blob: e5d522bca18f8f8c1f4d6aeb17a600df39fa4539 [file] [log] [blame]
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export const zhSidebar = {
'/zh/UserGuide/V1.2.x/': [
text: 'IoTDB用户手册 (V1.2.x)',
children: [],
text: '关于IoTDB',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'IoTDB-Introduction/',
// children: 'structure', 使用该方式自动获取文件夹下的文件
children: [
{ text: 'IoTDB简介', link: 'What-is-IoTDB' },
{ text: '主要功能特点', link: 'Features' },
{ text: '系统架构', link: 'Architecture' },
{ text: '应用场景', link: 'Scenario' },
{ text: '研究论文', link: 'Publication' },
text: '快速上手',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'QuickStart/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: '快速上手', link: 'QuickStart' },
{ text: '集群快速上手', link: 'ClusterQuickStart' },
{ text: '下载与安装', link: 'WayToGetIoTDB' },
{ text: 'SQL命令行终端(CLI)', link: 'Command-Line-Interface' },
{ text: '数据文件存储', link: 'Files' },
text: '数据模式与概念',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'Data-Concept/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: '数据模型', link: 'Data-Model-and-Terminology' },
{ text: '元数据模板', link: 'Schema-Template' },
{ text: '数据类型', link: 'Data-Type' },
{ text: '死区处理', link: 'Deadband-Process' },
{ text: '编码方式', link: 'Encoding' },
{ text: '压缩方式', link: 'Compression' },
{ text: '数据的时间分区', link: 'Time-Partition' },
{ text: '时区', link: 'Time-zone' },
text: '语法约定',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'Syntax-Conventions/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: '字面值常量', link: 'Literal-Values' },
{ text: '标识符', link: 'Identifier' },
{ text: '路径结点名', link: 'NodeName-In-Path' },
{ text: '键值对', link: 'KeyValue-Pair' },
{ text: '关键字', link: 'Keywords-And-Reserved-Words' },
{ text: 'Session And TsFile API', link: 'Session-And-TsFile-API' },
{ text: '词法和文法详细定义', link: 'Detailed-Grammar' },
text: '应用编程接口',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'API/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: 'Java 原生接口', link: 'Programming-Java-Native-API' },
{ text: 'Python 原生接口', link: 'Programming-Python-Native-API' },
{ text: 'C++ 原生接口', link: 'Programming-Cpp-Native-API' },
{ text: 'Go 原生接口', link: 'Programming-Go-Native-API' },
{ text: 'JDBC (不推荐)', link: 'Programming-JDBC' },
{ text: 'MQTT', link: 'Programming-MQTT' },
{ text: 'REST API V1 (不推荐)', link: 'RestServiceV1' },
{ text: 'REST API V2', link: 'RestServiceV2' },
{ text: 'TsFile API', link: 'Programming-TsFile-API' },
{ text: 'InfluxDB 协议适配器', link: 'InfluxDB-Protocol' },
{ text: '原生接口对比', link: 'Interface-Comparison' },
text: '元数据操作',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'Operate-Metadata/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: '数据库操作', link: 'Database' },
{ text: '节点操作', link: 'Node' },
{ text: '时间序列操作', link: 'Timeseries' },
{ text: '元数据模板', link: 'Template' },
{ text: '自动创建元数据', link: 'Auto-Create-MetaData' },
text: '数据写入(数据更新)',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'Write-Data/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: 'CLI 写入数据', link: 'Write-Data' },
{ text: '原生接口写入', link: 'Session' },
{ text: 'REST 服务', link: 'REST-API' },
{ text: 'MQTT 写入', link: 'MQTT' },
{ text: '批量数据导入', link: 'Batch-Load-Tool' },
text: '数据删除',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'Delete-Data/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: '删除数据', link: 'Delete-Data' },
{ text: 'TTL', link: 'TTL' },
text: '数据查询',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'Query-Data/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: '概述', link: 'Overview' },
{ text: '选择表达式', link: 'Select-Expression' },
{ text: '最新点查询', link: 'Last-Query' },
{ text: '查询对齐模式', link: 'Align-By' },
{ text: '查询过滤条件', link: 'Where-Condition' },
{ text: '分段分组聚合', link: 'Group-By' },
{ text: '聚合结果过滤', link: 'Having-Condition' },
// { text:'结果集排序', link: 'Order-By' },
{ text: '结果集补空值', link: 'Fill' },
{ text: '结果集分页', link: 'Pagination' },
{ text: '查询写回', link: 'Select-Into' },
{ text: '连续查询', link: 'Continuous-Query' },
text: '运算符和函数',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'Operators-Functions/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: '概述', link: 'Overview' },
{ text: '用户自定义函数', link: 'User-Defined-Function' },
{ text: '聚合函数', link: 'Aggregation' },
{ text: '算数运算符和函数', link: 'Mathematical' },
{ text: '比较运算符和函数', link: 'Comparison' },
{ text: '逻辑运算符', link: 'Logical' },
{ text: '字符串处理', link: 'String' },
{ text: '数据类型转换', link: 'Conversion' },
{ text: '常序列生成', link: 'Constant' },
{ text: '选择函数', link: 'Selection' },
{ text: '区间查询', link: 'Continuous-Interval' },
{ text: '趋势计算', link: 'Variation-Trend' },
{ text: '采样函数', link: 'Sample' },
{ text: '时间序列处理', link: 'Time-Series' },
{ text: 'Lambda 表达式', link: 'Lambda' },
{ text: '条件表达式', link: 'Conditional' },
// IoTDB-Quality
{ text: '数据画像', link: 'Data-Profiling' },
{ text: '异常检测', link: 'Anomaly-Detection' },
{ text: '数据匹配', link: 'Data-Matching' },
{ text: '频域分析', link: 'Frequency-Domain' },
{ text: '数据质量', link: 'Data-Quality' },
{ text: '数据修复', link: 'Data-Repairing' },
{ text: '序列发现', link: 'Series-Discovery' },
{ text: '机器学习', link: 'Machine-Learning' },
text: '触发器',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'Trigger/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: '使用说明', link: 'Instructions' },
{ text: '编写触发器', link: 'Implement-Trigger' },
{ text: '管理触发器', link: 'Trigger-Management' },
{ text: '重要注意事项', link: 'Notes' },
{ text: '配置参数', link: 'Configuration-Parameters' },
text: '监控告警',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'Monitor-Alert/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: '监控工具', link: 'Metric-Tool' },
{ text: '告警机制', link: 'Alerting' },
text: '权限管理',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'Administration-Management/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: '权限管理', link: 'Administration' },
text: '运维工具',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'Maintenance-Tools/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: '运维命令', link: 'Maintenance-Command' },
{ text: '日志工具', link: 'Log-Tool' },
{ text: 'JMX 工具', link: 'JMX-Tool' },
{ text: 'Mlog解析工具', link: 'MLogParser-Tool' },
{ text: 'IoTDB数据文件夹概览工具', link: 'IoTDB-Data-Dir-Overview-Tool' },
{ text: 'TsFile概览工具', link: 'TsFile-Sketch-Tool' },
{ text: 'TsFile Resource概览工具', link: 'TsFile-Resource-Sketch-Tool' },
{ text: 'TsFile 拆分工具', link: 'TsFile-Split-Tool' },
{ text: 'TsFile 导入导出工具', link: 'TsFile-Load-Export-Tool' },
{ text: 'CSV 导入导出工具', link: 'CSV-Tool' },
text: '端云协同',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'Edge-Cloud-Collaboration/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: 'TsFile 同步工具', link: 'Sync-Tool' },
text: '系统集成',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'Ecosystem-Integration/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: 'Grafana-Plugin', link: 'Grafana-Plugin' },
{ text: 'Grafana-Connector(不推荐)', link: 'Grafana-Connector' },
{ text: 'Zeppelin-IoTDB', link: 'Zeppelin-IoTDB' },
{ text: 'DBeaver-IoTDB', link: 'DBeaver' },
{ text: 'MapReduce-TsFile', link: 'MapReduce-TsFile' },
{ text: 'Spark-TsFile', link: 'Spark-TsFile' },
{ text: 'Spark-IoTDB', link: 'Spark-IoTDB' },
{ text: 'Hive-TsFile', link: 'Hive-TsFile' },
{ text: 'Flink-IoTDB', link: 'Flink-IoTDB' },
{ text: 'Flink-TsFile', link: 'Flink-TsFile' },
{ text: 'NiFi-IoTDB', link: 'NiFi-IoTDB' },
{ text: 'Workbench', link: 'Workbench' },
text: '分布式',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'Cluster/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: '基本概念', link: 'Cluster-Concept' },
{ text: '分布式部署', link: 'Cluster-Setup' },
{ text: '分布式运维命令', link: 'Cluster-Maintenance' },
{ text: '部署推荐', link: 'Deployment-Recommendation' },
text: 'FAQ',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'FAQ/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: '常见问题', link: 'Frequently-asked-questions' },
{ text: '分布式部署FAQ', link: 'FAQ-for-cluster-setup' },
text: '参考',
collapsible: true,
prefix: 'Reference/',
// children: 'structure',
children: [
{ text: '公共配置参数', link: 'Common-Config-Manual' },
{ text: 'ConfigNode配置参数', link: 'ConfigNode-Config-Manual' },
{ text: 'DataNode配置参数', link: 'DataNode-Config-Manual' },
{ text: 'SQL参考文档', link: 'SQL-Reference' },
{ text: '状态码', link: 'Status-Codes' },
{ text: '关键字', link: 'Keywords' },
{ text: '时间序列数据库比较', link: 'TSDB-Comparison' },