blob: 21ba333f9f164914d110549d8e85ab32ae39d00a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.iotdb.db.queryengine.execution.operator.process;
import org.apache.iotdb.db.queryengine.execution.aggregation.Aggregator;
import org.apache.iotdb.db.queryengine.execution.aggregation.timerangeiterator.ITimeRangeIterator;
import org.apache.iotdb.db.queryengine.execution.operator.Operator;
import org.apache.iotdb.db.queryengine.execution.operator.OperatorContext;
import org.apache.iotdb.db.queryengine.execution.operator.window.IWindow;
import org.apache.iotdb.db.queryengine.execution.operator.window.IWindowManager;
import org.apache.iotdb.db.queryengine.execution.operator.window.WindowParameter;
import org.apache.tsfile.block.column.Column;
import org.apache.tsfile.utils.BitMap;
import java.util.List;
import static org.apache.iotdb.db.queryengine.execution.operator.AggregationUtil.isAllAggregatorsHasFinalResult;
import static org.apache.iotdb.db.queryengine.execution.operator.window.WindowManagerFactory.genWindowManager;
* RawDataAggregationOperator is used to process raw data tsBlock input calculating using value
* filter. It's possible that there is more than one tsBlock input in one time interval. And it's
* also possible that one tsBlock can cover multiple time intervals too.
* <p>Since raw data query with value filter is processed by FilterOperator above TimeJoinOperator,
* there we can see RawDataAggregateOperator as a one-to-one(one input, ont output) operator.
* <p>Return aggregation result in many time intervals once.
public class RawDataAggregationOperator extends SingleInputAggregationOperator {
private final IWindowManager windowManager;
// needSkip is the signal to determine whether to skip the points out of current window to get
// endTime when the resultSet needs to output endTime.
// If the resultSet needs endTime, needSkip will be set to true when the operator is skipping the
// points out of current window.
private boolean needSkip = false;
// child.hasNext() may return true even there is no more data, the operator may exit without
// updating the cached data in aggregator.
// We need hasCachedDataInAggregator to prevent operator exit when there is cached data in
// aggregators.
private boolean hasCachedDataInAggregator = false;
public RawDataAggregationOperator(
OperatorContext operatorContext,
List<Aggregator> aggregators,
ITimeRangeIterator timeRangeIterator,
Operator child,
boolean ascending,
long maxReturnSize,
WindowParameter windowParameter) {
super(operatorContext, aggregators, child, ascending, maxReturnSize);
this.windowManager = genWindowManager(windowParameter, timeRangeIterator, ascending);
this.resultTsBlockBuilder = windowManager.createResultTsBlockBuilder(aggregators);
private boolean hasMoreData() throws Exception {
return !(inputTsBlock == null || inputTsBlock.isEmpty())
|| child.hasNextWithTimer()
|| hasCachedDataInAggregator;
public boolean hasNext() throws Exception {
return windowManager.hasNext(hasMoreData());
@SuppressWarnings({"squid:S3776", "squid:S135"})
protected boolean calculateNextAggregationResult() throws Exception {
// if needSkip is true, just get the tsBlock directly.
while (needSkip || !calculateFromRawData()) {
inputTsBlock = null;
// NOTE: can only be invoked once
if (child.hasNextWithTimer() && canCallNext) {
inputTsBlock = child.nextWithTimer();
canCallNext = false;
if (needSkip) {
} else if (child.hasNextWithTimer()) {
// if child still has next but can't be invoked now
return false;
} else {
// If there are no points belong to last time window, the last time window will not
// initialize window and aggregators. Specially for time window.
if (windowManager.notInitializedLastTimeWindow()) {
// If the window is not initialized, it just returns to avoid invoking
// updateResultTsBlock()
// but if it's skipping the last window, just break and keep skipping.
if (needSkip || windowManager.isCurWindowInit()) {
return false;
// Step into next window
// if needSkip is true, don't need to enter next window again
if (!needSkip) {;
// When some windows without cached endTime trying to output endTime,
// they need to skip the points in lastWindow in advance to get endTime
if (windowManager.needSkipInAdvance()) {
needSkip = true;
inputTsBlock = windowManager.skipPointsOutOfCurWindow(inputTsBlock);
if ((inputTsBlock == null || inputTsBlock.isEmpty()) && child.hasNextWithTimer()) {
return canCallNext;
needSkip = false;
// After updating, the data in aggregators is consumed.
hasCachedDataInAggregator = false;
return true;
@SuppressWarnings({"squid:S3776", "squid:S135"})
private boolean calculateFromRawData() {
// if window is not initialized, we should init window status and reset aggregators
if (!windowManager.isCurWindowInit() && !skipPreviousWindowAndInitCurWindow()) {
return false;
// If current window has been initialized, we should judge whether inputTsBlock is empty
if (inputTsBlock == null || inputTsBlock.isEmpty()) {
return false;
if (windowManager.satisfiedCurWindow(inputTsBlock)) {
// Get the indexes in tsBlock which needs to be processed by aggregator, and the last row
// needed to be processed.
int tsBlockSize = inputTsBlock.getPositionCount();
IWindow curWindow = windowManager.getCurWindow();
Column[] controlAndTimeColumn = new Column[2];
controlAndTimeColumn[0] = curWindow.getControlColumn(inputTsBlock);
controlAndTimeColumn[1] = inputTsBlock.getTimeColumn();
BitMap needProcess = new BitMap(tsBlockSize);
int lastIndexToProcess = -1;
boolean hasSkip = false;
for (int i = 0; i < tsBlockSize; i++) {
if (windowManager.isIgnoringNull() && controlAndTimeColumn[0].isNull(i)) {
lastIndexToProcess = i;
hasSkip = true;
if (!curWindow.satisfy(controlAndTimeColumn[0], i)) {
curWindow.mergeOnePoint(controlAndTimeColumn, i);
lastIndexToProcess = i;
// if no row needs to skip, just send a null parameter.
if (!hasSkip) {
needProcess = null;
TsBlock inputRegion = inputTsBlock.getRegion(0, lastIndexToProcess + 1);
for (Aggregator aggregator : aggregators) {
// Current agg method has been calculated
if (aggregator.hasFinalResult()) {
aggregator.processTsBlock(inputRegion, needProcess);
int lastReadRowIndex = lastIndexToProcess + 1;
// If lastReadRowIndex is not zero, some of tsBlock is consumed and result is cached in
// aggregators.
if (lastReadRowIndex != 0) {
hasCachedDataInAggregator = true;
if (lastReadRowIndex >= inputTsBlock.getPositionCount()) {
inputTsBlock = null;
// For the last index of TsBlock, if we can know the aggregation calculation is over
// we can directly updateResultTsBlock and return true
return isAllAggregatorsHasFinalResult(aggregators);
} else {
inputTsBlock = inputTsBlock.subTsBlock(lastReadRowIndex);
return true;
boolean isTsBlockOutOfBound = windowManager.isTsBlockOutOfBound(inputTsBlock);
return isAllAggregatorsHasFinalResult(aggregators) || isTsBlockOutOfBound;
protected void updateResultTsBlock() {
windowManager.appendAggregationResult(resultTsBlockBuilder, aggregators);
private boolean skipPreviousWindowAndInitCurWindow() {
// Before we initialize windowManager and aggregators, we should ensure that we have consumed
// all points belong to previous window
inputTsBlock = windowManager.skipPointsOutOfCurWindow(inputTsBlock);
// After skipping, if tsBlock is empty, we cannot ensure that we have consumed all points belong
// to previous window, we should go back to calculateNextAggregationResult() to get a new
// tsBlock
if (inputTsBlock == null || inputTsBlock.isEmpty()) {
return false;
// If we have consumed all points belong to previous window, we can initialize current window
// and aggregators
return true;
private void initWindowAndAggregators() {
for (Aggregator aggregator : aggregators) {