blob: 8f99211b8a7bc5460eecf04b648ce101619a0b33 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.iotdb.confignode.manager.partition;
import org.apache.iotdb.commons.cluster.RegionStatus;
import org.apache.iotdb.tsfile.utils.Pair;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import static org.apache.iotdb.confignode.manager.node.BaseNodeCache.HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_TIME;
import static org.apache.iotdb.confignode.manager.node.BaseNodeCache.MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE;
public class RegionCache {
private final List<RegionHeartbeatSample> slidingWindow;
// Indicates the version of the statistics
private volatile long versionTimestamp;
private volatile RegionStatus status;
private volatile boolean isLeader;
public RegionCache() {
this.slidingWindow = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<>());
this.versionTimestamp = 0;
this.status = RegionStatus.Unknown;
this.isLeader = false;
public void cacheHeartbeatSample(RegionHeartbeatSample newHeartbeatSample) {
synchronized (slidingWindow) {
// Only sequential HeartbeatSamples are accepted.
// And un-sequential HeartbeatSamples will be discarded.
if (slidingWindow.size() == 0
|| getLastSample().getSendTimestamp() < newHeartbeatSample.getSendTimestamp()) {
if (slidingWindow.size() > MAXIMUM_WINDOW_SIZE) {
public void updateStatistics() {
synchronized (slidingWindow) {
RegionHeartbeatSample lastSample = getLastSample();
if (lastSample.getSendTimestamp() > versionTimestamp) {
versionTimestamp = lastSample.getSendTimestamp();
isLeader = lastSample.isLeader();
status =
System.currentTimeMillis() - versionTimestamp > HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT_TIME
? RegionStatus.Unknown
: RegionStatus.Running;
public RegionStatus getStatus() {
return status;
/** @return Pair<Last update time, is leader> */
public Pair<Long, Boolean> isLeader() {
return new Pair<>(versionTimestamp, isLeader);
private RegionHeartbeatSample getLastSample() {
return slidingWindow.get(slidingWindow.size() - 1);