executor, context, true);
if (metaInfRootDirectory != null) {
validateDirectory(executor, metaInfRootDirectory, true);
validateDirectory(executor, generatedMetaInfRootDirectory, true);
File jcrSourceDirectory = AbstractSourceAndMetadataPackageMojo.getJcrSourceDirectory(jcrRootSourceDirectory, builtContentDirectory, getLog());
if (jcrSourceDirectory != null) {
validateDirectory(executor, jcrSourceDirectory, false);
validationHelper.printMessages(executor.done(), getLog(), buildContext, project.getBasedir().toPath());
} catch (IOException | ConfigurationException e) {
throw new MojoFailureException("Could not execute validation", e);
private void validateDirectory(ValidationExecutor executor, File baseDir, boolean isMetaInf) {
Scanner scanner = buildContext.newScanner(baseDir);
// make sure filtering does work equally as within the package goal
getLog().info("Scanning baseDir " + getProjectRelativeFilePath(baseDir) + "...");
List<String> sortedFileNames = Arrays.asList(scanner.getIncludedFiles());
sortedFileNames.sort(new DotContentXmlFirstComparator());
for (String fileName : sortedFileNames) {
validateFile(executor, baseDir, isMetaInf, fileName);
for (String relativeFile : scanner.getIncludedDirectories()) {
validateFolder(executor, baseDir, isMetaInf, relativeFile);
private void validateFile(ValidationExecutor executor, File baseDir, boolean isMetaInf, String relativeFile) {
File absoluteFile = new File(baseDir, relativeFile);
validationHelper.clearPreviousValidationMessages(buildContext, absoluteFile);
getLog().debug("Validating file " + getProjectRelativeFilePath(absoluteFile) + "...");
try (InputStream input = new FileInputStream(absoluteFile)) {
validateInputStream(executor, input, baseDir, isMetaInf, relativeFile);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
getLog().error("Could not find file " + getProjectRelativeFilePath(absoluteFile), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
getLog().error("Could not validate file " + getProjectRelativeFilePath(absoluteFile), e);
private void validateFolder(ValidationExecutor executor, File baseDir, boolean isMetaInf, String relativeFile) {
File absoluteFile = new File(baseDir, relativeFile);
validationHelper.clearPreviousValidationMessages(buildContext, absoluteFile);
getLog().debug("Validating folder " + getProjectRelativeFilePath(absoluteFile) + "...");
try {
validateInputStream(executor, null, baseDir, isMetaInf, relativeFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
getLog().error("Could not validate folder " + getProjectRelativeFilePath(absoluteFile), e);
private void validateInputStream(ValidationExecutor executor, InputStream input, File baseDir, boolean isMetaInf, String relativeFile) throws IOException {
final Collection<ValidationViolation> messages;
if (isMetaInf) {
messages = executor.validateMetaInf(input, Paths.get(relativeFile), baseDir.toPath());
} else {
messages = executor.validateJcrRoot(input, Paths.get(relativeFile), baseDir.toPath());
validationHelper.printMessages(messages, getLog(), buildContext, project.getBasedir().toPath());
* Checks if a certain goal is executed at some point in time in the same Maven Session
* @param lifecycleExecutor
* @param mojoGoal
* @param goals
* @return
* @throws PluginNotFoundException
* @throws PluginResolutionException
* @throws PluginDescriptorParsingException
* @throws MojoNotFoundException
* @throws NoPluginFoundForPrefixException
* @throws InvalidPluginDescriptorException
* @throws PluginVersionResolutionException
* @throws LifecyclePhaseNotFoundException
* @throws LifecycleNotFoundException
* @throws PluginManagerException
* @see <a href="">DefaultLifecycleExecutor</a>
private boolean isMojoGoalExecuted(LifecycleExecutor lifecycleExecutor, String mojoGoal, String... goals) throws PluginNotFoundException, PluginResolutionException, PluginDescriptorParsingException, MojoNotFoundException, NoPluginFoundForPrefixException, InvalidPluginDescriptorException, PluginVersionResolutionException, LifecyclePhaseNotFoundException, LifecycleNotFoundException, PluginManagerException {
if (goals.length == 0) {
return false;
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
try {
MavenExecutionPlan executionPlan = lifecycleExecutor.calculateExecutionPlan(session, goals);
for (MojoExecution mojoExecution : executionPlan.getMojoExecutions()) {
if (isMojoGoalExecuted(mojoExecution, mojoGoal)) {
return true;
lifecycleExecutor.calculateForkedExecutions(mojoExecution, session);
// also evaluate forked execution goals
if (mojoExecution.getForkedExecutions().values().stream().flatMap(Collection::stream).anyMatch( t -> isMojoGoalExecuted(t, mojoGoal))) {
return true;
return false;
} finally {
// restore old classloader as calculate execution plan modifies it
private static boolean isMojoGoalExecuted(MojoExecution mojoExecution, String mojoGoal) {
if (PLUGIN_KEY.equals(mojoExecution.getPlugin().getKey()) && mojoGoal.equals(mojoExecution.getGoal())) {
return true;
return false;