blob: b48eb06ce4076df77232dce912bec82a89517ab0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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package org.apache.iotdb.db.schemaengine.schemaregion.mtree.impl.pbtree.schemafile;
import org.apache.iotdb.commons.exception.MetadataException;
import org.apache.iotdb.commons.schema.SchemaConstant;
import org.apache.iotdb.commons.schema.node.role.IMeasurementMNode;
import org.apache.iotdb.commons.schema.node.utils.IMNodeFactory;
import org.apache.iotdb.commons.schema.view.LogicalViewSchema;
import org.apache.iotdb.commons.schema.view.viewExpression.ViewExpression;
import org.apache.iotdb.commons.utils.TestOnly;
import org.apache.iotdb.db.schemaengine.schemaregion.mtree.impl.pbtree.mnode.ICachedMNode;
import org.apache.iotdb.db.schemaengine.schemaregion.mtree.impl.pbtree.mnode.container.ICachedMNodeContainer;
import org.apache.iotdb.db.schemaengine.schemaregion.mtree.loader.MNodeFactoryLoader;
import org.apache.iotdb.tsfile.file.metadata.enums.CompressionType;
import org.apache.iotdb.tsfile.file.metadata.enums.TSDataType;
import org.apache.iotdb.tsfile.file.metadata.enums.TSEncoding;
import org.apache.iotdb.tsfile.utils.ReadWriteIOUtils;
import org.apache.iotdb.tsfile.write.schema.IMeasurementSchema;
import org.apache.iotdb.tsfile.write.schema.MeasurementSchema;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Map;
* This class translate an ICacheMNode into a bytebuffer, or vice versa. Expected to support record
* as entry of segment-level index further. Coupling with ICacheMNode structure.<br>
* <br>
* TODO: Guardian statements on higher stack NEEDED. The longest ALIAS is limited to 0x7fff(32767)
* bytes for that a Short is used to record the length, hence a colossal record may collapse the
* stack.
public class RecordUtils {
// Offsets of ICacheMNode infos in a record buffer
private static final short INTERNAL_NODE_LENGTH =
(short) 1 + 2 + 8 + 4 + 1; // always fixed length record
private static final short MEASUREMENT_BASIC_LENGTH =
(short) 1 + 2 + 8 + 8 + 4; // final length depends on its alias and props
private static final short VIEW_BASIC_LENGTH =
(short) 1 + 2 + 8 + 1; // final length depends on its view expression
/** These offset rather than magic number may also be used to track usage of related field. */
private static final short LENGTH_OFFSET = 1;
private static final short ALIAS_OFFSET = 19;
private static final short SEG_ADDRESS_OFFSET = 3;
private static final short SCHEMA_OFFSET = 11;
private static final short VIEW_OFFSET = 12;
private static final short INTERNAL_BITFLAG_OFFSET = 15;
private static final byte INTERNAL_TYPE = 0;
private static final byte ENTITY_TYPE = 1;
private static final byte MEASUREMENT_TYPE = 4;
private static final byte VIEW_TYPE = 5;
private static final IMNodeFactory<ICachedMNode> nodeFactory =
public static ByteBuffer node2Buffer(ICachedMNode node) {
if (node.isMeasurement()) {
IMeasurementMNode<ICachedMNode> measurementMNode = node.getAsMeasurementMNode();
if (measurementMNode.isLogicalView()) {
return view2Buffer(measurementMNode);
} else {
return measurement2Buffer(measurementMNode);
} else {
return internal2Buffer(node);
public static int getRecordLength(ICachedMNode node) {
if (node.isMeasurement()) {
return getRecordLength(node.getAsMeasurementMNode());
} else {
private static int getRecordLength(IMeasurementMNode<ICachedMNode> node) {
if (node.isLogicalView()) {
+ ViewExpression.getSerializeSize(((LogicalViewSchema) node.getSchema()).getExpression());
} else {
// consider props and alias
int bufferLength =
node.getAlias() == null
: (node.getAlias().getBytes().length + 4 + MEASUREMENT_BASIC_LENGTH);
if (node.getSchema().getProps() != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : node.getSchema().getProps().entrySet()) {
bufferLength += 8 + e.getKey().getBytes().length + e.getValue().length();
return bufferLength;
* Internal/Entity MNode Record Structure (in bytes): <br>
* (fixed length record)
* <ul>
* <li>1 byte: nodeType, 0 for internal, 1 for entity, 4 for measurement
* <li>1 short (2 bytes): recLen, length of record (remove it may reduce space overhead while a
* bit slower)
* <li>1 long (8 bytes): glbIndex, combined index to its children records
* <li>1 int (4 byte): templateId, id of template, occupies only 1 byte before
* </ul>
* -- bitwise flags (1 byte) --
* <ul>
* <li>1 bit : usingTemplate, whether using template
* <li>2 bit : isAligned (00 for not aligned, 01 for aligned, 10 for null)
* </ul>
* @param node
* @return
private static ByteBuffer internal2Buffer(ICachedMNode node) {
byte nodeType = INTERNAL_TYPE;
Boolean isAligned = null;
int schemaTemplateIdWithState = SchemaConstant.NON_TEMPLATE;
boolean isUseTemplate = false;
if (node.isDevice()) {
nodeType = ENTITY_TYPE;
isAligned = node.getAsDeviceMNode().isAlignedNullable();
schemaTemplateIdWithState = node.getAsDeviceMNode().getSchemaTemplateIdWithState();
isUseTemplate = node.getAsDeviceMNode().isUseTemplate();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(INTERNAL_NODE_LENGTH);
ReadWriteIOUtils.write(nodeType, buffer);
ReadWriteIOUtils.write(INTERNAL_NODE_LENGTH, buffer);
ICachedMNodeContainer.getCachedMNodeContainer(node).getSegmentAddress(), buffer);
ReadWriteIOUtils.write(schemaTemplateIdWithState, buffer);
// encode bitwise flag
byte useAndAligned = encodeInternalStatus(isUseTemplate, isAligned);
ReadWriteIOUtils.write(useAndAligned, buffer);
return buffer;
* It is convenient to expand the semantic of the statusBytes for further status of a measurement,
* e.g., preDelete, since 8 bytes are far more sufficient to represent the schema of it.
* <p>Measurement MNode Record Structure: <br>
* (var length record, with length member)
* <ul>
* <li>1 byte: nodeType, as above
* <li>1 short (2 bytes): recLength, length of whole record
* <li>1 long (8 bytes): tagIndex, value of the offset within a measurement
* <li>1 long (8 bytes): statusBytes, including datatype/compressionType/encoding and so on
* <li>var length string (4+var_length bytes): alias
* <li>var length map (4+var_length bytes): props, serialized by {@link ReadWriteIOUtils}
* </ul>
* <p>It doesn't use MeasurementSchema.serializeTo for duplication of measurementId
private static ByteBuffer measurement2Buffer(IMeasurementMNode<ICachedMNode> node) {
int bufferLength = getRecordLength(node);
// normal measurement
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferLength);
ReadWriteIOUtils.write(MEASUREMENT_TYPE, buffer);
ReadWriteIOUtils.write((short) bufferLength, buffer);
ReadWriteIOUtils.write(convertTags2Long(node), buffer);
ReadWriteIOUtils.write(convertMeasStat2Long(node), buffer);
ReadWriteIOUtils.write(node.getAlias(), buffer);
ReadWriteIOUtils.write(node.getSchema().getProps(), buffer);
return buffer;
* LogicalView MNode Record Structure: <br>
* (var length record, with length member)
* <ul>
* <li>1 byte: nodeType, as above
* <li>1 short (2 bytes): recLength, length of whole record
* <li>1 long (8 bytes): tagIndex, value of the offset within a measurement
* <li>1 boolean (1 bytes): statusBytes, isPreDeleted
* <li>var length ViewExpression
* </ul>
private static ByteBuffer view2Buffer(IMeasurementMNode<ICachedMNode> node) {
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
((LogicalViewSchema) node.getSchema()).getExpression(), byteArrayOutputStream);
} catch (IOException e) {
// ByteArrayOutputStream is a memory-based output stream that does not involve disk IO and
// will not throw an IOException except for OOM.
throw new RuntimeException(e);
byte[] expressionData = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
int bufferLength = VIEW_BASIC_LENGTH + expressionData.length;
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferLength);
ReadWriteIOUtils.write(VIEW_TYPE, buffer);
ReadWriteIOUtils.write((short) bufferLength, buffer);
ReadWriteIOUtils.write(convertTags2Long(node), buffer);
ReadWriteIOUtils.write(node.isPreDeleted(), buffer);
return buffer;
* NOTICE: Make sure that buffer has set its position and limit clearly before pass to this
* method.<br>
* <br>
* FIXME: recLen is not futile although 'never used', since when decode from a buffer, this field
* alleviate an extra mem read for length of alias. BUT it is indeed redundant with length of
* alias which flushed by {@linkplain ReadWriteIOUtils#write(String, ByteBuffer)}, and error-prone
* since it only contains 2 bytes while the latter contains 4.
* @param nodeName name of the constructed node
* @param buffer content of the node
* @return node constructed from buffer
public static ICachedMNode buffer2Node(String nodeName, ByteBuffer buffer)
throws MetadataException {
ICachedMNode resNode;
byte nodeType = ReadWriteIOUtils.readByte(buffer);
if (nodeType < 2) {
// internal or entity node
short recLen = ReadWriteIOUtils.readShort(buffer);
long segAddr = ReadWriteIOUtils.readLong(buffer);
int templateId = ReadWriteIOUtils.readInt(buffer);
byte bitFlag = ReadWriteIOUtils.readByte(buffer);
boolean usingTemplate = usingTemplate(bitFlag);
Boolean isAligned = isAligned(bitFlag);
if (nodeType == 0) {
resNode = nodeFactory.createInternalMNode(null, nodeName);
} else {
resNode = nodeFactory.createDeviceMNode(null, nodeName).getAsMNode();
return resNode;
} else if (nodeType == MEASUREMENT_TYPE) {
// measurement node
short recLenth = ReadWriteIOUtils.readShort(buffer);
long tagIndex = ReadWriteIOUtils.readLong(buffer);
long schemaByte = ReadWriteIOUtils.readLong(buffer);
String alias = ReadWriteIOUtils.readString(buffer);
Map<String, String> props = ReadWriteIOUtils.readMap(buffer);
return paddingMeasurement(nodeName, tagIndex, schemaByte, alias, props);
} else if (nodeType == VIEW_TYPE) {
short recLenth = ReadWriteIOUtils.readShort(buffer);
long tagIndex = ReadWriteIOUtils.readLong(buffer);
boolean isPreDeleted = ReadWriteIOUtils.readBool(buffer);
ViewExpression viewExpression = ViewExpression.deserialize(buffer);
return paddingLogicalView(nodeName, tagIndex, isPreDeleted, viewExpression);
throw new MetadataException("Unrecognized node type: " + nodeType);
// region Getter and Setter to Record Buffer
/** These methods need a buffer whose position is ready to read. */
public static short getRecordLength(ByteBuffer recBuf) {
int oriPos = recBuf.position();
recBuf.position(oriPos + LENGTH_OFFSET);
short len = ReadWriteIOUtils.readShort(recBuf);
return len;
public static byte getRecordType(ByteBuffer recBuf) {
int oriPos = recBuf.position();
byte type = ReadWriteIOUtils.readByte(recBuf);
return type;
public static long getRecordSegAddr(ByteBuffer recBuf) {
int oriPos = recBuf.position();
recBuf.position(oriPos + SEG_ADDRESS_OFFSET);
long addr = ReadWriteIOUtils.readLong(recBuf);
return addr;
/** return as: [dataType, encoding, compression, preDelete] */
public static byte[] getMeasStatsBytes(ByteBuffer recBuf) {
byte[] res = new byte[4];
int oriPos = recBuf.position();
recBuf.position(oriPos + SCHEMA_OFFSET);
long statusBytes = ReadWriteIOUtils.readLong(recBuf);
res[0] = (byte) (statusBytes >>> 16 & 0xffL);
res[1] = (byte) (statusBytes >>> 8 & 0xffL);
res[2] = (byte) (statusBytes & 0xffL);
res[3] = (byte) (statusBytes >>> 24 & 0xffL);
return res;
/** return as: [dataType, encoding, compression, preDelete] */
public static ViewExpression getViewExpression(ByteBuffer recBuf) {
int oriPos = recBuf.position();
recBuf.position(oriPos + VIEW_OFFSET);
return ViewExpression.deserialize(recBuf);
public static Boolean getAlignment(ByteBuffer recBuf) {
int oriPos = recBuf.position();
recBuf.position(oriPos + INTERNAL_BITFLAG_OFFSET);
byte flag = ReadWriteIOUtils.readByte(recBuf);
return isAligned(flag);
public static String getRecordAlias(ByteBuffer recBuf) {
int oriPos = recBuf.position();
if (ReadWriteIOUtils.readByte(recBuf) != MEASUREMENT_TYPE) {
return null;
recBuf.position(oriPos + ALIAS_OFFSET);
String alias = ReadWriteIOUtils.readString(recBuf);
return alias;
public static void updateSegAddr(ByteBuffer recBuf, long newSegAddr) {
int oriPos = recBuf.position();
recBuf.position(oriPos + SEG_ADDRESS_OFFSET);
ReadWriteIOUtils.write(newSegAddr, recBuf);
// endregion
public static String buffer2String(ByteBuffer buffer) throws MetadataException {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("[");
ICachedMNode node = buffer2Node("unspecified", buffer);
if (node.isMeasurement()) {
builder.append("measurementNode, ");
"alias: %s, ",
node.getAsMeasurementMNode().getAlias() == null
? ""
: node.getAsMeasurementMNode().getAlias()));
String.format("type: %s, ", node.getAsMeasurementMNode().getDataType().toString()));
"encoding: %s, ",
"compressor: %s]",
return builder.toString();
} else if (node.isDevice()) {
builder.append("entityNode, ");
if (node.getAsDeviceMNode().isAlignedNullable() == null) {
builder.append("aligned is null, ");
} else if (node.getAsDeviceMNode().isAligned()) {
builder.append("aligned, ");
} else {
builder.append("not aligned, ");
if (node.getAsDeviceMNode().isUseTemplate()) {
builder.append("using template.]");
} else {
builder.append("not using template.]");
} else {
builder.append("internalNode, ");
return builder.toString();
// region padding with ICacheMNode
/** These 2 convert methods are coupling with tag, template module respectively. */
private static long convertTags2Long(IMeasurementMNode<ICachedMNode> node) {
return node.getOffset();
/** Including schema and pre-delete flag of a measurement, could be expanded further. */
private static long convertMeasStat2Long(IMeasurementMNode<ICachedMNode> node) {
byte dataType = node.getSchema().getTypeInByte();
byte encoding = node.getSchema().getEncodingType().serialize();
byte compressor = node.getSchema().getCompressor().serialize();
byte preDelete = (byte) (node.getAsMeasurementMNode().isPreDeleted() ? 0x01 : 0x00);
return (preDelete << 24 | dataType << 16 | encoding << 8 | compressor);
private static ICachedMNode paddingMeasurement(
String nodeName, long tagIndex, long statsBytes, String alias, Map<String, String> props) {
byte preDel = (byte) (statsBytes >>> 24);
byte dataType = (byte) (statsBytes >>> 16);
byte encoding = (byte) ((statsBytes >>> 8) & 0xffL);
byte compressor = (byte) (statsBytes & 0xffL);
IMeasurementSchema schema =
new MeasurementSchema(
ICachedMNode res =
nodeFactory.createMeasurementMNode(null, nodeName, schema, alias).getAsMNode();
if (preDel > 0) {
return res;
private static ICachedMNode paddingLogicalView(
String nodeName, long tagIndex, boolean isPreDeleted, ViewExpression viewExpression) {
IMeasurementSchema schema = new LogicalViewSchema(nodeName, viewExpression);
IMeasurementMNode<ICachedMNode> res =
nodeFactory.createLogicalViewMNode(null, nodeName, schema);
return res.getAsMNode();
// endregion
// region codex for bit flag
private static byte encodeInternalStatus(boolean usingTemplate, Boolean isAligned) {
byte flag = 0;
if (usingTemplate) {
flag |= 0x01;
if (isAligned == null) {
flag |= 0x04;
} else if (isAligned) {
flag |= 0x02;
return flag;
private static Boolean isAligned(byte flag) {
if ((flag & 0x04) != 0) {
return null;
} else {
return (flag & 0x02) == 2;
private static boolean usingTemplate(byte flag) {
return (flag & 0x01) == 1;
// endregion