blob: ee3677e4b720d2f3781394ef016084895db8fcd9 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.iotdb.tsfile.encoding.encoder;
public class FloatRLBE extends RLBE {
/** delta values */
private float[] DiffValue = new float[blockSize + 1];
/** repeat times on length code */
private int[] Lengrle = new int[blockSize + 1];
/** previous value of original value */
private float previousvalue;
/** constructor of FloatRLBE */
public FloatRLBE() {
protected void reset() {
writeIndex = -1;
LengthCode = new int[blockSize + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) {
DiffValue[i] = 0;
LengthCode[i] = 0;
byteBuffer = 0;
numberLeftInBuffer = 0;
Lengrle[i] = 0;
* calculate the binary code length of given float note: binary code of float is transfered into
* binary code of int first
* @param v the integer to calculate length
* @return the length of val's binary code
private int calBinarylength(float v) {
int val = Float.floatToRawIntBits(v);
if (val == 0) return 1;
int i = 32;
while (((1 << (i - 1)) & val) == 0 && i > 0) i--;
return i;
* calculate the binary code length of given integer
* @param val the integer to calculate length
* @return the length of val's binary code
private int calBinarylength(int val) {
if (val == 0) return 1;
int i = 32;
while (((1 << (i - 1)) & val) == 0 && i > 0) i--;
return i;
* encode one input float value
* @param value the float to be encoded
* @param out the output stream to flush in when buffer is full
public void encodeValue(float value, ByteArrayOutputStream out) {
if (writeIndex == -1) {
// when the first value hasn't encoded yet
DiffValue[++writeIndex] = value;
LengthCode[writeIndex] = calBinarylength(value);
previousvalue = value;
// calculate delta value
DiffValue[++writeIndex] = value - previousvalue;
// caldulate the length of delta value
LengthCode[writeIndex] = calBinarylength(DiffValue[writeIndex]);
previousvalue = value;
if (writeIndex == blockSize - 1) {
// when encoded number reach to blocksize
public void encode(float value, ByteArrayOutputStream out) {
encodeValue(value, out);
public void flush(ByteArrayOutputStream out) {
* calculate fibonacci code of input integer
* @param val the integer to be fibonacci-encoded
* @return the reverse fibonacci code of val in binary code
protected int calcFibonacci(int val) {
// fibonacci values are stored in Fib
int[] Fib = new int[blockSize * 2 + 1];
Fib[0] = 1;
Fib[1] = 1;
int i;
// generate fibonacci values from 1 to the first one larger than val
for (i = 2; Fib[i - 1] <= val; i++) {
Fib[i] = Fib[i - 1] + Fib[i - 2];
int valfib = 0;
// calculate fibonacci code
while (val > 0) {
while (Fib[i] > val && i >= 1) i--;
valfib |= (1 << (i - 1));
val -= Fib[i];
return valfib;
/** run length on DiffValue then store length at the first index in Lengrle. */
private void rleonlengthcode() {
int i = 0;
while (i <= writeIndex) {
int j = i;
int temprlecal = 0;
while (LengthCode[j] == LengthCode[i] && j <= writeIndex) {
// store repeat time at the first repeating value's position
Lengrle[i] = temprlecal;
i = j;
* flush all encoded values in a block to output stream
* @param out the output stream to be flushed to
protected void flushBlock(ByteArrayOutputStream out) {
if (writeIndex == -1) {
// store the number of values
// calculate length code of delta binary length
for (int i = 0; i <= writeIndex; i++) {
if (Lengrle[i] > 0) // flush the adjacent same length delta values
try {
flushsegment(i, out);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("flush data to stream failed!", e);
* flush the adjacent same-length delta values
* @param i the position of the first delta value
* @param out output stream
* @throws IOException
private void flushsegment(int i, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws IOException {
// write the first 6 bits: length code in binary words.
for (int j = 5; j >= 0; j--) {
if ((LengthCode[i] & (1 << j)) > 0) writeBit(true, out);
else writeBit(false, out);
// write the fibonacci code in normal direction
int fib = calcFibonacci(Lengrle[i]);
int fiblen = calBinarylength(fib);
for (int j = 0; j < fiblen; j++) {
if ((fib & (1 << j)) > 0) writeBit(true, out);
else writeBit(false, out);
// write '1' to note the end of fibonacci code
writeBit(true, out);
// write Binary code words
int j = i;
do {
int tempDifflen = calBinarylength(DiffValue[j]);
int tempDiff = Float.floatToRawIntBits(DiffValue[j]);
for (int k = tempDifflen - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
if ((tempDiff & (1 << k)) > 0) writeBit(true, out);
else writeBit(false, out);
} while (Lengrle[j] == 0 && j <= writeIndex);
public int getOneItemMaxSize() {
return 4 * 4;
public long getMaxByteSize() {
return 5 * 4 * blockSize;
* write one bit to byteBuffer, when byteBuffer is full, flush byteBuffer to output stream
* @param b the bit to be written
* @param out output stream
protected void writeBit(boolean b, ByteArrayOutputStream out) {
byteBuffer <<= 1;
if (b) {
byteBuffer |= 1;
if (numberLeftInBuffer == 8) {
* flush bits left in byteBuffer to output stream
* @param out output stream
protected void clearBuffer(ByteArrayOutputStream out) {
if (numberLeftInBuffer == 0) return;
if (numberLeftInBuffer > 0) byteBuffer <<= (8 - numberLeftInBuffer);
numberLeftInBuffer = 0;
byteBuffer = 0;
* write the number of encoded values to output stream
* @param out output stream
private void writewriteIndex(ByteArrayOutputStream out) {
for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--) {
if ((writeIndex + 1 & (1 << i)) > 0) writeBit(true, out);
else writeBit(false, out);