blob: b956c66bc7aaf2400850b294eef2c19601ff9295 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
include "common.thrift"
namespace java org.apache.iotdb.confignode.rpc.thrift
namespace py iotdb.thrift.confignode
// DataNode
struct TDataNodeRegisterReq {
1: required common.TDataNodeConfiguration dataNodeConfiguration
// Map<StorageGroupName, TStorageGroupSchema>
// DataNode can use statusMap to report its status to the ConfigNode when restart
2: optional map<string, TStorageGroupSchema> statusMap
struct TDataNodeRegisterResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
2: required list<common.TConfigNodeLocation> configNodeList
3: optional i32 dataNodeId
4: optional TGlobalConfig globalConfig
5: optional binary templateInfo
6: optional TRatisConfig ratisConfig
struct TGlobalConfig {
1: required string dataRegionConsensusProtocolClass
2: required string schemaRegionConsensusProtocolClass
3: required i32 seriesPartitionSlotNum
4: required string seriesPartitionExecutorClass
5: required i64 timePartitionInterval
6: required string readConsistencyLevel
7: required double diskSpaceWarningThreshold
struct TRatisConfig {
1: optional i64 appenderBufferSize
2: optional i64 snapshotTriggerThreshold
3: optional bool logUnsafeFlushEnable
4: optional i64 logSegmentSizeMax
5: optional i64 grpcFlowControlWindow
6: optional i64 leaderElectionTimeoutMin
7: optional i64 leaderElectionTimeoutMax
struct TDataNodeRemoveReq {
1: required list<common.TDataNodeLocation> dataNodeLocations
struct TDataNodeRemoveResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
2: optional map<common.TDataNodeLocation, common.TSStatus> nodeToStatus
struct TRegionMigrateResultReportReq {
1: required common.TConsensusGroupId regionId
2: required common.TSStatus migrateResult
3: optional map<common.TDataNodeLocation, common.TRegionMigrateFailedType> failedNodeAndReason
struct TDataNodeConfigurationResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
// map<DataNodeId, DataNodeConfiguration>
2: optional map<i32, common.TDataNodeConfiguration> dataNodeConfigurationMap
// StorageGroup
struct TSetStorageGroupReq {
1: required TStorageGroupSchema storageGroup
struct TDeleteStorageGroupReq {
1: required string prefixPath
struct TDeleteStorageGroupsReq {
1: required list<string> prefixPathList
struct TSetSchemaReplicationFactorReq {
1: required string storageGroup
2: required i32 schemaReplicationFactor
struct TSetDataReplicationFactorReq {
1: required string storageGroup
2: required i32 dataReplicationFactor
struct TSetTimePartitionIntervalReq {
1: required string storageGroup
2: required i64 timePartitionInterval
struct TCountStorageGroupResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
2: optional i32 count
struct TStorageGroupSchemaResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
// map<string, TStorageGroupSchema>
2: optional map<string, TStorageGroupSchema> storageGroupSchemaMap
struct TStorageGroupSchema {
1: required string name
2: optional i64 TTL
3: optional i32 schemaReplicationFactor
4: optional i32 dataReplicationFactor
5: optional i64 timePartitionInterval
6: optional i32 maxSchemaRegionGroupCount
7: optional i32 maxDataRegionGroupCount
// Schema
struct TSchemaPartitionReq {
1: required binary pathPatternTree
struct TSchemaPartitionTableResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
// map<StorageGroupName, map<TSeriesPartitionSlot, TConsensusGroupId>>
2: optional map<string, map<common.TSeriesPartitionSlot, common.TConsensusGroupId>> schemaPartitionTable
// Node Management
struct TSchemaNodeManagementReq {
1: required binary pathPatternTree
2: optional i32 level
struct TSchemaNodeManagementResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
// map<StorageGroupName, map<TSeriesPartitionSlot, TRegionReplicaSet>>
2: optional map<string, map<common.TSeriesPartitionSlot, common.TRegionReplicaSet>> schemaRegionMap
3: optional set<common.TSchemaNode> matchedNode
// Data
struct TDataPartitionReq {
// map<StorageGroupName, map<TSeriesPartitionSlot, list<TTimePartitionSlot>>>
1: required map<string, map<common.TSeriesPartitionSlot, list<common.TTimePartitionSlot>>> partitionSlotsMap
struct TDataPartitionTableResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
// map<StorageGroupName, map<TSeriesPartitionSlot, map<TTimePartitionSlot, list<TConsensusGroupId>>>>
2: optional map<string, map<common.TSeriesPartitionSlot, map<common.TTimePartitionSlot, list<common.TConsensusGroupId>>>> dataPartitionTable
// Authorize
struct TAuthorizerReq {
1: required i32 authorType
2: required string userName
3: required string roleName
4: required string password
5: required string newPassword
6: required set<i32> permissions
7: required list<string> nodeNameList
struct TAuthorizerResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
2: optional map<string, list<string>> authorizerInfo
struct TUserResp {
1: required string username
2: required string password
3: required list<string> privilegeList
4: required list<string> roleList
struct TRoleResp {
1: required string roleName
2: required list<string> privilegeList
struct TPermissionInfoResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
2: optional TUserResp userInfo
3: optional map<string, TRoleResp> roleInfo
struct TLoginReq {
1: required string userrname
2: required string password
struct TCheckUserPrivilegesReq {
1: required string username
2: required list<string> paths
3: required i32 permission
// ConfigNode
struct TConfigNodeRegisterReq {
1: required common.TConfigNodeLocation configNodeLocation
// The Non-Seed-ConfigNode must ensure that the following
// fields are consistent with the Seed-ConfigNode
2: required string dataRegionConsensusProtocolClass
3: required string schemaRegionConsensusProtocolClass
4: required i32 seriesPartitionSlotNum
5: required string seriesPartitionExecutorClass
6: required i64 defaultTTL
7: required i64 timePartitionInterval
8: required i32 schemaReplicationFactor
9: required double schemaRegionPerDataNode
10: required i32 dataReplicationFactor
11: required double dataRegionPerProcessor
12: required string readConsistencyLevel
13: required double diskSpaceWarningThreshold
struct TAddConsensusGroupReq {
1: required list<common.TConfigNodeLocation> configNodeList
// UDF
struct TCreateFunctionReq {
1: required string udfName
2: required string className
3: required list<string> uris
struct TDropFunctionReq {
1: required string udfName
// Trigger
enum TTriggerState {
// The intermediate state of Create trigger, the trigger need to create has not yet activated on any DataNodes.
// The intermediate state of Create trigger, the trigger need to create has activated on some DataNodes.
// Triggers on all DataNodes are available.
// The intermediate state of Drop trigger, the cluster is in the process of removing the trigger.
struct TCreateTriggerReq {
1: required string triggerName
2: required string className,
3: required string jarPath,
4: required bool usingURI,
5: required byte triggerEvent,
6: required byte triggerType
7: required binary pathPattern,
8: required map<string, string> attributes,
9: optional binary jarFile,
10: optional string jarMD5,
11: required i32 failureStrategy
struct TDropTriggerReq {
1: required string triggerName
// Get trigger table from config node
struct TGetTriggerTableResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
2: required binary triggerTable
// Show cluster
struct TShowClusterResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
2: required list<common.TConfigNodeLocation> configNodeList
3: required list<common.TDataNodeLocation> dataNodeList
4: required map<i32, string> nodeStatus
// Show datanodes
struct TDataNodeInfo {
1: required i32 dataNodeId
2: required string status
3: required string rpcAddresss
4: required i32 rpcPort
5: required i32 dataRegionNum
6: required i32 schemaRegionNum
struct TShowDataNodesResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
2: optional list<TDataNodeInfo> dataNodesInfoList
// Show confignodes
struct TConfigNodeInfo {
1: required i32 configNodeId
2: required string status
3: required string internalAddress
4: required i32 internalPort
5: required string roleType
struct TShowConfigNodesResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
2: optional list<TConfigNodeInfo> configNodesInfoList
// Show storageGroup
struct TStorageGroupInfo {
1: required string name
2: required i64 TTL
3: required i32 schemaReplicationFactor
4: required i32 dataReplicationFactor
5: required i64 timePartitionInterval
6: required i32 schemaRegionNum
7: required i32 dataRegionNum
struct TShowStorageGroupResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
// map<StorageGroupName, TStorageGroupInfo>
2: optional map<string, TStorageGroupInfo> storageGroupInfoMap
// Show regions
struct TShowRegionReq {
1: optional common.TConsensusGroupType consensusGroupType;
2: optional list<string> storageGroups
struct TRegionInfo {
1: required common.TConsensusGroupId consensusGroupId
2: required string storageGroup
3: required i32 dataNodeId
4: required string clientRpcIp
5: required i32 clientRpcPort
6: required i64 seriesSlots
7: required i64 timeSlots
8: optional string status
9: optional string roleType
struct TShowRegionResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
2: optional list<TRegionInfo> regionInfoList;
// Routing
struct TRegionRouteMapResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
// For version stamp
2: optional i64 timestamp
// The routing policy of read/write requests for each RegionGroup is based on the order in the TRegionReplicaSet.
// The replica with higher sorting result in TRegionReplicaSet will have higher priority.
3: optional map<common.TConsensusGroupId, common.TRegionReplicaSet> regionRouteMap
// Template
struct TCreateSchemaTemplateReq {
1: required string name
2: required binary serializedTemplate
struct TGetAllTemplatesResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
2: optional list<binary> templateList
struct TGetTemplateResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
2: optional binary template
struct TSetSchemaTemplateReq {
1: required string name
2: required string path
struct TGetPathsSetTemplatesResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
2: optional list<string> pathList
struct TPipeInfo {
1: required i64 createTime
2: required string pipeName
3: required string role
4: required string remote
5: required string status
6: required string message
struct TPipeSinkInfo {
1: required string pipeSinkName
2: required string pipeSinkType
3: optional map<string, string> attributes
struct TDropPipeSinkReq {
1: required string pipeSinkName
struct TGetPipeSinkReq {
1: optional string pipeSinkName
struct TGetPipeSinkResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
2: required list<TPipeSinkInfo> pipeSinkInfoList
struct TShowPipeResp {
1: required common.TSStatus status
2: optional list<TPipeInfo> pipeInfoList
struct TDeleteTimeSeriesReq{
1: required string queryId
2: required binary pathPatternTree
service IConfigNodeRPCService {
// ======================================================
// DataNode
// ======================================================
* Register a new DataNode into the cluster
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the new DataNode registered successfully
* DATANODE_ALREADY_REGISTERED if the DataNode already registered
TDataNodeRegisterResp registerDataNode(TDataNodeRegisterReq req)
* Generate a set of DataNodeRemoveProcedure to remove some specific DataNodes from the cluster
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the DataNodeRemoveProcedure submitted successfully
* LACK_REPLICATION if the number of DataNodes will be too small to maintain
* RegionReplicas after remove these DataNodes
* DATANODE_NOT_EXIST if one of the DataNodes in the TDataNodeRemoveReq doesn't exist in the cluster
* NODE_DELETE_FAILED_ERROR if failed to submit the DataNodeRemoveProcedure
TDataNodeRemoveResp removeDataNode(TDataNodeRemoveReq req)
* Get one or more DataNodes' configuration
* @param dataNodeId, the specific DataNode's index
* @return The specific DataNode's configuration if the DataNode exists,
* or all DataNodes' configuration if dataNodeId is -1
TDataNodeConfigurationResp getDataNodeConfiguration(i32 dataNodeId)
/** Report region migration complete */
common.TSStatus reportRegionMigrateResult(TRegionMigrateResultReportReq req)
// ======================================================
// StorageGroup
// ======================================================
* Set a new StorageGroup, all fields in TStorageGroupSchema can be customized
* while the undefined fields will automatically use default values
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the new StorageGroup set successfully
* PATH_ILLEGAL if the new StorageGroup's name is illegal
* STORAGE_GROUP_ALREADY_EXISTS if the StorageGroup already exist
common.TSStatus setStorageGroup(TSetStorageGroupReq req)
* Generate a DeleteStorageGroupProcedure to delete a specific StorageGroup
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the DeleteStorageGroupProcedure submitted successfully
* TIMESERIES_NOT_EXIST if the specific StorageGroup doesn't exist
* EXECUTE_STATEMENT_ERROR if failed to submit the DeleteStorageGroupProcedure
common.TSStatus deleteStorageGroup(TDeleteStorageGroupReq req)
* Generate a set of DeleteStorageGroupProcedure to delete some specific StorageGroups
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the DeleteStorageGroupProcedure submitted successfully
* TIMESERIES_NOT_EXIST if the specific StorageGroup doesn't exist
* EXECUTE_STATEMENT_ERROR if failed to submit the DeleteStorageGroupProcedure
common.TSStatus deleteStorageGroups(TDeleteStorageGroupsReq req)
/** Update the specific StorageGroup's TTL */
common.TSStatus setTTL(common.TSetTTLReq req)
/** Update the specific StorageGroup's SchemaReplicationFactor */
common.TSStatus setSchemaReplicationFactor(TSetSchemaReplicationFactorReq req)
/** Update the specific StorageGroup's DataReplicationFactor */
common.TSStatus setDataReplicationFactor(TSetDataReplicationFactorReq req)
/** Update the specific StorageGroup's PartitionInterval */
common.TSStatus setTimePartitionInterval(TSetTimePartitionIntervalReq req)
/** Count the matched StorageGroups */
TCountStorageGroupResp countMatchedStorageGroups(list<string> storageGroupPathPattern)
/** Get the matched StorageGroups' TStorageGroupSchema */
TStorageGroupSchemaResp getMatchedStorageGroupSchemas(list<string> storageGroupPathPattern)
// ======================================================
// SchemaPartition
// ======================================================
* Get SchemaPartitionTable by specific PathPatternTree,
* the returned SchemaPartitionTable will not contain the unallocated SeriesPartitionSlots
* See for detailed matching rules
TSchemaPartitionTableResp getSchemaPartitionTable(TSchemaPartitionReq req)
* Get or create SchemaPartitionTable by specific PathPatternTree,
* the returned SchemaPartitionTable always contains all the SeriesPartitionSlots
* since the unallocated SeriesPartitionSlots will be allocated by the way
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the SchemaPartitionTable got or created successfully
* NOT_ENOUGH_DATA_NODE if the number of cluster DataNodes is not enough for creating new SchemaRegions
* STORAGE_GROUP_NOT_EXIST if some StorageGroups don't exist
TSchemaPartitionTableResp getOrCreateSchemaPartitionTable(TSchemaPartitionReq req)
// ======================================================
// Node Management TODO: @MarcosZyk add interface annotation
// ======================================================
TSchemaNodeManagementResp getSchemaNodeManagementPartition(TSchemaNodeManagementReq req)
// ======================================================
// DataPartition
// ======================================================
* Get DataPartitionTable by specific PartitionSlotsMap,
* the returned DataPartitionTable will not contain the unallocated SeriesPartitionSlots and TimePartitionSlots
TDataPartitionTableResp getDataPartitionTable(TDataPartitionReq req)
* Get or create DataPartitionTable by specific PartitionSlotsMap,
* the returned SchemaPartitionTable always contains all the SeriesPartitionSlots and TimePartitionSlots
* since the unallocated SeriesPartitionSlots and TimePartitionSlots will be allocated by the way
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the DataPartitionTable got or created successfully
* NOT_ENOUGH_DATA_NODE if the number of cluster DataNodes is not enough for creating new DataRegions
* STORAGE_GROUP_NOT_EXIST if some StorageGroups don't exist
TDataPartitionTableResp getOrCreateDataPartitionTable(TDataPartitionReq req)
// ======================================================
// Authorize
// ======================================================
* Execute permission write operations such as create user, create role, and grant permission.
* There is no need to update the cache information of the DataNode for creating users and roles
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the permission write operation is executed successfully
* INVALIDATE_PERMISSION_CACHE_ERROR if the update cache of the permission information in the datanode fails
* EXECUTE_PERMISSION_EXCEPTION_ERROR if the permission write operation fails, like the user doesn't exist
* INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR if the permission type does not exist
common.TSStatus operatePermission(TAuthorizerReq req)
* Execute permission read operations such as list user
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the permission read operation is executed successfully
* ROLE_NOT_EXIST_ERROR if the role does not exist
* USER_NOT_EXIST_ERROR if the user does not exist
* INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR if the permission type does not exist
TAuthorizerResp queryPermission(TAuthorizerReq req)
* Authenticate user login
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the user exists and the correct username and password are entered
* WRONG_LOGIN_PASSWORD_ERROR if the user enters the wrong username or password
TPermissionInfoResp login(TLoginReq req)
* Permission checking for user operations
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the user has the permission
* EXECUTE_PERMISSION_EXCEPTION_ERROR if the seriesPath or the privilege is illegal.
* NO_PERMISSION_ERROR if the user does not have this permission
TPermissionInfoResp checkUserPrivileges(TCheckUserPrivilegesReq req)
// ======================================================
// ConfigNode
// ======================================================
* The Non-Seed-ConfigNode submit a registration request to the ConfigNode-leader when first startup
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the AddConfigNodeProcedure submitted successfully
* ERROR_GLOBAL_CONFIG if some global configurations in the Non-Seed-ConfigNode
* are inconsist with the ConfigNode-leader
common.TSStatus registerConfigNode(TConfigNodeRegisterReq req)
/** The ConfigNode-leader will guide the Non-Seed-ConfigNode to join the ConsensusGroup when first startup */
common.TSStatus addConsensusGroup(TAddConsensusGroupReq req)
/** The ConfigNode-leader will notify the Non-Seed-ConfigNode that the registration success */
common.TSStatus notifyRegisterSuccess()
* Remove the specific ConfigNode from the cluster
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the RemoveConfigNodeProcedure submitted successfully
* REMOVE_CONFIGNODE_FAILED if the number of ConfigNode is less than 1
* or the specific ConfigNode doesn't exist
* or the specific ConfigNode is leader
common.TSStatus removeConfigNode(common.TConfigNodeLocation configNodeLocation)
* Let the specific ConfigNode remove the ConsensusGroup
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if remove ConsensusGroup successfully
* REMOVE_CONFIGNODE_FAILED if the specific ConfigNode doesn't exist in the current cluster
* or Ratis internal failure
common.TSStatus removeConsensusGroup(common.TConfigNodeLocation configNodeLocation)
/** Stop the specific ConfigNode */
common.TSStatus stopConfigNode(common.TConfigNodeLocation configNodeLocation)
/** The ConfigNode-leader will ping other ConfigNodes periodically */
i64 getConfigNodeHeartBeat(i64 timestamp)
// ======================================================
// UDF
// ======================================================
* Create a function on all online ConfigNodes and DataNodes
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the function was created successfully
* EXECUTE_STATEMENT_ERROR if operations on any node failed
common.TSStatus createFunction(TCreateFunctionReq req)
* Remove a function on all online ConfigNodes and DataNodes
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the function was removed successfully
* EXECUTE_STATEMENT_ERROR if operations on any node failed
common.TSStatus dropFunction(TDropFunctionReq req)
// ======================================================
// Trigger
// ======================================================
* Create a statless trigger on all online DataNodes or Create a stateful trigger on a specific DataNode
* and sync Information of it to all ConfigNodes
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the trigger was created successfully
* EXECUTE_STATEMENT_ERROR if operations on any node failed
common.TSStatus createTrigger(TCreateTriggerReq req)
* Remove a trigger on all online ConfigNodes and DataNodes
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the function was removed successfully
* EXECUTE_STATEMENT_ERROR if operations on any node failed
common.TSStatus dropTrigger(TDropTriggerReq req)
* Return the trigger table of config leader
TGetTriggerTableResp getTriggerTable()
// ======================================================
// Maintenance Tools
// ======================================================
/** Execute Level Compaction and unsequence Compaction task on all DataNodes */
common.TSStatus merge()
/** Persist all the data points in the memory table of the storage group to the disk, and seal the data file on all DataNodes */
common.TSStatus flush(common.TFlushReq req)
/** Clear the cache of chunk, chunk metadata and timeseries metadata to release the memory footprint on all DataNodes */
common.TSStatus clearCache()
/** Load configuration on all DataNodes */
common.TSStatus loadConfiguration()
/** Set system status on DataNodes */
common.TSStatus setSystemStatus(string status)
// ======================================================
// Cluster Tools
// ======================================================
/** Show cluster ConfigNodes' and DataNodes' information */
TShowClusterResp showCluster()
/** Show cluster DataNodes' information */
TShowDataNodesResp showDataNodes()
/** Show cluster ConfigNodes' information */
TShowConfigNodesResp showConfigNodes()
/** Show cluster StorageGroups' information */
TShowStorageGroupResp showStorageGroup(list<string> storageGroupPathPattern)
* Show the matched cluster Regions' information
* See for detailed matching rules
TShowRegionResp showRegion(TShowRegionReq req)
// ======================================================
// Routing
// ======================================================
/** The ConfigNode-leader will generate and return a latest RegionRouteMap */
TRegionRouteMapResp getLatestRegionRouteMap()
// ======================================================
// Template TODO: @MarcosZyk add interface annotation
// ======================================================
common.TSStatus createSchemaTemplate(TCreateSchemaTemplateReq req)
TGetAllTemplatesResp getAllTemplates()
TGetTemplateResp getTemplate(string req)
common.TSStatus setSchemaTemplate(TSetSchemaTemplateReq req)
TGetPathsSetTemplatesResp getPathsSetTemplate(string req)
* Generate a set of DeleteTimeSeriesProcedure to delete some specific TimeSeries
* @return SUCCESS_STATUS if the DeleteTimeSeriesProcedure submitted and executed successfully
* TIMESERIES_NOT_EXIST if the specific TimeSeries doesn't exist
* EXECUTE_STATEMENT_ERROR if failed to submit or execute the DeleteTimeSeriesProcedure
common.TSStatus deleteTimeSeries(TDeleteTimeSeriesReq req)
// ======================================================
// Sync
// ======================================================
/** Create PipeSink */
common.TSStatus createPipeSink(TPipeSinkInfo req)
/** Drop PipeSink */
common.TSStatus dropPipeSink(TDropPipeSinkReq req)
/** Get PipeSink by name, if name is empty, get all PipeSink */
TGetPipeSinkResp getPipeSink(TGetPipeSinkReq req)